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 Oct 2018 Airisgone
All too clear,
All too clear,
Right from the beginning,
It was all too clear,
That this was going nowhere.

All these colours,
Blinding neon lights,
My head hurts,
Oh how it throbbed,
It hurts, It hurts,
Why am I still here?
Why does the lights attract me so?

I do not belong here,
I can’t breathe,
I can’t breathe,
Tell me again,
No, no more,
I can’t take it anymore,
I’ll be taking my leave now.
 Jul 2015 Airisgone
 Jul 2015 Airisgone
People who fight
their battles alone
either lose the battle
or lose themselves.
 Jul 2015 Airisgone
 Jul 2015 Airisgone
i thought of myself,
nothing more than a broken puppet,
trying so hard to fit in the flock of white sheep,
despite being a black sheep,
that would never belong.
 Jul 2015 Airisgone
 Jul 2015 Airisgone
so much emotions locked up 'ere,
no one to pour those emotions to,
crumbling, shivering,
but i'll be alright,
one day, we would meet,
at the end of this lonely road,
i would reach you,
to where you are,
beyond the skies,
our dreams would connect,
our laughter would echo.
oh, my light,
i am tired of being alone.
oh, how i wish to be in love right now.
Strong winds may uproot you
Unsettle your stoic resignation
You will be shaken and stirred
Lot of ponderings and doubts
In the middle of nowhere
When gravity does not give hope
Become a fearless traveler
Encounter the strong winds
No matter where you settle
Continue to spread your roots, deeper
Your soul is still with you
Nothing can stop you from reliving
Every unsettling episode
Will teach you to be more resilient
 Jul 2015 Airisgone
Nicole Dawn
 Jul 2015 Airisgone
Nicole Dawn
Why is it
That the biggest hearts
Are emptied the fastest?

And the brightest souls
Are blackened
The quickest?
 Jun 2015 Airisgone
I say,
"Their words
will not
hurt me."
But at
night I
put my
head on
a wet
 Jun 2015 Airisgone
 Jun 2015 Airisgone
What if I woke up to find myself of a completely different identity
of a completely different world
where my talents are acknowledged
and I'm not exactly obsolete?

For once, I would be content.
I wish.
what a farce  - 25th September 2012
You wouldn't understand. It's not because I have an undeveloped mind nor have I a childlike mind. It may seem worthless to you but they're the best things in my life. I see myself in them. And I learn from them. They make me happier than a person could or other things may.
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