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If only I was a bit thinner
If only I got a bit taller
If only I didn't have to wear glasses
If only I got nice clothes
If only I could put a bright smile on my face everyday

If only I have enough confidence in myself
To show you how much I can be
In front of you
 Aug 2015 Alexcandra
My eyes are strained against an LCD,
my fingers mindlessly tapping away.

                                                          ­        [My eyes are on the road,]
                                                          ­        [my fingers intertwined with yours.]

I look up at the clock,
the entire day is behind me now.

                                                           ­       [I look up at my rearview,]
                                                      ­            [the entire city is behind me now]

I lean back in my office seat
and let out a sigh of exasperation.

                                                  ­                [I lean back in the driver's seat]
                                                           ­       [and let out a sigh of content]

The droning sound of the printer
drags with my monotonous heart.

                                                         ­         [The melodic sound of your laughter]
                                                       ­           [lifts my symphonic heart]

I work until the sun drops

                                                               ­   [We drive until the sun rises]

                                                  and then
We drive.
                                                          ­        [I work.]
Inspired by the song "Next In Line" x Walk The Moon
 Aug 2012 Alexcandra
Julie S
 Aug 2012 Alexcandra
Julie S
I need you
I don’t know who you are,
But I long for you
You, who will fight for me
You, who will jump to see over these walls
And brick by brick
you will break them down
I need you
You can see the things
I do not realize
You can speak the words
I do not know I need to hear
You can make me feel
You make me WANT to feel
I need you to help me
I can get there someday,
But first,
I need you
 Jun 2012 Alexcandra
Alan McClure
We'll try our best
but there is a point
after which all our efforts
to convince you that the world is good
people are kind
and that you have every right to be here
can't counteract the flood that blasts forth
from your wretched night-spun home.

And the hope we offered
seems cruel
as it disappears from view.

One last thought, vanishing child -
try not to take anyone else with you.

you, who are of my heart
you, who still the breaking waves upon my shore

i am but a scratchy grain of sand,
yet i knit the pearl of your longing

crack the oyster shell you cling to
and know your beauty

see that your heart's desire
has been within you all along

— The End —