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 Jan 2017 Bethanybelove
Earl Jane

I'll plant a kiss in your lips,
So that a smile will grow in it,
Then its roots will reach into your heart and soul,
And that love will be its fruit.

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon ❤❤

***. Lol. I didn't realize this became the daily poem ON MY BIRTHDAY. Hahaha.. Lots stuff are happening today and I am really happy. Thank you everyone
 Jan 2017 Bethanybelove
one word to set your song free
one vein to follow till its end
from thin air a poet sings.
 Jan 2017 Bethanybelove
Jo King
Oh my, I never thought I would do this?
I am completely in love with you?
And how might I know this?
Well, every time I see you it's like I'm in the 1920s
I hear jazz music and my heart begins to sway
Yet this is all so new to me
You're the reason I live now
Hell, you're love could start a war

But here's the thing
We fight
We bicker
I cry and you get mad
But I am in love!
I wouldn't trade the fighting and the bickering for anyone else
Never could I ever
Because I know about the drugs on the street
But when you came into life I started drugs
You were the drug that has brown eyes and a heart beat
For the boys that have brown eyes and soft hands
 Jan 2017 Bethanybelove
Lora Lee
Avert thy gaze
lest you want me
to place my eyes
    upon your very soul
           ******* you down
                 to the sparks
             in your bones    
Stripped bare,
      your cells will unravel,
           the very tectonic plates
                              of your being
       shifting and tripping
           the ripe dew of my lashes
Please, do not spread your
silken milky way
of treasures,
all of your precious jewels
exposed to the light
of the darkest night
in mysterious pleasures
For they will reflect
in the blues of my retinas
You will be speechless
for the lack of need
                        for words
I will only handle them
               with utmost care
unless, of course
you want it rough
    and flung out into the ether
           dashed upon rocks of our
                                      liquid beings
                                           in the mewing
                                   writhing wild
                 of the dark hours
And I
will take the delicacy
of your petalsilk
and ****** it into
planes of healing
It might hurt,
just by pure release of pain
but I will rock you
after your skin has
sloughed off
to reveal earthen wombs
and ***** and scars
that are only made of the
           fibers of our stars
I will rock your
            tender vibrations
                          until your very soul
                               quakes and crumbles
                   trembling into the bright
      the exposure of darkness
mixed together with light
So let me
gather you up
into the fragile sinews
of my very layers
of flesh
          of heartstrings
                          of broken
                                  and holy
let me pull you to me
in a whirlwind
of sacred and
that roll, like
silent thunder
into the potency
     of night
 Jan 2017 Bethanybelove
Faintly January,
enthroned by tradition...
yet time is too full with singular
Older than The New
Year, younger than last year.
Minute detail pulsing
over the lip of The Cup.
Collision of cause and effect...
karma's confession.
Thought, out-thought...
just the crushing crux
of diamonds, being caught
by the right light...
faintly January.
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