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"Why can't you be normal?"

"Why can't you feel emotions like every other human being?"

"Why do you have to be so sensitive?"

"Why did you say that?"

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Why can't you just. Be. Normal?"
Fun questions; am I right?
 Apr 2020 Rollercoaster
Monsters don’t exist
Still, we are very afraid
Because we made them
Monsters. A concept so often used to represent anything dislikable to society, which we are afraid of. Yet literal monsters don’t exist.
 Apr 2020 Rollercoaster
Eitten S
<                             Friend                             (i)
                                        ­                        (Hey)>
<(Hey, hows it going?)
                                             (Pretty good, I’ve)
                                             (been writing a   )
                                             (lot of poetry...  )>
<(. . .)
One I didn’t send....
(I’m actually not)
(doing so well...)
 Apr 2020 Rollercoaster
Aryan Sam
 Apr 2020 Rollercoaster
Aryan Sam
Years ago
We stayed up till
3 am talking,
And today
I don’t even know
How to say hi,
 Apr 2020 Rollercoaster
 Apr 2020 Rollercoaster
sometimes i wish i wasn't so good at hiding my emotions.
i really need a hug.

— The End —