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 Mar 2015 S
Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
 Mar 2015 S
The Death of a Poet
 Mar 2015 S
a hollowed wind rustles paper scraps
blowing ideas along beaten dirt paths
swaying words in vacant coves
moving ink across charcoal roads
syllables blossom over flowering hills
until they finally land on a note next to a bottle of pills
on a deep oak bedside stand
where you can find sleeping remedies clasped in a jittering left hand

and as he fall into darkness to meet his creator
the poet's process is recycled and will be passed along yet again
for his words will travel until they find another suitor
and as a hollow wind picks up in the night
paper scraps are rustled...
The depressed man's words will travel in cycles until they latch onto another host. I hope you've enjoyed.
 Mar 2015 S
Phil Lindsey
 Mar 2015 S
Phil Lindsey
Oh to be trending with
Praise never ending
For poems I’ve shared on this site.

Likes and reposts give me
Reason to boast -
Justify staying up through the night.

Notifications are
Cause for elation;
The judges DO like what I write!

But a poem too plain
Causes heartache and pain, and
Is often my poor poet’s plight.

No comments, no hearts,
Silence tears me apart
As the view numbers start to get high.

Doesn’t anyone care?
Is it cause for despair?
Don’t they know how hard that I try?

And who really can blame us?
Our desire to be famous
Is a standard set forth at our birth.

Though it’s narcissistic,
We allow some statistics
To define the extent of our worth.

When I group words together
My soul is the tether;
I am sharing a part of myself.

The peril I fear
Is that no one will hear
As the words gather dust on a shelf.

So when the words are ‘bout right
I choose to quit for the night,
Add some tags, then I hit save and send,

‘Cuz when all’s said and done
We’re just writing for fun,  
Who cares if the **** thing will trend!
PwL   March, 2015
Thank you to all who read what I post!!!!   ;-)
 Mar 2015 S
Bo Burnham
 Mar 2015 S
Bo Burnham
I love you just the way you are,
but you don't see you like I do.
You shouldn't try so hard to be perfect.
Trust me, perfect should try to be you.
 Mar 2015 S
Lorraine day
If I should go
Before I've lived
For what reason
Have I been
If I should go
Before I see
All I should have seen
If love was never given
To all of those I met
What was the point
Of being here
To look back
With much regret .......
Many wasted opportunities
To share and spend my time
With those who should have mattered
Who I now must leave behind
If I should go tomorrow
This night
Or today
Have I told you each and every one
The words I'd like to say
Like the flash of a captured photograph
Makes us blind
Our fleeting existence
We have


TIME .................
 Mar 2015 S
Are morning glories sad
because they've never seen the moon?
 Mar 2015 S
Nick Web
I know you
 Mar 2015 S
Nick Web
No way,
Not you,
I know you,
You're not a gangster,
We grew up on the same street
Sure it was not the best place to lay our heads or sleep,
But we were alive,
We played together,
I know you
No way you're one of them now,
You're never home now
You're 15,
You're too grown now,
10 years ago we sat on the same curb,
You're mind is gone,
You got into some dirt,
Those your new friends?
They're way older than us,
We've run up and down the same hill for years,
But its them you can trust,
I guess I don't you
You're a Ganster
Those plastic guns became real,
How could you
We're one in the same still
Do I know you?
I'm so confused,
Now we're on the same street,
But you don't know me
No more riding bikes
No more corner store trips,
No more walking home from school,
Besides you never go,
Shots alarm the neighbors,
Not you,
You never know,
It's true,
The sirens and the lights flash through the windows,
I saw laying there on the cement cold,
I don't know you,
Until its clear to me,
I can't believe,
How loud your Mom could weep,
Held back by yellow tapes and a couple of police,
As the medic covers you in a sheet,
The same old curb ,
The same old street,
I stare until I realized,
And accept defeat,
I know you
...protect the youth. The streets are dangerous.
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