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 May 2015 WorthlessTrash
I walked down the road I always took
Still putting on the same old look
There you were, clutching your phone
You noticed me; I flashed a smile of my own

A rock was there, I did not see
I fell hard and the pavement grazed my knee
You offered me your hand while smiling
One glance, my heart was beating

After exchanging words to the person I owe
Sadly, it was time for me to go
As I hugged my pillow, I only think of that one stranger
And wished that, that will not only be our encounter

I walked down the road for the last time today
Hoping that before I leave, you’re on the same way
Disappointed, I watched the empty road in vain
And you never crossed my path again
 Oct 2014 WorthlessTrash
Like flowers, her life wilted,
Despite the ample rain,
The people whom she needed,
The ones who left her in pain.

Deceit was their craft,
To pretend is a must,
Behind the smiles, a rotten laugh,
How foolish was she to trust!

Lies are words with fatal poison,
Injected right through one's head,
Creeping unto the system of the person,
Slowly, making her dead.

When the situation turned unpleasant,
She sought for whom she called "friends",
But the people were hesitant,
Not even one hand can they  lend.

They use her for their own benefit,
Yet the slightest company, they can't provide,
How can she be blinded and cannot see it?
It's obvious, no matter how hard they try to hide.

A mask they would always wear,
Thousands of words they already said,
Yes! Back stabbers they were,
Rumors, they boldly spread.

Now, she finally opened her eyes,
Her trust completely broken, turned into dust,
She finally see through their horrible lies,
Though weeping, a strong facade is a must.
Busy schedule + No material = Late Posting of Poem

I hate myself for not posting any poem the past few days...
 Sep 2014 WorthlessTrash
The wind gently caressed your ebony hair,
And the sun kissed your skin so fair,
You glanced my way while smiling,
Oh, what a sight I am seeing!

But how cruel fate can be,
She stole your heart from me!
When she is with you, I cannot intervene,
It pains me to know that to you I'm unseen.

My world utterly crashed,
My heart was ruthlessly slashed,
I cried silently when you told me,
That she is all that you can ever see.

If I told you what I feel, would you glance my way?
Would you look at me like that everyday?
Can I rewind the time and change my fate?
Unfortunate I am, for it's too late.
The first poem I wrote for this year.
Altered a few lines though.
 Sep 2014 WorthlessTrash
Darkness loomed my entire surroundings,
All alone, can’t even hear anything,
Tightly wrapped me on its arms so cold,
No one to lean on, no one to hold.

I’ve tried reaching out but no one can hear me,
Abandoned, I felt, no one can even see,
Is there someone out there to save me?
Save me from the shadows and set me free?

I’m beginning to lose hope, losing my sanity,
I’m beginning to understand how cruel people can be,
I’m tired of waiting for a hero to save me,
I’m tired of hoping, tired of solitary.

Everyday seeing faceless faces, everyday being all alone,
Everyday pretending, the skill I greatly hone,
Exhausted, I was about to give up,
Until you came in and made it all stop.

Darkness that shrouded my world vanished,
Thanks to the love that you lavished,
Out of all the people, I can say you are true,
Hands down, I already trusted you.

I won’t let you go no more; I won’t let you disappear,
You taught me things that was once not clear,
I realized that amidst the darkness I see,
There is still light that is not visible to me.
I'm not alone anymore.
 Sep 2014 WorthlessTrash
If only I could completely eradicate,
The growing feelings I have for you,
Then, I wouldn't hesitate,
To be your friend once more, empathic and true.

If only I could erase the memories,
Of all the things we once shared,
That the swelling feeling this heart carries,
May be gone, destroyed and dead.
Unwanted feelings = Pain in Both Mind and Body
 Sep 2014 WorthlessTrash
A wickedly and ****** curve formed in her lips,
As she devoured the white light,
A chill runs through until my fingertips,
What a wretched sight!

She noticed the fear I emitted,
She glanced my way with fiery eyes,
Terrifying, my whole being debilitated,
Can't escape no matter how hard my body tries.

Slowly, her feet carry her towards me,
My eyes noticed something odd,
Her face seems suffering, I see,
Though her entire face covered in blood.

Her eyes exposed her,
The smile she showed earlier was fake,
She must have tasted life, not sweet but bitter,
Which her heart couldn't take.

I felt a gelid sensation,
As her hands abruptly placed on me.
Her face was close, no expression,
But her eyes were yearning to be free.

Inconspicuous tears strolled down,
The chains were meant to bound her forever,
I turned away with a frown,
Since I was too weak to save her.
The feeling of being so useless...

— The End —