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I am your pillow underneath your head,
Where you scream all your nasty thoughts when,
You are mad.
Or where your blood shot eyes,
release their lonely tears when,
You are sad.

I am your pillow
I can hear you speak
When you whisper
All your deepest thoughts
Into Me.

- N. Morin
Stab me in the heart again
To prove that I'm not alive.
Long ago the feelings stopped
And my emotions died.
No tears are cried
My eyes are dry.
I'm waiting for this to end.

I'm happy though enough to say.
That I had at least one friend.

- N. Morin
My eyes shut, then open.
We're in your room again.
Laughing. Talking.
You're looking at me.
With those eyes.
Those eyes.
They're beautiful.
I've never seen eyes like these.
They lock me in.
I can't look away.
I don't want to look away.
Then you say it.
" Do you want to kiss me? "
Of course.
It happens.
My lips meet yours.
I can feel your presence.
Warm on my skin.
My eyes were open, but open again.
I'm in bed.
And all I can think is.
I didn't die last night.

- N. Morin
"Be better then okay"
She said.
I want to be, I do
You break away the walls I made
Lets play a game of "Clue"
Put down the razor from your skin
I'll extinguish every flame
You and I are worlds apart
And yet we seem the same
Or maybe I see what I want
Because you make me feel alright
You lock me in with piercing eyes
The prettiest of sights.

- N. Morin
Sleep for me tonight
Because I can't do it myself
Shut your eyes and dream of me
I swear I'm in good health
You shut your eyes and fall asleep
And my eyelids begin to fall
The morning comes without a blink
And my name is all you call
But no, I'm not responding
My heart without a beat
You punch and kick, I won't wake up
Finally Sleep.

- N. Morin

— The End —