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Shadows of Night Feb 2015
You said you were my friends,
You said that you'd tell me everything you thought about me,
You made promises to me that you couldn't keep..
It's my fault for believing you.

I believed every lie you said,
I even thought you were my bestest friend.
I loved you like a sister,
I thought you were my family.

I trusted you for the longest time,
But you've always been keeping secrets, haven't you?
You left out how much you hated me,
How much pain I caused you just by being near.

Were all your kind words and laughs... were they all fake?
Was I living a lie that I thought was right?
All I've ever done was wipe the tears from your cheeks...
But I was the one who caused them, wasn't I?

You told me ever stupid thing I've done wrong,
You yelled at me and shattered my heart,
You made me look like a fool in front of the entire class.
You laughed at me when you saw the tears in my eyes.

I learned the truth this day, this very day,
That every kind thing I've ever done was ridiculed.
That two of my best friends talked about me behind my back,
And pointed out my every flaw.

When you pointed out all my mistakes,
All the pain I never tried to cause,
You grinned and I cried.
My heart broke while yours grew stronger.

Nobody spoke up to defend me,
They just listened to your every word, believing every bit.
I can't even look myself in the mirror now,
Without my heart crumbling to dust.

All my friends that I've ever loved....
Why do they tell other people what I do, instead of coming to me?
Instead of telling me that I should fix it,
They talk behind my back... stabbing me with a ****** knife.

I've lost all control know, I can't take this pain anymore...
Why have you done this?
Was your goal, from the very beginning, aimed to break my heart?
I think, I understand now, whose fault it really is...

It's my fault for believing all my friends when they said I could trust them.
*(True story that happened about a month ago.
Shadows of Night Feb 2015
I've been hiding for so long,
I've always been here.
Waiting for somebody to notice me.
I smile, I curve my lips,
But nobody gives me a second glance.

That real smile weeks ago has diminished to a fake,
A mask, I wear,
Concealing my true face.
They've pushed me to the sides,
As if I had never existed at all.

Since they didn't care for the real me,
This is who I've become,
A fragment of their nightmares.
That girl nobody cared for, she's crying,
The tears running down her face.

"nobody cares" "shut up"
They've all said to her.
Nobody gave her.... nobody gave ME...
A second glance.
I was a girl nobody cared for, the one swept underneath the bed.

Don't look under the bed at the girl with the hidden face,
Her face streaked with tears,
A broken and shattered heart.
She used to be real, but they turned her fake,
Nobody ever once cared.

But SHE looked.
That one girl... with the short dark brown hair,
Her eyes flicked with gold.
She looked under her bed, where the outcasts were sent,
And she actually saw me, instead of seeing past.

She had a smile that even a billion words could not capture,
She looked at me and said,
"Why hello there. I care about you."
And again the girl under the bed started to cry...
But this time it wasn't from sadness.
Shadows of Night Oct 2014
Shrinking in a corner,
pressed into the wall;
do they know I'm present,
am I here at all?

Is there a written rule book,
that tells you how to be-
all the right things to talk about-
that everybody has but me?

Slowly, I am withering-
a flower deprived of sun;
longing to belong to,
​somewhere or someone.

— The End —