Behind the cattails
Hidden from everyone's view
I see her tail twitch
She is so alert
Focusing on the river
Never minding me
Beautiful feline
Sitting beside river's edge
Watching the water
Finally I see
What's captured her gaze so long
Swimming little fish
She bats her paws in
The water to try and catch
Tiny, scared minnow
She will never leave
Or give up before she will
Attack her own prey
But then she sees it
Walking through the tall green grass
A tiny field mouse
So she crouches down
And creeps up behind her prey
Now she will attack
Now her claws eject
The cat huntress, she has caught
Supper for herself
Proudly she picks up
Her prey from off of the ground
Then she heads for home
There she shares dinner
With her family of four
Cute baby kittens
Just a poem about a fictional cat huntress
Who has caught dinner for her kittens!!! :) ~~~~~<3
However, I dedicate this poem to Lady Jane
And all other cats out there!!! :) ~~~<3
Please enjoy these multiple haikus/senryus!!! ~~~~<3