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 Jan 2015 ana pascual
Love her like
She's the raging sea,
Unrestrained and dark and deep.
And you crave her touch
Through aching pores
As you slowly drown in sleep.

Love her like
She's the tender storm,
A lovely shade of grey.
Like with every whiff
Of breath she takes,
She's taking yours away.

Love her like
She's the silent clouds
With calmness floating by.
Like you'd want to make
Sweet love to her
Under the moon's apocalyptic eye.

Love her like
She's the blazing fire,
And you lust the candied pain.
Like she's the disease
That swallowed you whole
And you'd like to die again.

When her gentle touch
Makes your chest explode,
And your addiction is your girl.
Promise you'll love her
Through hell and back,
Or don't you dare love her at all.
 Jan 2015 ana pascual
With a dip of green from
your eyes forest trees were
created. And a drip of sweat
slipping off your fingertips
the blue salty oceans were
made. One wave after the
other carries your name. With
a rib from your cage, God
created your soulmate. If i
could mix the colours of your
beautiful soul and paint them
all over on my bedroom wall i
would. Your all i want to see on
my pallet. Weave the best of stories
on my skin. Spread art all over this
body of mine for it yours to touch ,
to keep and to make it your own
masterpiece. Every inch of me
is part of your property now.
Come closer love and splash your
colours all over me. Paint me in shades
of colours that are deeper than the sea.
Adjust wildflowers and dandelions
in my hair. Lift my soul up to
the air. Breathe your poetry
down my throat. Fill my eyes
up with tears of joy and hope.
Your words feed my hunger and
lust for they are all i trust. Tell
me dear are they made out of
pearls and stardust ? I feel them move
in the arteries of my heart and up to
my brain cerebellum. Your words move
faster than electricity in my blood. Strip
the layers of clothes off my skin tonight
and cover me up with your dear poetry
as if my body is your paper and pen* ~
 Jan 2015 ana pascual
By him
 Jan 2015 ana pascual
They say the world is made of strings.
Spinning, creating the very fabric of our existence.
The knots are delicate as a tiny bird wings


It always lacked the colours of the rainbow.
The firey reds, the liquid blues.
Green, pink and all the hues.
Also the colour of the desert was a few.

A person I fell into deeply.
that person didn't paint my life with brush strokes.
That person drew my eyes neatly.
Lift the lid off my eye folds.

Carve me the visioners I always dreamed of.
******* the glitter of your soul.
Stroll me around like a baby dove.
Line my eyes in a clean role.

For you my lover, one can see life.
In colours of day and night.
In light and darkness our bright glows.
As our delicate bodies ignite.

The strings of life untangled.
The golden jar unspilled.
Evil shows hit and mangled.
For thy love may prosper and refill* ~
It's his 2nd poem :)
It's a beautiful poem by a beautiful man in love.
Silly souls
Don't admire me
Don't love me
I will
Destroy you

I will abuse
Those three little words

I will lay
My chest
above yours

Silly soul
Sentiment does not
Roam my streets

But you did

Silly soul,
I will make you feel
As I pierce my venom
Into your innocence

Intoxicated with my
I will skin you
And wear you
And write about you

After my mission,
Farewell goes your
Silly soul
Into my river
Of destroyed gullibles
 Feb 2013 ana pascual
Ryan Cenzon
Look at what I have become,

A lethargic creature deprived of all dreams.

Crawling on the rough seas of concrete,

blistered, and wounded, and full of such raw depression.

Prowling through the fog,

in obscure alleys, colder than the tainted windows of my soul.

In the night when the moon stalks me,

in the night when tears flow heavier than the weight on my shoulders.

I have become invisible and dormant,

creating tornadoes filled with the dandelions that carry all my wishes,

left only with the wise trees to talk to,

and I hear nothing but whispers of the leaves in their indifferent responses.
 Feb 2013 ana pascual
Ryan Cenzon
The world, in the eyes of some,

may be a kingdom, with a proud and princely lion.

A Neverland, with flowing poems,

Where the embraces be tighter, than the belt of Orion.

In the eyes of others, this home is lonely Hell,

where one's escape, is another's dream.

for they have watched, the smiles, of all happy,

they have been caught, in the shadow, of the others'  beam.

I have witnessed, this confusing life,

from different angles, with bipolar eyes.

The euphoria, I know, of smiling, and flight,

the pain, I know, for my throat explodes with cries.

If there's something, I had learned,

from all the emotions that felt so true,

it's that this life, is relative,

for what I see as Red, they may see as Blue.
 Jan 2013 ana pascual
Ryan Cenzon
Share with me the secrets,

clasped between the walls of your fortress.

The secrets that shall bring light unto me.

Join me in my journey,

as we gently embark

towards moments of imperfection and perfection alike.

Together we shall walk,

along the shores of the deadly seas, we will not fear,

for we will be together.

The warmth of your presence,

and the joy of your love,

gives me refuge from the painful world.

Pain may come,

but dear, I fear not.

Infinite, we are,

 Nov 2012 ana pascual
Anon C
If you could only venture into my mind
See how beautiful you are
Eyes deep like space
Lips perfectly formed
Even in a frown speaking volumes
Of the beauty you hold within
Were it possible, I would let you see my scars
And how slowly, they are fading
More profound than just love
Consumed by indefinite passion
Wishing to be intertwined
Become as one soul
So I may then know
What it is to truly be lovely
         *As you are
 Nov 2012 ana pascual
Anon C
Each one of you
broken, bruised, abused
lying on the floor
let me find the pieces
put you back together
dress your wounds
listen to your stories
save you all
If only I could
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