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There's just something about you.
The way you walk
The way you talk
The way I get lost in your eyes.
The way every time your name lights up my phone I get butterflies
And everytime you smile at me my heart stops.
You make me giddiy like a little ******* Christmas
And every ounce of me is falling in love with you
Seriously where the **** are you. I need you now more than ever and I don't know where you are. You've stood by my side since my freshmen year, please don't leave me now. Please. I need you. My rock my anchor my semicolon. Where the **** are you....
It's you.
It's always been you.
From the very beginning
All the way back to when we were little kids without a clue.
Running aroud the school yard in our uniforms.
It started as a cute little kid crush
Then we grew and feelings did too.
Middle school came and you made my heart skip beats when you looked at me in the hallways.
Then I was really sad cause you went onto highschool and we grew apart and I thought
owell it wasn't meant to be
But here we are again all these years later and somehow we've found each other again
And as I look back through old yearbooks and I find your pictures circled or with hearts around them I realize it's always been
No matter what no matter how I always ******* come back to you because it's you.
It's always ******* been you.
but every midnight poem is about him
Tonight I looked up
and searched for you in the sky
hoping to find you looking down on me
while you slept with sadness dancing behind your eyes.
Tonight I found you way up high
reflecting the sun's light into darkness
I found comfort watching you shine.
Tonight I saw each crater etched into your skin
you didn't try to hide them
you let all of my love in.
Tonight I faced my fears
and I let each one of them go
as your glowing surface uncovered my path
and I found my way home.
When you feel low for no reason
When your sad emoticon is there throughout the season
Does it mean you lost something?
Does it mean you don’t have the wings?
That made you fly out of happiness someday
The wings which were the symbol of you being happy and gay

Aren’t the wings with you today?
Have they gone to some other land?
You would get them back if you may
Go to its origin with the wind and the sand
It might lead you to them
And it might tell you the problem
The problem why you are low
And all the things you don’t show
Perhaps, they could solve it
Solve the problem you have
Perhaps, it can lit
The light and the lamp of your life
And the brightness it might save
Like a caring wife.
Grab the mirror
Grab the dollar bill
Grab my powder

Cut it into
neat little lines
four at a time

Roll up the bill
Andrew Jackson
at me

Lean in
snort it up
Rub my nose

Smile wide
let the numbness
take hold

Numb my brain
Numb my body
But most of all

Numb out all these demons
that keep swimming in my head.
did you know that Coke a cola use to have actual COKE in it?
I use to drink that **** when I was a kid
maybe that was lifes way of telling me
I would be addicted to its Name sake
when I got older.
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