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 May 2015 Deon
 May 2015 Deon
should i trust you with
my naked soul
can i take of
my mask
so you can see my real face
will you treat me the same
as you do right now
or will you leave me
because it hurts to look

without the cover up
without the fake
where my eyes turn from stars to lake
are you brave enough to look
or will you turn away disgusted and pitiful
because the sight has been shook
the girl you know
not who you think
 May 2015 Deon
Cheyenne Jeffrey
I wish,
I could talk to you,
see you,
but distance is you.

I wish,
I could hold you,
love you,
and most of all,
be with you.

I wish,
I could stop thinking of you,
dreaming of you,
because it just gets harder to get over you.

I wish,
I wish I never met you.
 May 2015 Deon
Mike Essig
We live in an abrupt time
without ancestors.
Those gossamer threads
that bound us to the past
have long ago melted away.
I am a lone man on a bed in a room.
Adjectives do not accrue.
Only your mouth tracing my body
outlines me into reality,
your pretty teeth nip me
into the dangerous present.
And what then shall I give you?
Neither famous nor rich,
I possess only mundane flesh
and a grab bag of words.
These will have to do, lady.
Allow me to adorn you with them:
earrings made of desperate syllables,
a necklace of my broken fingers.
These are the offerings
I place before your body's altar
where I have come to worship
before the magic of your touch.
Only a man on a bed in a room,
everything that is left of me,
waiting with anxious longing
for your mouth to create me again.
 May 2015 Deon
• Debt •
 May 2015 Deon
I'm in
debt feeding
illness and
I'm too
mentally broke

 May 2015 Deon
 May 2015 Deon
I've becoming a better me.
   I'm happier.
      I'm confident.
         I'm me.
 May 2015 Deon
Levi Kips
The Silence
 May 2015 Deon
Levi Kips
The silence, is apart of me
The silence, approves me
The silence, is extremely deadly
So stay away from me, when I'm holding a machete
The silence it kills
The silence makes me feel
The silence is neither here nor there but the silence is everywhere
Theirs no escaping the silence
Really their's no escaping myself
No matter what anybody say the silence is always within myself.
post break up sh*t, words by Slam Richmond
 May 2015 Deon
what's a life lesson without a
good kick in the crotch?
 May 2015 Deon
Willard Wells
When I write
When I photo shoot
When I ride my Bike
When I fly a kite

My brain tells me what to write
My brain tells me what to shoot
My brain tells me where to ride
My brain tells me when to take flight

My brain tells me up
My brain tells me down
My brain tells me right
My brain tells me left


I do these many things
As I sort for things
Some are found things
Some are lost things

I get advise
I don't give advise
I like advise
But it's my brains DEVISE

Sometime I want to drive???? Please???

But I have to remember
Which is Left
Which is Right
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