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Sep 2015 · 540
High School Sweet Heart
Arianna G Sep 2015
Nothing else matters when I'm with you
This is the third night in a row
We've watched the sun rise from my window
Jun 2015 · 1.1k
Your flowers.
Arianna G Jun 2015
You handed me this bouquet a week ago today
White like the socks you were wearing
I couldn't keep my eyes off the floor
We danced in my room
I stepped on your socks
Your smile bloomed
I missed that smile
Your bright petals
These flowers haven't withered
May 2015 · 396
Car Parts
Arianna G May 2015
Your shallow personality
Your shallow compassion
Your shallow grief
Your shallow emotions
Your shallow expressions

Your shallow love

I'm going off the deep end
May 2015 · 1.1k
Airport Security
Arianna G May 2015
They say home is where the heart is,
Well in that case, my home is you.
The urgency for airports and foreign places has greatly subsided.
How can this be?
Yearning for unknown places and pretending I know where I need to be.
You see, home is where the heart is.
Adventure is awaiting.
And all along this adventure was you.
May 2015 · 4.3k
Saltwater Pearls
Arianna G May 2015
Lustrous but also lackluster
We are gems yet salvaged
Formed inside of a shelled world

Waves waning and whining
Sailors nauseated on our waters
Drifting towards an aggrandized land
Where they might find us oysters in the sand

They'll tear them open,
In search of what only we bear
Camouflaged amongst the cultured,
Or even those with nothing there

We are wild,
Yes we are rare
Open up to me,
We've so many layers to share

Your metallic smile,
Your iridescent articulation
Everything happened so naturally
A miracle to be in the same location

They won't crack us,
For our muscles will defend
Our valuable and vulnerable interior
From the worlds vinegary intent
Apr 2014 · 19.4k
Her Eyes
Arianna G Apr 2014
I can feel them on my skin.
I feel their electricity, so powerfully pleasing, pulling me in.
Every glance, makes my stomach dance.
The longer it lingers, I ache for her fingers laced between mine.
it's only in those moments
that things seem fine.
Apr 2014 · 1.4k
Electronic Waste
Arianna G Apr 2014
Mouth agape
Shoving food into your mouth that you can't even taste
Expressionless face
Focused on colors dancing around in that empty box
Forgetting to blink
You're in a trance and unable to think

Dumbing you down for decades
With it's detrimental façade
Mar 2014 · 376
Simply Put
Arianna G Mar 2014
Entwining words together to create
Beautiful feelings isn't my forte.
Entwining my fingers with yours
Makes me feel beautiful.
Mar 2014 · 1.5k
Forgetful Minds
Arianna G Mar 2014
It's puzzling, really.
How in a year from now, you won't remember that sunset you lost yourself in.
Or how your fingernails are painted orange just like it.
You won't remember stumbling over that crack in the sidewalk
Because you were trying to recall the colors that make up her eyes.
Not focused on maintaining a steady stride.
And the smell of this room,
Will be soon be gone too.
Always far too soon.
It's like they never happened,
These little moments that fill up our everyday lives.
It's the ordinary things like these that matter

— The End —