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Haunted by the thought of you.

Nightmares terrorize
And torment my slumber,
Even though you're gone.

As if you never left.
Like I had never even ran.

Kicking my face in.
Pushing me to death.

You shower me with maggots.
And as they pour down my body,
And death seems like a gift,
You keep me.

Just enough.

To keep me.
Bruised and broken
Lost and confused
Painful memories
Loved yet misused

Kicked to the curb
Pushed aside
Pulled by the hair
No one who cares

A life lived in pain
Running away
Alone into the forest
Suicide in Pouring Rain.
Promise me this:
Promise you won't call anymore.
And you won't send me flowers.
You won't listen to our song.
And you won't build me all these towers.
You won't speak to me ever.
Nor write me a single letter.
*But over all, promise me you'll keep breaking your promises,
especially the ones you just vowed to.
37 seconds
that's all it took before I hung up the phone
that's all it took for me to see that you didn't care
at least not like you used to

so much silence
normally our silence is comfortable and filled with love
normally our silence breaks with laughter
but not this time

we said that we were ok
we said that we were gonna be fine
so how then does everything feel so broken
she is like a feather drifting in the breeze,
nobody knows her past nor who lost her,
but nevertheless they want to catch her
and have her as their own,
even for just a little while-
a possession to be desired
but never to be gained;
she always stays just far enough away
when she takes her leave,
blowing away on a new gust of wind
everyone stares after her.
He dreamt of darkness,
of falling from a high place,
of flashing lights, dark shades of red-
He dreamt of death,
but never with dread nor fear.
He dreamt of his suicide
jumping ship, flying home
to have a new beginning.
When he walked,
he acted as if his dreams
had never happened;
at no time did he ever reveal
that his only fear
was reality.
Maybe someone
dropped my soul
before it was sewn
into this body

Maybe that's why
I ache in every breath.
Maybe that's the reason
I break so easily

People don't need an excuse
for their sorrow,
but I search for one

Maybe someone
dropped my soul
before it was sewn
into the seams
of my existence

and maybe they just
forgot to brush it off
Why goodbye is always so sad..
The unspoken deep emotion
The longing hearts
The Endless sobs
The Pouring tears
The unanswered questions
Till the person you're reluctant to let go
is back..
Wrap tight in your hug again...

Don't ever say good bye then..
if it is too heart breaking...
to depart..
Just disappear in the thin air..
and never return again..
Just go missing somewhere far...
and never show your face again
so we do not have to bear
this costly emotional wound again...
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