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  Jul 2018 AnnMarie Eichhorn
Pagan Paul



  ­   It yawns

      and swallows

                  the words ...

© Pagan Paul (20/06/18)
I prefer to call it Poets Pause as it implies a
period of reflection rather than a period of
complete inactivity. A bit more positive than
writers block.
I'm not suffering it right now though,
its just a poem about it :)
  Jul 2018 AnnMarie Eichhorn
The long distance beast
is loves touch unrequited
due to the absence of proximity

in the midst of immense tenderness
and edges dark voluptuous
there stands a gorilla in the room
and its name is emptiness
long distance love and loneliness
Lost in the now
Present somewhere
Reading words
Essence vaporised
Lost to time
Moments afore

Happy is my world
Love my people
Yet ,
When Words on the wheel
Elusive, they feel
I feel alienated with self

Life’s busy
Too Many chores
Listen to my music
Remembering loved ones
Barely making calls
A Recluse
Have I become one
All good , just some thoughts.
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