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 Apr 2015 JAM
 Apr 2015 JAM
I tried and tried to forget
Finally  i forget
That i should  forget...
 Apr 2015 JAM
10th April 2015 dawns
He showed me
The life's first face
E-Emotional disturbances

But when 10th April 2015 sunsets
He showed me
The life's other face

I was shocked when He showed the first face
But i was stunned when He showed its second face
Its not that i was stunned because of seeing  life's second face
But because of seeing His Majesty and Real love Which is showed in this 2nd face..
God showed me this second face through a film (kayal)..I Found that God often comes to as someone but this time He taught me through the film ..Thank God..Love you My Almighty...
 Apr 2015 JAM
 Apr 2015 JAM
Though this world pushes you down ..
     There is a parental world which pulls you up..

Though the modern world forces you to have competing spirit..
     The friendly world could helps to have challenging spirit..

Though the depression takes you to darkness..
      Some inspirations will bring you to brightness..
SELF MOTIVATION- Thank God you who motivated me..
 Apr 2015 JAM
Lorraine DeSousa
And when your world is feeling so low,

Think of a few things written below.

For each life lived, there is a yin and a yang,

And for each moon that’s cried, a sun has sang.

As storm clouds roll, natures fireworks show,

In muddy water, a lotus flower will grow,

After the hardest climb, you will see the best views,

And try to climb sometimes, in another ones shoes.

When darkness descends, the stars start to twinkle,

And for each new wisdom, maybe one more wrinkle.

Behind each grey cloud, the sun still shines

After a volcanic diatreme, come the diamond mines

In the depths of the ocean, a coral garden blooms,

Venus’s jealousy stained the lilys perfumes.

Inside a rust mound precious gold appears

And a deep freeze will bring snowflake tears.

It’s a yoyo life, with darkness and light,

Through each short day and each long night,
They were THOSE people.
those people with their rolled up button-down shirts and blue jeans,
who wore leather lace up shoes that were
too casual for dressy,
but too dressy for casual.
they were those people who referenced music that was
too obscure to be mainstream,
but too mainstream to be obscure.

They were alternative society

It was those peoples,
who thought themselves unlimited in their box of elitism.

They may have been the foam atop the espresso,
but they never could taste the drink.
 Apr 2015 JAM
 Apr 2015 JAM
it's important to realize how little of an impact you actually have
because it frees you to make the biggest impact you possibly can
 Apr 2015 JAM
 Apr 2015 JAM
"Travel changes you. As you move through this life and this world you change things slightly, you leave marks behind, however small. And in return, life - and travel - leaves marks on you. Most of the time, those marks - on your body or on your heart - are beautiful. Often, though, they hurt."
 Apr 2015 JAM
Sally A Bayan
(haiku x 4)

Sun hides...dips lower
Moon and stars deck the dark sky
Dusk is upon us

Lights.....softly glowing
Drawn curtains are a pale screen
Casting drooping forms...

Voices fill the air
Night, patiently hears the moans
Shame fades at dusk...for,

Dark unites shadows
Cicadas join the whimpers
Wind...comforts the soul...


Copyright February 2015
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
 Apr 2015 JAM
You get to a point where, swimming and spinning you land in the nearest-p-universe, and you’re laughing your chair back, inhaling comforting scents of flaky pastries in some outdoor café on another continent where it’s summer and the sun is making love to the water. Your toes are polished red and your cigarette head buzzes like the bees harmless-floating above the flowerpot adjacent, your conversation is lovely and the sky is endless. Urging your conscious mind upward, you lift yourself out of the quaint wrought-iron patio chair and evaporate into one million whizzing molecules, finally weightless.
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