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 Feb 2016 Beinghonest
Star Gazer
My vision is twenty-twenty,
With my peripheral I see plenty.
My sight is completely appropriate,
If it is not perfect, it is appropriate.
Oh how I wish I had glasses,
So I could take them off in an instant,
Be a different identity,
Be a different me,
The way Clark Kent shifts to Superman,
I want to shift to someone else,
Anyone other than me.
But am I enough
For you to write a poem?
'Nuff said.
 Feb 2016 Beinghonest
The thing is
I didnt want you to kiss me
I just wanted to hear you say that you love me

They may say that action speaks louder than words
But words are clearer than actions

I can feel your emotions screaming loud
But the thing is
its just loud, but definitely unclear
There are times when I just want to hear a certain phrase from you
 Feb 2016 Beinghonest
Star Gazer
Thank you to mystery girl,
Who showed me life can still be fun.
Thank you to Lucinda
Who showed me I'm not as bad as my mind sees.
Thank you to SPT
Who showed me what being a grown up really means.
That sometimes life will not be in your favour,
But still enjoy it.
Thank you to Nameless
Who showed me that there's always someone who can help,
That sometimes giving up is the best option.
Thank you to Impeccable Space Poettess,
Who showed me that sometimes a little care goes a long way,
Thank you to Julie
Who showed me that no matter how heavy a heartbreak is,
It will come to pass.
That although people walk different paths,
The experiences are similar.
Thank you to Mandie
Who showed me that if you follow your dreams,
You will find your happy place.
And thank you blaine,
For showing me the first of many experiences.
That if fate did intertwine, it will always instill a better lesson.
 Feb 2016 Beinghonest
Star Gazer
 Feb 2016 Beinghonest
Star Gazer
You use to leave me breathless once,
Now you just leave me.
It is only fair that I do the same.
Bye to the game of chasing love,
Bye to the constant attempt at your heart,
Bye to the hope that we might align once again,
Bye to any future I might have with you.
Simply short Bye.
I can't do this anymore.
 Feb 2016 Beinghonest
The Dedpoet
You could not wait til halftime to check your poem or add one.

2. You wrote a sonnet about pretty horses. (Broncos)

3.You wrote a poem about kittens.(Panthers)

4. As the ball soars through the air, you are reminded of a bird in flight.

5. A Superbowl commercial inspired a new poem.

6. You paused the game with your DVR to write a piece.

7. You think the referees look like majestic Zebra on the African plains.

8. You ponder the coin toss and wonder of chance and philosophical questions as to whether life is like a paradox, then write yourself a poem about it.

9. When a tackle is made, you think upon the animalistic nature of humanity and write a haiku about it.

10. There is a notebook and pen right next to your remote and munchies.

11. You have a neck ache due to looking at your hellopoetry site and then back up at the t.v.

12. You write  Peyton Manning farewell poem.

13. The commentator of the game makes a poetical statement and you use it in your latest poem.

14. The crowd boos a player and you feel compelled to write the pain of number 94 in a poem.

15. Last but not least, you might be a poet if you are reading this and the game is on.
 Feb 2016 Beinghonest
Star Gazer
Smiles form cheek to cheek,
I've finally had my first,
Love, Heartbreak, Healing.
I was happy to found love and to experience true heartbreak for the first time. Knowing when to just put it all away is the best feeling. Looking forward to more experience with love and heartbreaks. :)
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