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Cats are sure a crazy race
They softly pad on paws
Then they turn their other face
And sharpen hidden claws!

Dogs have the minds of 3 year olds
They wag their friendly tails
They are brave, but foolish bold
And love unbeaten trails!

Cats are snuggly... then aloof
They're an independent lot
They eschew the ground
But love the ROOF
Unlike silly Spot!

Dogs wear their feelings
On their sleeves
(If sleeves are what they had)
They look baleful & they grieve
If chastised when they're bad.

Cats just go their merry way
When naughtiness addressed
You can SHOUT til end of day...
They could not care less!

Dogs lift their legs when they ***
Cats are WAY too grand.
Dogs love hydrants or the trees
Cats just dig in sand.

The thing about these pets is that
People have polarity
Either they like dogs
And can't stand cats
Or LOVE a cat's hilarity!

But I find each creature special
As they do life's dance
Dog's are WAY more social...

... but Vive La difference!

Catherine Jarvis
 Nov 2020 Gidgette
Look up to the sky
And close your eyes

Bring your feet together
In the snowing weather

Hold the gold dust tight
As it lights up bright

Blow it into the wind
And make a wish
 Aug 2020 Gidgette
 Aug 2020 Gidgette
almond fronds for  visions
spidered eyes black a wink kisses
the cheeks   a sunrise nose spry
lips of tangerine peels left after eating  the heart
calmest flowing rivers shoulders of
the places bream nip
for joy under a water slip
she is jungled
shy as the panther in the shadows
sleuthing blending in and standing out
when your eyes do meet a sudden
by god she is  beauty
the forest the green lush
thickets impenetrable dark illusive
illusory a dream a destroyer saviour a wild thing
a nerve fiber a coiled up  bindle  
of masks and hard sharpnesses and soft fur
 Aug 2020 Gidgette
Rabble of butterflies, fluttering on.
Bluish beauty,
come to me.
Touch me,
my kiss.
Play with me,
sing my soft purr,
Roll with blissful wind's gentle euouae.
Thinking up a hologram
and if 'I think
therefore I am?'

there is starlight burning away
through the eyes that look out
at the start of each day.
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