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Helping People Who Don't Need Help
Is Like
Watering Artificial Flowers

Why Bother?
waking-looking-head spinning
dizzy-vision fuzzy
feeling around

soft-comfy-white padded

where am i?
in a mental asylum

cant remember - must try

- fainted memory -
people dead
clear sky
full moon

- reality -
breaking free

- deep in a forest -
finally back to normal
now where is my knife?
I've been getting into creepy-pastas and my favorites are --
- Jeff the Killer -
- Eyeless Jack -
- Slender Man-
- Smile.jpg (Smile Dog) -
I look around to find myself-
and seeing i might need mental health.

I can't find who I am or who I'm meant to be-
all I know is I wanna be me.

People judge me so I can't be true-
I'm trying to get rid of the old and be new.

I'm trying but its hard-
and I keep losing my guard.

Why am I so lost?
I lay awake,
Feeling fake.
I lie to my friends,
Saying I'm happy till the end.
I'm happy I'm fine I'm okay,
But really I wanna cry and fade away.
Cry and cry till I can't no more,
And I feel like I'm a bore.
Feelings aren't cheep,
And now I want to sleep.
I'm all alone tonight,
Meaning my fears come and bite.
They try to strike fear in me,
And it stings like a buzzing bee.
I try to talk to my friends,
but they have to go before the convo begins.
So i lay here on my bed,
Over thinking is making me dead.
I think and think,
My eyes are turning pink.
My eyes are tearing up,
And in my throat there is a lump.
I'm trying not to cry,
So I sit there and sigh.
What a night to be alive,
In my mind, I'll go for a dive.
When I look at you, I feel like I found a piece of me.
When I look at you, I feel like I found peace.
When I look at you, I feel like there's no bad in the world.
When I look at you, I feel like I'm safe.
When I look at you, I smile.
When I look at you and see you look at me, I feel important.
When I look at you, I feel like I'm home.

When I look at you.
Sometimes its not the people who change-
Its the mask that falls off.

Sometimes change could be because of something magnificent-
Or change could be for the worst.

Sometimes you can love someone with all your heart-
Or you hate someone with all your guts.

Sometimes people can say thing and it'll mean the world-
Or the could just say it to say it and not mean it at all

Sometimes is a scary word when you think about it-
But sometimes it's worth it.
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