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 Jul 2015 allison
Hannah Rae
 Jul 2015 allison
Hannah Rae
I'm trapped. I wanted you and only you. I wait for you to say the words that can make me or break me. I may act like I don't care but deep down inside the pain is unbearable as I lay in my bed coming down off the high thinking of you and the way you make me feel and then it all goes blank and I'm back to sleep. Sleeping until the next day ,searching for the next high ,crying over the same guy. I'm trapped.
- Hannah Rae
 Jul 2015 allison
Kelly Hogan
There's this green monster
That lives deep inside

People tell me to get rid of it
And believe me, I've tried.

I told him I hate him
But I think I lied

So now he's running rampant
And my hands are tied.
 Jul 2015 allison
 Jul 2015 allison
How come other people's love
Causes me depression?

How come when I see a couple kissing it
Makes my lip quiver

How come break-up songs aren't sad to me
All I can think is that at least they've experienced love
Jealousy really is a green monster. And not the awesome one (Red Sox reference)
 Jul 2015 allison
 Jul 2015 allison
Growing by the moment
when hearing fortune
when seeing happiness

Feeling even weaker
when hearing luck
when seeing love

Just by others
never happening to you
never seeing your own good
 Jul 2015 allison
J Drake
 Jul 2015 allison
J Drake
Sometimes your heart needs to be broken
So you can see what's underneath,
To the flicker and flame of your soul
That you've always been destined to meet.

Sometimes your spirit shines brighter
Through the glimmering light of your tears,
And when you arrive at the end of it all
Love will outshine the darkest of years
find me on facebook at  OR  email me at  to let me know what you think of my work! :)
 Jul 2015 allison
raine cooper
 Jul 2015 allison
raine cooper
i held a bird in my hands
his wings were broken
he begged me to fix him
i tried, oh how i tried,
but all he really wanted
was the strength to fly away
 Jul 2015 allison
harlee kae
 Jul 2015 allison
harlee kae
i dreamed of you
but not like that
thats not what i want
in my dreams we just
sit and talk
as friends
 Jul 2015 allison
harlee kae
i guess every family has one.
i just wish it wasn't me.
no one understands,
but why's it hard to see?
that words can actually hurt
and people arent made of stone.
no matter how hard they seem
or how much you think they've grown.
 Jul 2015 allison
your smell
 Jul 2015 allison
missing your bony covered wrists that you hate but i love and your stiff hair that you only let me play with and the way you looked at your feet when you smiled and the way you looked at me and the way you walked and the way we sat together and the way you held me once and the way i held you once and your soft skin and hazy hazel eyes and big-enough hands and the way we’d talk and the way we knew how we felt and the way everyone else knew too and your smell your smell your smell and when you’d get close to me and your smell
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