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I'm getting bad again
The sadness inside just continues to grow.
I hate breaking promises,
But can I please just let go?
And even though the cut this time was an accident, it felt good and I didn't cry.

*And even though you always see me smiling, all I really want is to die
 Sep 2014 Alexis Marie Jalomos
lets lay under a blanket of stars
and watch the world go by
You are strong and tall,
You used to pick me up in
Your long strong arms!

I loved it when you
Picked me up and held me close,
You sometimes do it!

I'm so glad you're my
Dear sweet handsome Daddy,
And my big brother!

You're the best Daddy,
It's the way everyone should
Think of their Daddy.

Always love your Dad
Always think he is your prince,
Always treasure him!

For my Daddy, Timothy!
He is on HP too!
Daddy, I miss you
Why are you gone?
Because I have dreams to fulfill

Daddy, I need you
Why are you gone?
Because you have others to guide you

Daddy, I hate you
Why are you gone?
Because my own life needs me now

Daddy, I love you
Why are you gone?
The silence is so hard to fill.
Dearest daddy,
Oh how I mis you!
I miss your hugs,
our secrets.

Daddy dearest,
I miss being just
your baby girl.

I'm something more,
someone older.

Your kisses can't
make the hurt vanish,
mommy's cannot either.

Your hugs don't
make me forget,
mom's either!

Oh dearest daddy.

I love you.
I miss you like crazy.
Just to let you know, my dad's not dead or something..
I knew this day was coming
since the day you told me
that the only way I could help you
is through the single bullet
of a gun
I trust that you feel it in this moment
But I don't trust you'll always feel that way
That's how I was hurt before
Counting on every word he'd say
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