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I thought it would change by the time I grow old
But it only multiplied by about a ten - fold
There some things in life you can never get rid of
It sticks to you like a bad cough
The anger boils inside the same way it did before
And the beast gets stronger in proportion to how much I store
The bright side is that I have learnt to tame the beast
The dark side is that I have never denied it a feast
From a bad habit it has turned into a passion
Every time it changes its fashion
The satisfaction I get when I let the beast out
Is by far my most dangerous side without any doubt
As hard as I may try I can never change
This is my destiny however much I find it strange
I may be well civilised during day light
But I resort to my hunger as soon as it's night
No no don't worry I'm not a vampire
I can walk about during the day without glowing or catching fire
Not everything changes in this fast - changing world
In the last 30 years this truth has slowly unfurled
"Old habits die hard" is my new belief
After every hunt I give a sigh of relief
You may give a person money or a lot of fame
But, my friends, The Song Remains The Same...
She’s brewing like rich wine
the older she gets
her each added faceline
my eyes satiates.

She’s huing like violets
purpling is her soul
tho older she gets
she's never too ole.

She’s frothing like nectar
honeying in core
feels endless this affair

I’m loving her more.
I wanted to write today.
My fingers itched.
My head pained.
Words were not coming.
In my heart. In my brain.
Felt uncomfortable
by this strain.
Have I stopped loving him?
Is it a writer's block?
blank page in front of me.
The poet is the clock.
T'was long ago way before Christ
Sometime before Adam and Eve had rised
He looked upon his creation feeling quite proud
But something was missing; he could point it out in the crowd
'He' was Almighty, The Creator....God
His creation in front of him was anything but flawed
But it was too plain, like food without salt
Suddenly God realised what was his fault
It is said that the human body has the universe in them
From iron to water, from gold to magnesium
God had spent centuries designing this new creature
He had given it His all, designed every feature
Now as he stood admiring his work he felt a pang of guilt
Would the liquids leak out? Nah, the skin was smoother than a quilt
He'd forgotten something crucial which would make his creature unique
The body was a tad bit common; Apes had the same physique
All creatures had a brain, that's how they worked
The brain helped them survive, as they stealthily lurked
But what was that one thing that could build more than strength
Which could build emotions up to any length
It would build love, it would give pain
It would create demons that just wanted to gain'
It would latch onto the body like a parasitic insect
But most important of all it would never be perfect
He placed the beating red thing inside which would later be called a heart
He stood there admiring his last piece of Art
His work done, stood the Master of the Universe...God
His creation in front oh him was now perfectly flawed...
 Oct 2014 Amrita Dutta
Years later, and the smell
hanging inside the latrines,
the stench
that twists your instincts,
has not
gone away. One thousand
two hundred
people every morning in
these latrines
sitting on concrete blocks
with the
round holes, so filthy that even
the murderers
won’t walk in, and I have
just walked
in from a ceramic and porcelain
shrine to
Birkenau, Poland
Sunday, March 23, 2014

From my collection, Poems from Poland
She came back home from a morning class
And she thought to find him there,
She called for him in the morning room
And she climbed the wooden stair,
She called him up on her mobile phone
And she said, ‘Where are you, Sam?’
His voice came nervously, in reply:
‘I don’t know where I am!’

The signal crackled, then faded out
And it came back in again,
She heard him mutter and try to shout,
His words reflected pain,
‘I don’t know how to get back,’ he cried,
‘That door down by the stair,
It opened up and it shut me out,
When I looked, it wasn’t there!’

‘There isn’t a door by the stair,’ she said,
‘There isn’t a door at all,
You must have fallen and hit your head,
There’s blood on the stairway wall.’
‘It’s true that I must have cut myself
When the door had swung ajar,
But the house has gone, I’ve moved along,
And I don’t know where you are.’

‘Well tell me how I can find you, and
I’ll get some help to search,
I might have to call an ambulance
If you’ve fallen off your perch.’
‘This isn’t a joke, I’m not insane,
But my world has turned about,
I tell you the door just disappeared
When it closed, and shut me out.’

‘I’m out in the woods, beside a stream
With a girl that looks like you,
I know she’s not, but she says she is,
And her name is Mary, too!
She swears that she’s the original
And that you must be a clone,
She told me about the guy you meet
When you’re safely on your own.’

Then Mary shook and she went quite pale
And she said, ‘It isn’t true!
There was a fellow that came my way
But I swear, he looked like you.
He had me fooled for a moment there
But I knew it when we kissed,
And then I ****** him away, and said
‘Your lips don’t taste like this!’’

He breathed a sigh as she wiped her eye
And he heard her cry on the phone,
‘I shouldn’t have doubted you, my dear,
But I’ve been so long alone.
Our lives had drifted apart, so much
That I wondered if you cared,
We allowed ourselves to be led, instead of
The love that we should have shared.’

‘Look for the door by the bottom stair,
When it opens, come to me,
Then we can be together again
As good as it used to be,
We’ll live the life that we should have lived
Before, when our love was true!’
‘Don’t ever question my love,’ she said,
My only love is you!’

A door came shimmering into view
At the bottom of the stair,
And swung out wide, on the other side
Was her twin, she would declare,
She pushed on through, and into the house
As Mary went through the door,
And turned to look, as the building shook
And sank to the forest floor.

Then Sam had taken her in his arms
As he had, when they were young,
And spun her dancing between the trees
As she laughed, her eyes had shone,
While up in the house, the clones had stared
For their love had been a sham,
‘We’re not going to make it now,’ he said,
‘I don’t know where I am!’

David Lewis Paget
You can never love a dreamer
He's always far away
You can never love a seeker
He wanders everyday

Never love a writer
His lines are not for you
His verses are pure lies
His ink is far from true

You cannot love me either
I live in many worlds
A dreamer, seeker, writer
I often break my word..
 Oct 2014 Amrita Dutta
Just Melz
He's a writer,
He pours his heart on to the page.
The broken pieces make up the lines,
Of pain, love and age.
All the missing pieces?
They fill in the rage
It's a shame his wisdom doesn't shine through
Then he might just write about you

He's a dreamer
He fills the world with his soul
The cup runs over with his secrets and desire
To love, to live, to share
All that he feels he lacks
It torments him so
It's a shame not everyone understands
Or they may just write about him

He's a lover
He doesn't want to fight
He wants to dream and write
Fill the world with happiness and words
Words of love, of laughter
Of poetry
And wherever comes after
It's a shame you can't see
Because his love was lost to me

He's a fighter
Who knows only how to love
He wants to court and woo
Fill a heart with tender dreams
Unseen horizons and happiness
Life complete
And whatever comes after
It's a shame we can't find
The way to ease his gentle mind

He is all of these
And yet he is nothing
All encompassing
Take a good look into his soul
I'm not sure what YOU will see
But I see a mirror looking inside of me
Deep to the core of my being
It would be a shame if you dont look too
The reflection will show the best part of you

He is part of you
And yet none of you
All your hopes
And your everything
Look deeply within your heart
Tell me what you think you see
For he is every part of you
That you wish to be
Take a long and lasting look
Take out your quill, let's write this book
Well,  Quin said he had writers block.  
I said "Here, I'll help you out, write with me"
This is what we created...  Enjoy! :)

(Pffft, writers block? Yea right!)
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