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How barren a stranger has made me feel
Like everything I touch isn't for real
How I can't even sleep or take a meal
Filled with regret signing the devils deal
The soft glow of candlelight dismisses the passing time,
As the sounds of the world fills the void of space.

In a whisper the wind speaks and says this is the place;
Where we were meant to lie and our hearts beat as one.
An old poem filled with lost sentiments
 Jul 2016 Autumn Briarhart
When I was ten,
It didn't matter that my legs weren't hairless;
I was just a girl -
It was shameless.

That was the year it all ended,
And suddenly,
I was supposed to be a woman.
Suddenly my legs
And all the spaces in between
Weren't mine, but his.

When I turned fifteen,
I thought he wanted my new hairless legs;
I thought being a woman
Would make him love me
And the woman I was going to be.
But I was a girl.
I was shameless.

And it was easy to pretend I wanted it,
Easy to pretend that I wanted what hurt.
It was easy,
It was shameless,
Until I was crying on the bathroom floor,
Missing a period.

And that was just the thing -
That my own blood was a sin.
I couldn't bleed,
Because being a woman was wrong.
And I thought that's what he wanted,
I thought that's what he wanted all along.

He wanted me to be a woman
When it was his hands on my thighs,
His hands on my waist,
His hands covering my eyes.

He wanted me to be a woman until I was:
Until I had hair on my legs
And all the spaces in between.
And suddenly I was supposed to be ten,
I was supposed to be a girl,
I was supposed to be shameless.

I wasn't a woman;
I was small.
I was young.
And it hurt.

As I near twenty years,
I think of being ten,
I think of being fifteen,
And I feel no different.
I'm still small,
I still curl up on my bedroom floor.
I still have pink walls
And red painted toes
Because I'm a girl,
And that's the worst of it all.
The joy of nicotine gum
Pencils the size of your pinky finger
& the smell of ****
I August I believed
I had finally found

I hadn't though
But that's okay
15 March 2015
I scare myself
I laugh at the silence
I cry myself to sleep
I scream at nothing
I cut so deep
I dance when in pain
I prefer the rain
I believe happiness is fake
I don't really like cake
I prefer life to be sour
I can't be optimistic
I love expecting the worst
I think I enjoy being hurt
I have so many secrets
I sometimes give them to the world
I hate this game
I'm not me
I act like someone else
I'm only me around him
I should move on
I hate being in love
I refuse to end charades
I will write my life away
25 May 2014 (eighth grade year) My how I have grown up. I am such a proudly different person than I was back then. That wasn't love; it was infatuation. That wasn't masochism; that was abuse. That wasn't real. How do I not remember that little girl of 14
Let's run back to the
Very start,
Let's pretend that we never
Broke each other's hearts.
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