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 Nov 2012 ana pascual
about her
 Nov 2012 ana pascual
I want to write about her,
But she lives in other dimensions,
Beyond what I perceive,
She soars high above this plane,
Searching for prey to feed upon,
She swoops down,
When voracious hunger demands,
To find sustenance in bewildered and beleaguered and lost lambs,
Bleating going unheard and unrecognized cries,
She carries them aloft,
Like the lammergeir,
Dropping their bones,
On the rocks below,
To crack and expose the marrow,
Of which she sustains herself,
A devil indeed from above,
Yet for her flight,
I am envious,
And willingly give into night.
 Nov 2012 ana pascual
Anon C
It is impossible you see
to view you as anything but beautiful
for you are the light
within my darkest days
guiding me down thorny paths
lovely orb leading me
towards the brightest sun
how could one not love
every surface interior and exterior
of such a pure force
my sweetest light
*I love you
Perhaps your body is composed of thousands of stars.
Limitless  constellations make up your fingertips
your eyelashes
and the curvatures in your ears.

Galaxies are interwoven under your skin and how you glow.
You glow like the moon in the sky when it is at its brightest.
When nothing compares to the sight of the moon and the tiny specks in the sky are just insignificant floating circles.

Your hair flows like the Nile River.
Boundless, pristine water overflowing at my fingertips.
You are more than the ocean; you are all the bodies of water in the earth combined.

You are the last drop of coffee in my old, vintage, mauve red mug.
The last caffeine induced sip that flows through my oesophagus with a relinquishing taste of sweetness.
You are the sweet nectar that hummingbirds look for in flowers and when they can't find flowers with a taste that will satisfy them, they settle on trees.

You are the trees that produce oxygen, and the branches of the trees that tower over me like a netted blanket.
You are the cotton blanket keeping me warm on windy or rainy days because it doesn't snow in the Philippines.
But if you were snow, I would gather you in a plastic container and keep you in my ice compartment so you wouldn't melt.
You make me feel like I'm melting.
Like every possible emotion i possess flows out of me like vapor.

And you are the smoke that forms after you've blown the flame of a candle; you gently float in the air surrounding the space where the flame used to be.

You are the compacted tissues in my chest; you fill the void I once had.
You comprise my veins, my arteries and vesicles; you are a vessel of euphoric elation.
You are my utopia.
You are.
 Nov 2012 ana pascual
Anon C
Inspired by all your words
to feel such a connection
sharing the same pain
the same love
the same heart break
isn't it beautiful
I have buried my pain for many a year
it has torn me apart
but now I find solace
in all your words that I also feel
I may write too much
but it has been so long
I need to empty my soul
so please don't mind me
I just had to say thank you
Let me see
Your internal
So I may
Heal them
As you
Are healing mine.
 Nov 2012 ana pascual
Zoe Irvine
I'm grieving your loss
I'm mourning your choice
I'm hurting for you in my arms
But not in my heart

My heart has found spring
And is waiting for me
To catch up

I know me too well
Your comfort distracts me
I seek it to see me
Less clearly

Your hands pull me in
To embrace
And invisible tears soak my cheeks

If I love you was never an option
Then how is goodbye?

Feeling clever and calm
I breathe in

And until you next greet me
I'll know
What I know

I love you

And then.......

An arrival distracts me
Dances in my mind
118 118
Gets my number

Got my attention
Into a spin
Along with my legs

Let's get along
Get to know
Get out of this place
And into our space

Channelling energy
Into unmentionables
Choosing to focus on not-you

Attached to detachment
Amassing beliefs
Between birthdays

I believe
In that
Which I know not

The latest learning
To linger on my lips
In my head

As the music rises
I slip out of the room
And into a quiet

I have high hopes
For you
And I

I am high
With hope
And believing

I love you
My heart like dry wall
Vandalized by you venom paint
Cover the bruises

Only you don't leave
When you tell me you are through
What else must you take?

I have grown weary
Of being pried by your hands
Every single day

Please just leave me now
My ill beating heart can bare
No more of your tricks
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