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I hate to say I don't care
But honestly life is so unfair
I dare not to say a word of more
Because I literally don't care anymore
Thank you hello poetry for selecting this as the daily poem but as well to everybody else! Hope your really enjoyed the poem!:)
Into the thought of our minds lies the soil of deception,
it is utterly a disgusting intravenous injection
Manipulation an deception are all around,
I felt embarrassed and put my country's flag down

I hate the way of how we tend to deceive,
and I utterly find trusting hard to believe
In lying and deceit everyone's a target,
its almost like a cash receiving market

Deception and arrogance are like a worldly and deadly disease
there is no cure which brings me to my knees
In life everything determines your fate,
so make good decisions before its all too late...
#deceit #free #fate
The poor innocent civilians of Gaza are dying
I can hear the screams of their crying
I moan with the people of Gaza
This is a horrid monstrosity way of a massacre
I cannot just sit back and be a passenger
Their human rights are being snatched away from them
I thought we were against violence mayhem?
In Gaza peoples guts and gores are all around
doesn't it make you just want to shut down?
#free Gaza #Palestine #we are slowly approaching WW111  #created this poem a very long while ago just recently found it and thought I might just put it up. #Disclaimer I am just expressing what I am feeling and I do not want to get politics involved. #I am free to express what I feel. So please just don't bring politics into anything.
You fire at will without thinking
Thinking is only believing when it’s real
It’s real when it’s not
Sixty years in the making
You came to this land you proclaimed
Sixty years ago
It was peaceful with no remorse
All those who seen each other hugged and shake-
Hands they known to be as one humanity

As minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years gone
We seen lives treated like ants
New leaders were conjoined to unite nations
They say “We are only peacemakers.”
They’re the ones making the weapons
They’re the ones who keep killing
As a retaliation of self defense
But who started it?
Who robbed the land when it was beautiful
Who continued the ways of ******?
Who repetitively inhere the Massacre?

You fire rockets like it’s the Fourth of July
You even celebrated standing there with elation
Is this humanity? Is this right?
Is this the peace that nations conjoined to create?
'They' pay their taxes for you to commit crimes?
Is this the world we really wanted to live in?

Do you really believe-
They’ll use their own flesh & blood as their shields?
They’re in an open-air prison
In no rhyme nor reason will make them falter
They don’t believe in power
Only in power of faith and hope it’ll end
It will end.
One day.

When that day comes
What you preached with your accusations
Your fake cries
Your fervid pretense of justice
Your deaths that you started
Your ‘media’ that corrupts minds that were blinded-
By your mendacity, armed with treachery
With pure dejection & cowardice

*The whole world will know then
Who brought upon pain
Who suffered the prolong unfeigned pain
I had enough.(It's too much)
All the pain.
All lives lost.
When will it end?
A poet in love
Is a match soaked
In gasoline.

follow my writing!

it will kick you in the diaphragm.
Watch as the sun
Slowly slides over the horizon
Leaving behind a touch of
Pearly pinks, dusky purples
And vibrant hues of red
Ah there,
Battered dreams quickly wither
Darkness settles in,
The crystal envoys
Paint a portrait of
Pure serenity

Hope is reborn
Our destinies are within our
Reach as our dreams soon
Come to realization
It's a beautiful ambiance
And the solid gold
Paints over the Eastern side
And it's overwhelming beauty
Is welcomed by those
With expectations of
Bettering their present
I do not like this phase of a heart break.

When you purposely avoid love songs,
Or sometimes you play them just to make yourself feel like your hearts still pounding.

When the person you loved and hid from every waking soul is brought into a conversation.
Or when he isn't.

When you see other lovers who have made it years without the cruel hand of fate ripping their love from them.
Or when you see they haven't.

When you notice him writing you smaller, casual messages when they use to be breathtaking and beautiful.
Or when he doesn't write at all.

When I ask you if I am pushing you away and you say no.

"Alright, happy birthday! Text me later tonight?"

"Will do"

When every hidden goodbye ends with those two words. And my broken, belittled heart.

(i. r.)
Please don't do this.
I. Can't. Lose. You.
You cannot fix
a person with missing

And I have
fallen apart
the pieces don't even
fit anymore.

To live in
pieces of your remembrance, I
how tomorrow could
ever follow today.

Empty rooms,
noisier thoughts.

The edges
have begun
to ***** away
at my heart.

And it
bleeds words.
"How do you move on when you don't know how?"
Sometimes I cry
Not because I'm sad but because
I can't take this

Sometimes I smile
Not because I'm happy but because
I'm tired

Sometimes I yell
Not because I'm angry but because
I'm losing you

Sometimes I laugh
Not because it's funny but because
I've got nothing else

Then sometimes I think
Not because I'm wondering but because
I already know the truth
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