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at the cemetery
placing flowers on mum's grave
feeling nostalgic.
I'm Venus the trap
Beware of my trigger hairs
For a fly
The Beginning of nightmares

After I've digested
My evolution
Was Well invested

Soon I'll open up
And Reset
I'm a plant
So don't get upset
 Jul 30 Anais Vionet
tiny shooting stars
brightest lights of the Universe
forever loved
'Think of the love God has lavished on us by letting us be called Gods children'.
New Testament.
How fine it is to see
these waves roll
upon my beach,
To watch the sun dance
and play its light on
the water, like a vast
array of precious gems.

What a joy to feel the cool
power of the tide curling
around my legs.

These same waves perhaps
have embraced a thousand
other beaches, and have
belonged to strangers unknown,

But today these waves, this beach,
this moment belongs to me alone.
Who is not thrilled and
in awe of the splendid
power and beauty of the
sea? It gets me every time.
Once I had a secret love
So deep within the heart of me.
Time and light were spun of gold
I smiled as magic dreams enfold.

Wonder filled me from the highest hill
Brighter than the golden daffodil,
Darling, please endure now, I implore
For my secret love's no secret, anymore.

From an old romantic melody lost in the mists of time.

my memory

I m 5 or6
in the bathtub

I hear the little girl next door
calling my name

I run down the hall
out the front door
down the steps


I'm naked.
Night comes on like
an old hound lumbering
in from the field.
I don't fight it.
I'm getting too old.
I sit with pen in hand,
and wait for the
darkness to show
me something.

I think about vaginas and
Ireland and fish that
hunt a t night.
I think about
Bukowski and
Beethoven, and the
*******, and a kernel
of corn.
I think about my
life and this night, and
how it is better than
those near-death years of
caterwauling and chaos;
drunk by the river, lonely
as a glass snake.
I was living to drink, and
didn't give a **** about
I was searching.
I found it
when the light came.
Here is a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry from my recent books, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems, on Amazon and Rise Up Collected Poems and Short Stories, available on
I spoke your language
With you,
I tried,
But meaning was lost
Meaning was everything
And yet became nothing
I can't speak
Your language
It's a choice
You made
Long ago
By fracturing
My abilities
To understand
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