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 Nov 2015 Basbee
Arcassin B
by Arcassin Burnham

Broken hearts make broken spirits,
Tainted souls make ****** people,
ignorance makes bliss and water sprouts
a rose,
I'll always be with you no matter where
you go,
I am the tainted soul watching over
I am not a man I can't do this on my
this is the eighteenth time I can count
on my pride to go home,
And I'm free,
was a slave to people,
now all I could be is me.


see you in my dreams,
see you in the oceans,
see you in the mirror,
see you in class,
see you in books,
see you in the shower,
see you on t.v every night by the hour,
everything becomes clear,
but when you kiss me it just starts fade away,
and when your near,
I get a sense of reality that you'd come here,
just take me with you,
see you in my dreams,
see you in the oceans,
see you in the mirror,
see you in class,
see you in books,
see you in the shower,
my beautiful demon.
 Nov 2015 Basbee
o                    oo
oo                       oo
ooo                       ooo
ooo                    ooo

eternity it
   seems like•dang-
ling your hook in the
sea of life•hoping for bre-
am, salmon or pike•one of
which would make the perfect
wife•many a fish in rivers and lakes
•plenty more awaiting in oceans and seas•
many would do whatever it takes • battling
the days' heat  and  nights' breeze • wishing
upon      many moonbeams•followed      by
•            the  passing of indifferent          •
sun-rays •waiting an
entire  lifetime
it seems
•just to
finally land
that coveted catch 
  of the                 day 
   •                           •

Concrete Poem 6 of 30

Tap on the hashtag "30daysofconcrete" below to view more offerings in the series. :)
 Nov 2015 Basbee
Liz And Lilacs
They say the eyes are
windows to the soul..
So why are yours so empty?
 Nov 2015 Basbee
 Nov 2015 Basbee
My back parallel to the ground
as my nerves and vessels in my head swell.
Puffed eyelids shut gently,
my fingers shiver.
Heavy heart beats with a stagnant beat,
tears flushing down like a waterfall..
forming puddles on my collar bone
before drowning me into a pool
of melancholy and despair.

**Wondering what's in store for me tomorrow,
only if it comes..
#tears #drowningme #tomorrow
#anotherday #notpromised #theirvoices
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