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Jul 2020 · 134
A Blizzard Jul 2020
Tell me which was harder
Letting me go or
Leading me on?
Mar 2020 · 144
ending too soon
A Blizzard Mar 2020
Caution to the wind,
Will I ever see you again?
as soon as I open up something intervenes
Feb 2020 · 147
A Blizzard Feb 2020
falling fast or falling slow
Does it matter when you’re the only one in tow?
Short and sweet
Nov 2019 · 423
A Blizzard Nov 2019
In this age of apathy I find it kind of comforting to know I haven’t went a day without crying for you.
my heart is still broken and I miss you more than anything. Happy Birthday Grandma.
A Blizzard Nov 2019
“You’re like another sister to me”
My smile faded shortly after that
Nov 2019 · 169
imaginary worlds
A Blizzard Nov 2019
In the second hand book store,
Among the dusty aisles of monstrous books
You will find a little girl.
She has mousy brown hair, hanging loose and tangled around her chubby cheeks.
In her big brown eyes she holds the endless possibilities of imaginary worlds.
In her hands she is clutching countless books
Some say she looks ***** and grubby
But if you look closely you’ll see that
her books are clean and pristine
For she so loved her books so much that
she was too busy in her fictional worlds
to care about reality
Sep 2019 · 356
The Loss
A Blizzard Sep 2019
Speechless and frozen I sat as tears streamed down my face
The shock still hasn’t faded
Thirteen hour car ride to my favorite place
Only to not see you sitting in your chair by the fireplace

The shock still hasn’t faded
I’m laying in your bed
Surrounded by the smell of you
Swaddled in your blankets, my head is nestled where yours should have been tonight
I miss you every single day.
Jul 2019 · 261
I love you
A Blizzard Jul 2019
I’ll never believe him
When he says he loves me
Until I leave him
Why is it so hard to believe?
Jul 2019 · 167
how come?
A Blizzard Jul 2019
how come if he says he loves me I run instantly back
to the one who never even mentioned that?
conflict with my emotions, what's new? I wish I had someone to talk to.
Jul 2019 · 187
A Blizzard Jul 2019
You don’t seem to see how much I need you
And I can’t seem to be able to tell you
Should I tell him that I need him more than he thinks?
Jul 2019 · 204
A Blizzard Jul 2019
I never knew
I could find solace in this hole
You made in my soul
I don’t know what to write about currently so I’m gonna do some small things for now.
Apr 2019 · 343
Dead Weight
A Blizzard Apr 2019
Sometimes I feel as though
I am a dead weight just following
Along in everyone else’s wake
A Blizzard Apr 2019
Hey, it’s me.
I don’t want to hurt our friendship or anything.
But I’ve been wanting to tell you this for awhile now,
So you are my sun.
You bring me light in everything I do.
You make my dark days brighter,
my lonely nights better,
and my happy days happier.
I couldn’t imagine a world where we weren’t friends,
where you weren’t there for me and I for you.
You make me laugh when all I want to do is cry.
And you dry my tears when I do.
I’m the one you call when you’ve had one too many, still though I’m not sure if that’s a good thing.
You’re the one I want to call when I have any type of good news and bad.
I lean on you like a ladder on a house, I’m scared of falling but you keep me sound.
Anyway, are we still on for breakfast after work?
if I had more courage maybe I’d tell him this. This is kinda lame, it’s not really a poem more of a train of thought
Mar 2019 · 183
A Blizzard Mar 2019
Tearing a path through the night
Making the darkness so suddenly bright

Coughing up smoke
And trying not to choke

I wondered how could something made up
Of air and flame be so loud and deafening

Trying to see through the haze
Can I make it through this maze?

Listening for the call
Wondering if anyone will hear me at all

Reaching out a hand
Feeling my way through this strange hot land

Awakening to the bright hospital lights
I keep telling myself it’ll be alright
My neighbors house caught on fire. I was the first to notice. Couldn’t sleep so I decided to write,
Mar 2019 · 295
A Blizzard Mar 2019
With an expert like flourish of your hand and a deepening crease in between your brows the belt cracks across my face and I close my eyes to accept my fate.
Nov 2018 · 206
A Blizzard Nov 2018
Stormy weather on the sea
Tearing us apart everyday
Only knowing this kills me
Realizing you’re growing faraway
Me and you staying together can only mean
You and me can sail through any weather
Written for someone very close to me
Nov 2018 · 202
In the End
A Blizzard Nov 2018
Never taking “no” as an answer,
Always swearing we’ll be together.
Disguising your tears and trying to hide
In the end you never wanted me near.
Maybe I was blind and you couldn’t hear
Nov 2018 · 222
Soft Blush
A Blizzard Nov 2018
soft golden light shines
through the window into
your dark brown eyes

soft tan freckles dance
across your nose and
dust your cheeks

soft pink lips form
a slow sweet smile
waiting for my kiss

soft sweet sound fills
the room when your
smile turns to laughter
Nov 2018 · 348
Eyes Wide
A Blizzard Nov 2018
She looked at the world through squinted eyes
But the moment she opened her eyes
She saw the world in a wide-eyed wonder and
She could not be content with squinting anymore
not one of my best, I wrote this last year on my bus ride home
Nov 2018 · 276
Going Under
A Blizzard Nov 2018
There are flecks of
Salt on my tongue,
The sea replaces the
Blood in my veins, and
I can feel the sand on my skin.
But the sting of the
Air in my lungs remain.
Probably one of my favorite poems I've written and one of the firsts.
Nov 2018 · 161
A Blizzard Nov 2018
Listening to her heartbeat
As I lay in our bed
Unwise to the shaking of my hands
Relaxing into her heat
Easing ourselves into the threads
Napping sweetly in our own wonderland
Nov 2018 · 395
A Blizzard Nov 2018
Nightly rides through the town
Impulsively riding through the streets
Chasing the moon all around
Keeping up with all the receipts
Nov 2018 · 164
Love and Loss
A Blizzard Nov 2018
She had never known heartbreak
She had never lost someone so tragically
She had never cried a single tear of sorrow
Her light shined like a star in the darkness
Her light attracted people from all over
People looked to her for hope, for strength, for courage

While some people wanted to take that light from her
Some people were jealous of her innocence for
they thought it was unfair that they knew so much pain and she did not
Some people wanted to hurt her like
they had been hurt before
Some people despised her because she was content and happy and
they were not

One of these dark souls came to her in a disguise

He was beautiful with dark eyes hiding so many secrets
He was beautiful with his smile hiding so many lies
He was beautiful with his touch hiding his own pain

He was deadly with his heart, the walls built to high for her to climb
He was deadly with his words, breaking her walls
He was deadly with his weapon, a weapon known to destroy all things in its path

She trusted him to keep her safe from all the bad things
He broke her down to build her back up and break her again
She loved him unconditionally as the tears spilled down her cheeks
He watched the mess he made of her with a crooked grin slashed across his face
She knew the pain, she no longer felt content, she no longer felt happy
He disappeared after he watched the flames engulf her
She stayed hidden in the shadows, people no longer came to her for hope or strength
not one single person was there for her after he destroyed her light
The light was too dim, no one could find her and no one wanted to
All good things come to an end eventually
She wandered the world looking for him
She wanted a reason, she wanted to know
She didn’t want to know why he hurt her, she didn’t want that excuse
No, she wanted to know who hurt him, because through all the pain he caused
She still continued to love unconditionally.
Dec 2017 · 379
running away
A Blizzard Dec 2017
Running away from all the bad things
And running away from all the good things
You always told me to stay
Only you had my heart, my love but
Nobody could have made you stay
Dec 2017 · 302
The Day You Left
A Blizzard Dec 2017
That day replays over and over in my head
The day you left your voice broke when you said "I can't stay"
The day you left my voice was barely a whisper as I told you "you can't go"
The day you left I found out silence could speak louder than words.
The day you left I realized I wanted you.
The day you left I knew I needed you.
The day you left I told you I loved you.
The day you left is the day I most regret.
The day you left hurts more and more everyday.
I will never forget the day you stopped loving me.

— The End —