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10.5k · Dec 2019
Antonyme Dec 2019
the most hurt
comes from the people that don't understand you

and most problems
come from the people that do
6.2k · Apr 2018
Antonyme Apr 2018
The night swiftly wafts through the window,
the darkness, opaque, though everything is there,
the soft glow of moonbeams from the heavens,
the clock ticking it's undying sound,
me in my bed pondering life's wonders,
the moon drifting each and every night.
Soon I am gone, everything is gone,
The Moon moves steadily on
something to think about
3.0k · Apr 2018
Antonyme Apr 2018
Hearts are like Doors,
Once they are opened,
they can never close.
#love #life #happyness
2.1k · Jul 2018
Star Girl
Antonyme Jul 2018
Essence below which I lay
on slowly drifting clouds
of stardust, waiting in hope
for my eclipse to pass me by
as you twinkle far above
plastered on my celestial ceiling,
wanting each and every night
to last forever...
Drifting through the cosmos
1.8k · Aug 2019
Antonyme Aug 2019
If people started liking the

Better than the

Life would be a lot more enjoyable.
1.2k · Jul 2018
Left from right
Antonyme Jul 2018
Forgotten bottle sits upon
chilled coster so long ago
in a couple of hours
Radio still plays hits
circulating through a long-dead heart
VIII, so it seems.
Key clicks,
five soldiers fall
into pre-drilled foxholes,
letting their guard down for only a second
to long,
just like any day though not
so much
head wrapped in a cocoon
never opening
to let the butterfly emerge,
more like suffocating it.
The very thing bringing new life
Hoping for a new day of sunshine and rain
and telling my left from my right


foot or hand?

frogot my water bottle on my dresser.
radio playing tunes that I LIKE.
sounds about right.
788 · May 2018
Fast presents
Antonyme May 2018
The future as your tomorrow
yesterday's future today
But do not let today
become tomorrow's yesterday
(keep it today tomorrow)
691 · Jul 2018
Isn't this what you wanted?
Antonyme Jul 2018
To touch the stars
and dance in the bubbling
milky way
glowworms in a cave.

humans and

and that weak phrase,
"Isn't this what you wanted?"


are far better places
for that
622 · May 2018
Antonyme May 2018
An abandoned house
once a home
The dust stay to tell
the termites come to live
as the owners of the wood.
A picture hangs on a wall
A story written in his eyes
A smile drawn
Though, as I look
closer and closer,
deeper and deeper,
I see an imprefection
I reach and pull the seam
the fabric lets go,
revealing what was beging to be told.

A thought implanted in a passerby
A seed, growing
A tree, roots spreading deep
Pollinating a forest


Though, I ponder
another possibility.

My eyes sparkling against the moon

Walking past
My own house.
The story of a boy who does not know how to tell his own.
578 · May 2018
The Sound of Silence
Antonyme May 2018
A trigger, gleaming in the black light
Pulled, for the sake of many,
though, not for all
Something clicked inside,
lost in the fire of arms
A sound of silence.
Explosions rock the field
my eyes lock with the hunt,
my bullet flying straight and true
nothing touches as it flies,
His eyes flit to mine,
blood drenched shirt;
shining scarlet.

He falls.

His thoughts cutting a deep trench in my mind
all lost in the sound of silence
His body lies forgotten
lingering like the falling smoke
to be brushed away to the sky

My gun still cocked,
safety still down.
A needle, trailing a thread
stringing up the souls of the dead.
Never forgotten

The sound of silence

through the sky
Dedicated to the veterans who served and who fell.
May their souls rest in peace
Antonyme Oct 2019
silence says more
than empty words
the golden ratio,
2 ears,
one mouth


it works
564 · Apr 2019
Eyes Drop
Antonyme Apr 2019
Hidden lakes of emotion
Waiting to be condensed
and run in streams
clinging to a rock face
behind the mind's eye
523 · May 2018
Antonyme May 2018
A sound,
caught up in the silence
a mistake by natural cause;
The winds whispering
through the grasses
trying to find an ear to tell
Their secrets
The movement of a domestic cat's ear,
swivelling to catch an unheard vibration;
a voice
Your mind trying to tell you that it was nothing,
yet succumbed to the lie itself
it's tendrils unfurling fully,
controlling more than you'd like
A sound,
caught up in my ear,
to be heard.
509 · Aug 2018
Antonyme Aug 2018
Drifting on the horizon
waiting to pass beyond
into what no one knows,
Anchored to the ground
in search of the clouds so far above,
though, looking past those clear mountains
blue lakes aflow,
I see all to be told
all to be seen
all to be heard,
and I wonder
if one day,
I can best those mountains,
swim in those lakes,
and cross over
the horizon...
look where no one has looked before
though, before doing that,
take a peek into your heart
490 · May 2018
Antonyme May 2018
Once, a man had a dream
telling him

if you look, you shall find

Wrapping this message in
hopes and dreams, he laid it beside his heart
Leaving all things behind;
to search of his calling

His home a nook
his friend a book
his heart he took
and threw it away

Days turned to weeks
weeks turned to months
months turned to years
he sat,
looking weary eyes
to the horizon

A young man turned old
wishing for his dream to come true
without his heart

Slowly fading away;

Not realizing he was looking
in the wrong place


His heart still beating
beside the road
Look into your heart
and you will find.
449 · May 2018
Antonyme May 2018
3 AM
Cats outside my door
clawing at the floor
ears have tore
what a chore!

Hearing sparks
wish to walk in five parks
mouth shot remarks
all through the night


Wish my mother
would give the same attention
I'm weird
425 · Apr 2018
Woodwind Choir
Antonyme Apr 2018
Through the forest hush
I swiftly travel
to the ocean brush
sounds unravel
Upon the lonely, unbroken trees
I pause and listen
to the soft sound of the undying breeze
wafting over the ocean to
join the stars in the sky
sweetly singing over the din,
The waves ringing out an unbroken tone
as the trees fall in,
my heart stops in wonder
their song,
sounding into the night.
Whenever in nature

Please give opinion
Much appreciated! ;)
418 · Apr 2018
Antonyme Apr 2018
Housing the worlds problems on one shelf
and beauty in the next,
Thousands of pages yet,
one whole
Millions of thoughts yet,
one brain
All coming together to make different,
intricate story lines that are housed in
My heart
the awe of such a tiny place can transport you anywhere
412 · Apr 2018
Can't Stop
Antonyme Apr 2018
I can't stop thinking about you,
your eyes dictated my every move
your face plastered against the moon
trying to forget you,
you're taking over,
gently gripping my mind,
rebuilding my heart,
clouding my vision,
poisoning my veins,
walking through me.
Your name is burned into my thoughts,
Your voice calls to me,
Forgetting everything

403 · Mar 2018
Antonyme Mar 2018
As if each of us
are bricks
we must join together to
stay strong,
using our
strengths as
to build the
wall of
382 · Jul 2018
Might as well
Antonyme Jul 2018
Life, like a boat
is going down someday.
When that day comes
I want to be the captain.
374 · Apr 2018
For You
Antonyme Apr 2018
When the stars fall down from
the sky, I am left standing, holding
onto the only piece of hope that is you,
I am falling for everything
Gaining nothing,
all, in part,
For You

I give my heart,
my soul,
my life,
You have blinded me like
the firey column that
you are, entrancing my senses,
numbing the pain,
for that,

For You
Love blinds.
Though, It takes away the pain
368 · Mar 2019
Antonyme Mar 2019
                                               for              you
                                            ­is                      rinse
                                   ­         and                 repeat,
                            ­                  just                  the
                     ­                             way              I
                 ­                                       like  it
352 · Mar 2019
Antonyme Mar 2019
of snaking
hold me
up or
strangle me
knots tied
to tight
cannot be
if broken
333 · Jul 2019
Charged Slumber
Antonyme Jul 2019
Through the cracks
the whips
the black
and white
no place to be
no medium,
set free
I get no sleep
governed by the
hollow giants above
Sleeping in a thunderstorm
see other part on FAITH's page
322 · Jan 2020
Burned Up
Antonyme Jan 2020
will have meant


Though, its love
its joy
its everything
live on
in the vast darkness,
a ripped sail

without a
strong wind

to rip
322 · May 2018
Antonyme May 2018
Hiding under the water
just makes it easier
to float back up again
Hiding reveals your greatest desires
318 · Jun 2019
Paper Thin Love
Antonyme Jun 2019
Trailing across
a little window
small words wrapped
in love
falling into the drop boxes
half worlds apart.
298 · Mar 2019
Antonyme Mar 2019
in front of computer screens
Yet Emotions
still, course through
our keyboards
Just a strange thought
298 · Mar 2019
Antonyme Mar 2019
Is winning really the only option?
Happiness the only outcome?
Who dictates us
in the conscience
of our own
Just wondering
And if your mind works backwards
from forwards
Why is that not normal?
296 · Feb 2019
Antonyme Feb 2019
The lights go by,
glittering fireflies,
sparse friendships found

on streets afflicted by a cracked mirror
only seen by me

Lights flicker in flowing windows,
barriers restricting everything
but light,

hollow light,

no love

in the barren streets,

of You
281 · Sep 2018
Antonyme Sep 2018
Success is how
high you bounce
when you hit

- unknown-
276 · May 2018
Antonyme May 2018
You are gone,
leaving one million possibilities
though one chosen
rising in the desolate sky
the smallest light in the darkness,
I see you through the din
your light, though small
shines as steady as can be,
the blink of the eye reveals
You are gone,
Flying high on weightless wings
to chase the winds through sunlit skies
your worthy machine still softly sings
through the boundless halls of air,
The wind calling out clear
You are where the sky meets the earth,
slowly fading into the horizon.
Your note still left in our hearts
A memorial to my Uncle Roy who passed into the light
Please leave a prayer for him
275 · Mar 2019
Antonyme Mar 2019
I'm a crab
Is that too literal?
270 · Apr 2018
Antonyme Apr 2018
As I look in the mirror,
I see myself,
My pale eyes,
my bare emotions,
my scarred soul
though, when I am with you,
your twinkling eyes,
your luscious hair,
your golden heart
As I look in the mirror,
I see,
#love #50th
268 · Mar 2018
Little Tree
Antonyme Mar 2018
Little tree, burning bright
cannot give up without a fight
riding the wave into the night
Little tree

Little tree, grown so big
now yielding tiny figs
shedding its worthless twigs
Little tree

Little tree, ending life
good to live without strife
going to the afterlife
Little tree

New little tree opens its eyes
to show its quiet surprise
turns its face to the skies,
seeing its father's guise
Little tree
Life is precious
263 · Mar 2018
Antonyme Mar 2018
Darkness touching
All surfaces,
Reawakening the stars,
Knocking on the floor of heaven
262 · Apr 2018
Antonyme Apr 2018
You are the denominator of my fraction
You are the numerator none imagine
the hypotenuse
that all but bemuse
you send the stock markets crashing
My first limerick
pls comment
funny love
262 · May 2018
Antonyme May 2018
The deeper you dig the holes in my heart,
the higher my pile of love grows
so that I may reach up
and skim the skies
of Heaven
261 · May 2018
Antonyme May 2018
Stay-home holidays
More like
teachers on my nerves
261 · May 2018
Antonyme May 2018
My eyes flicker,
entrapped on the slightest detail
A nail pinned to a wall,
a flying dust particle,
All misconceived by the eye
though I see it
a portal through which connects
to my mind.
The bend in the leash
reaching me ever
so closer to reality.

Until that happens,
They only come
when asleep
255 · Apr 2018
Antonyme Apr 2018
Age is not a number to be thrown around,
nor does it represent the number of years lived,
It measures the memories made
and the memories
yet to come
254 · Jan 2019
Over Prepared
Antonyme Jan 2019
I brought
My winter hat
On a summer day.
From my Friend
Thank you for giving this poem to me
Simplicity is everything.
254 · Apr 2018
The Call of the Mocking Jay
Antonyme Apr 2018
Wings fluttering as eyelashes
black on black, death on death
the call of the Mocking Jay
glinting in the starlight
The halls of death adorn
Echoing, abounding
the Call of Death
252 · May 2018
Antonyme May 2018
A snippet of peripheral
caught in your vision
a sudden movement
a sudden incision

So, dear reader, if you may
do not let your quick sight sway
For if you blink, you will miss
A tiny drink of sudden bliss

Lock your eyes on the hunt
Stare straight through
though, do not stop;
It is like you

A shadow of darkness
brought to light
something so obvious,
something so bright

A tiny thing moves
you stop and stare,
Your imagination plays
under your hair
A tribute to my parents who always told me when I was little that there are no such things as monsters
249 · Apr 2018
Antonyme Apr 2018
Tears flowing
down my face,
dripping through
the cracks,
seeping down the drains.
The puddles I step in,
the rain on my back,
the lightning that strikes.
Water collecting in the gutters,
pooling in the streets,
drowning the sewers,
sinking deep into the earth,
cooling my core.
All in all, resetting,

#depressed #depression #sad
248 · Apr 2018
Antonyme Apr 2018
As though every day it is a ball,
you are the most exquisite,
your luscious curls shine
black in the moonlight,
your pure skin glowing,
your heart of gold.
Though you look this way,
I see you,
Your scared, dilated eyes,
your face, never to smile again,
your lips radiating lies,
spreading like air into space,
penetrating your heart.
The truth lies forgotten,
a paper in the wind.

Dropped only
by You
lies can blind even the lier from the truth.
246 · Apr 2018
But a Haze
Antonyme Apr 2018
Sitting, watching, waiting,
the waves roll by
But a haze in the sky,
bags like jellyfish, patches like whales,
accumulating, discombobulating,
But a haze in the sky,
choking, killing,
maiming the sea,
slaughtering by the dozens,
But a haze in the sky,
simple to do,
hard to fix,
but a mere crew
could do the tricks,
But a haze in the sky,
Something, I fear,
could **** the earth,
the tumbling mirth,
and all that is here,
Something, I fear,

But a haze in the sky
#earthday #care #save
245 · May 2018
Antonyme May 2018
My eyes reveal
the soft dust particles
floating on beams of light
playing on the cracked,
vined bricks,
Flowering on waves along the wall,
conveying on the stretch of broken stone,
winding on the bubbled pains to the wooden frames
natural blinds serving their purpose
my eye flitting to the top of the wall
a forest, growing
into the light.
241 · May 2018
Poetic Minds
Antonyme May 2018
Poetic Minds
Draw blinds
to block out what they need most

Though most
Tend to boast
their priceless collection of light bulbs
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