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May 2017 · 423
Aprajita May 2017
The glass was cracked,
And little by little everyday,
It cracked even more,
But never turned to pieces,
For it knew,
That thunderstorm would destroy it,
And kept holding,
In the wait of the breeze,
To cherish it's flaws.
Stay you. Stay original
Oct 2016 · 509
Alive Fantasy
Aprajita Oct 2016
The fantasy of love came true to me,
With an eternal lover,
Who made me even more alive than I used to be,
I see that it was all mine with time,
But idiotic me who let it slip by due a new rhyme

The new rhyme is how I imagined it to be,
But it's not my fantasy,
Now I've lost a part of me with the eternal love which had come to me,
Now do you see me faking it all,
And living in fear which I had earlier fought.

And after loosing a part of me,
Oh! I see why fantasies are never true to be,
Because with human complicated mind,
We can never keep the charm of our fantasies.
Be patient for fantasies to come true and cherish them forever
Oct 2016 · 983
Aprajita Oct 2016
Left without his mystical sound,
I finally see my drowning crown
Sep 2016 · 842
Darkness Personified
Aprajita Sep 2016
So strong that it could absorb you
So quiet, it could calm you
So infinite, it could make you feel lost
So grave, it could surround you

Could be loved
Could be hated
Could be cursed
But what it could not be is abandoned
We carry it within ourselves
Within our hearts
Within our soul
Without knowing it's potentials
It's love
It's weaknesses
And there are no possibility to know about it either
Because it's not a human
It's not our friend

But it is a secret that he is my friend
He is so mysterious, yet adorable
His hugs surround me like a fable
His presence makes a lost impression
But his absence makes me feel unstable

I could keep him for a long time
But fear arises because of deadly time
I fell for the darkness in a short span of time
But I want it last for a life time
Sep 2016 · 313
Opposite Reaction
Aprajita Sep 2016
Have you ever seen me
                  put up a frown,
                      Guess not,
   Because I'm internally drowned
There's nothing that can keep them from smiling except themselves
Sep 2016 · 789
Simplest pleasure
Aprajita Sep 2016
And the bravest he felt,
When she smiled at him,
Giving him the simplest pleasure,
Which could rival with the God's garden of Eden alone
Sep 2016 · 942
Aprajita Sep 2016
I turned around
And walked away in silence
Though the soul inside me broke apart
Though I had an option of staying
But I kept walking
Because I was the reason for him to not smile
And as the nightingale sang above my head
I realised what I have transformed myself to be
May 2016 · 309
Aprajita May 2016
Every thing I say, has no meaning to you
Everthing I do, is always *******
Do you even know that I live here too?
Maybe no because you don't see me with my little do's

Well I'm here if you open your eyes
Standing right there like the whiff of windy smiles
Maybe you will never notice me
Like the winds passing by
But I'm the real one to save your life
With care and warmth,
I bring you a pleasant peace of mind

But here I'm ignored and scared
Buried in loneliness, soo quiet
Watching you with every hour passing by,
But I guess you have lost our memory of purity, why?

I've waited for you all along to change,
But even after an year or so
I've been left in vain
I see  the expectations being washed away with night
But still, I do wait     
And wait
And wait
With every hour, minute, second, months passing by
I still wait
Has anyone waited for you like I did?
But you never saw the effort I made to be your special bid
You are the only joy of mine
But you never changed a bit
And now I'm exhausted and drained
And I don't want to complain anything to you
I'm just quiet

O, see old mate
Someone uprooted me from your backyard of old fate
And now you cry of your loss
Stupid you who never heard my screams when I was close to you
And now I see what I had said
And u let me go giving the reason
of "just because I love you"

And I found another mate
Who always see what I've to say
But thanks to you old mate
That I hold a guilt soo deep that I could die
I gave my utmost affection to someone who never cared      

But now after sometime you see
I can give him affection that's right to be
But you my old mate cannot be forced out what my past has already paved
Because you now hold a part which cannot be explained and changed
May 2016 · 513
Aprajita May 2016
Guilt, so dark
That it fills from inside
Makes you hollow
Of the work that
Is not practised in a long time

Do they even feel it
Do they even sense
That plight of mischief fonds
I see that finally my soul is torn

Care for eveything
That came in the way
Making everything special
With charming ways
But I see the fight is in vain

Changing circumstances
Put forward by a runaway dream
I see a new horror
Coming to the reel

And the beautiful eyes
That used to be
Are placed in the onset of dawn
But with a tinge of blue light
So bleak, but
Only if you see
A feeling for life
Apr 2016 · 658
Love is just not Mine
Aprajita Apr 2016
Have you ever fell in love?
Fell in love soo over-whelmingly
That you cannot survive the fall
Fell in love such that
That one person is your gravity
Like he is the one meaning of your existence

That one person echoing in your head
Like the vallies sutround you
He is everywhere
In your imagination
In your hallucinations
In your dreams
In your words
Just his mere mention
Can light something in you
That can make you burst with the blindness of his rime

Stuck in a satan's play
Weakened by your own blindfold game
You don't see yourself being dragged in pain which he frames
And now you realise
That you are fooled with his gorgeous smile
Now lying in cold freezing night
With the hand on your heart
Hoping for a new shine
And you think love is just not mine

Snapping the fingers
And you are out of your dreamy night
Relieved, so relieved
That you could plunge with joy

Standing in front of you
Is the love of your life
With the gorgeous smile
And the overwhelming love for you, right?
And stupid girl don't you see
Here is your cold freezing night
Your satan's play
Standing in front of you
And you! Proving yourself
That love is just not mine
Apr 2016 · 388
Two Faces, One Spirit
Aprajita Apr 2016
Born on a silent day
With a tuff life
But there you were angel, inside
Always there to hold me tight
With happy memories to keep me alive

Decade has passed with our love's insight
But there you were angel with devil's eyes
All the trust shattered
All the love gone
What happened to us when they were wrong?
Left on the path of inferno night
Maybe you don't care about my life

Here I was alone, weeping
Buried on the graves of frowns again
Dreams of illness left by you
Cherished by me like they were new

Guess what angel?
You came back to me
Sparkling with the same spirit like it used to be
I curiously saw the shadow coming close to me
But the light unveiled your another face to scene

The darkness fooled me, I cried
But it was you just with another smile
Reasons came back to keep me alive
Dreams of illness are far away from mind

I rose from the graves and climbed the cradles
Darknes showed me a new shine
I found my angel with moon's light
With the same spirit but the face different from you, so quiet

— The End —