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Aisling O'Neill Feb 2014
Staring out the window as the bus travels,
The beautiful, deep, green Valley surrounds me,
I yearn to soar beyond that valley,
Touch the tip of the surrounding mountains
I dream of the day,
I escape this valley.
This large, barren, stone wall
cuts me off
from the rest of the world
Everyone else says:
"There's nothing for you out there"
"There is only pain and corruption out there"
"I don't want you spoiled by the outside world"
All of that...
It may be true, but...
There is something out there,
That's worth fighting the whole world for...
Aisling O'Neill Feb 2014
It's Valentine's day
I sit alone, watching TV
In the dark...
I flip through the channels...
I see the people in the movies...
True Love...Happy endings...
On other days, I wouldn't care
The day of Love...
Touches my heart, sort of
I'm alone...
Family's gone to spend time with their Valentine's, so that I am
Truly alone...
I breathe in...
The air, manna from heaven...
I am alone...
And there's no other place I'd rather be...
Aisling O'Neill Feb 2014
The light from my window wakes me. Sunlight.
I never want the sun to come up, but...
If it doesn't I'll be afraid. I don't want the sun...
But I am afraid of not having it.
It shines on me, burning almost... but at night, I fear for my life.
I close out the sun with heavy curtains, but knowing that I can open them again and it's still there...
comforts me.
At night, I still sleep with lights.
I'm afraid of opening my eyes and seeing nothing...
Nothing but the cold, emotionless darkness
Surrounding me, choking me it seems, even though I know I can breathe...
Even though, I prefer the darkness...
I always want the light to be there...
In case it gets too dark...
And I get scared again...

— The End —