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 Oct 2018 Gidgette
Stu Harley
last breath here
sitting quietly
electric chair
death clears the air
 Oct 2018 Gidgette
marvin m brato
Nothing seems worth writing,
comprehension are in waiting.
I can't figure a significant topic
to express about with simple logic:
'that anything of interest to human
that enthuses a sentimental sound plan'
to express in form of poetic inscription,
for ardent readers to surf as an inspiration.

Poetry writing is the innate gateway
of people possessing an artistic way,
to articulate meaningful situations.
A mere thought of emptiness within,
triggers intimate imaginations to set in.
Such excites the instinctive artful creation
of poems that bring heartfelt fascination.
Thus, come all bards and move the world
with poetry to instill universal accord.
 Oct 2018 Gidgette
Jenny Gordon
...want M&M's right now!


Out where a fragile silence listens, pale
Sweet minutes on their honour as suspense
Hangs like the rick'ty signboard of what hence
Shall cough ere giving voice, yes, in that frail
Calm rain does not quite tiptoe through t'avail,
The voiceless naught is keenly for intents
Half harking to what we don't hear from thence
In all our haste to be, I search for bail.
Old pools of water, silver-faced, don't stir,
And crickets gently fiddle; cars pass through,
Truck sans a care, weeds look too yellow to
Be ransomed, and the eaves drip.  Oh, what were
We thinking, really?  Death knocks 'gain in tour
Yet we feign not to notice.  Ah, what's new?

I forget what else to add after that.
 Oct 2018 Gidgette
Star BG
Expressions of Consciousness are spreading,
across from energies of sacred sun.
From air infused love that penetrates breath.

Consciousness is expanding beautifully,
cross countrysides and towns,
as people dance inside creative forces.

Consciousness is divinely growing
cross highways and mountainsides,
in moments where birds sing below blue sky.

Expressions of Consciousness are in-motion
cross entire planet divinely orchestrated
as frequencies of love anchor.

Expression of Consciousness are unfolding,
cross hearts and in cells everywhere.
For new era of Humanity to commence,
flowering in fields of love and peace.

Aho! Aho! Gods proclamation is heard.
Read an article in Era Of Light
called Archangel Michael Wield My Sword Of Truth
Inspired me.
 Oct 2018 Gidgette
Paul Hardwick
Please pay here
before you go
we will give your bill
and make it flash if you like it so
please pay here before you go
your not leaving site
till you do so
think about it a while trying to do so
leaving us
please put in your card payment
robots are us
we are to serve
hanging on to your credit card
while you work out
so to do so

Regards P@ulpayment.

Love P@ul.
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