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Sam Feb 2017
Entering a place of time and space
The whirling stops, powering erase.
Happiness of life, joy and array,
Forever pushed to enlighten the day.
Sitting, writing, pouring out emotion,
something we all give our utter devotion.
So now we stare at the metaphorical elm,
as we welcome the silence into our realm.
Hello, my friend, I'm happy you're here
for now you can see, the life that disappears.
See the experiences of bliss and wrath
As you enjoy the way on your poetry path.
Sam Feb 2017
felt terrified of what was,
scared of what could be,
and petrified in the moment?
Sam Jan 2017
Is this the beginning?
To be quite honest,
I cannot tell.

This is what it felt like,
twice before,
but not the third.

I guess I'll have to wait,
and see how I react
to new things

Who knows,
maybe this means
*The fortune tellers were correct.
Sam Jan 2017
Yellow rays shine through the clouds,
feeling the warmth on the skin.
Daffodils and roses bloom in the garden,
The colors forever held in.

Smiles for miles
Laughter and Joy

Life, Light, Happiness
Brightly shown through.
No saddness, No hurt
A whole other view.

Never have I felt this much happiness,
for someone else.
I love seeing other people happy. This sounds sarcastic, but I'm being dead serious. Especially if I somehow aided in making them happy.
Just knowing of happiness makes me happy
If you're around happy people, you'll find yourself pretty joyful. It's a blessing to have them in my life. :)
  Jan 2017 Sam
Amethyst Fyre
There is nowhere you could go
that I would not be there to support you

A promise is a promise

Even if we're lost, unsure and confused
I promise you will not walk this
Winding trek alone

I'll help you figure it out, you said
*Me too
Sam Jan 2017
The shrill of metal
wailing through the night
Screams and shouts heard for miles
as the lawn is bright with light
The feeling of chills
through the bones of each member
The first note is played
the crowd cannot be contained
Singers voice echos
as the drums pound behind them
Each move made
Feeling the beat
*Feeling the energy
I've been to so many country concerts, but I'd do anything to travel back in time, and go to an 80's rock concert. Yes, some bands still preform now, but its not the same atmosphere.
My Dad once told me, "You thought country concerts were wild? You'd never been to a true rock concert then. The moment the guitar player lets out the first note, the energy in the crowd is unbelievable"
mfkdsios oh what i'd give!
Sam Jan 2017
Just wait for it
She continues to say,
words of wisdom
pouring from her mouth.

You'll see, I promise
I don't quite believe,
but she studies this,
therefore it must be correct?

Time will tell
Time will tell what?
I'm very curious
to see if your prediction is true

Its funny, how things change so quickly
I see no change,
I am still confused, but
something must be different

Is something different?*
I'm actually not sure
Are you?
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