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1.3k · Apr 2015
I Think of You
Tyrell Jenkins Apr 2015
I think of you
When I see a beautiful sunrise
I think of you
When I see the pretty night skies
I think of you
When I see a colorful rainbow
I think of you
When I see blooming flowers in a row
I think of you
When I smell a fragrant rose
I am glad you are the girl
My heart chose
I Love you

For B.G.C
981 · Feb 2015
In love with your love
Tyrell Jenkins Feb 2015
You're the one I can't live without
This fact is true, I have no doubt
I love the way you smile at me
I love the way together we're free
You may be strange and slightly loony
But all this means nothing to me
Because you are who you are
And I can see your beauty
Inside and out
Which is what threw me

When everyday I see you
Till then I cannot wait
To know what we will go through
Are in the hands of fate
The first time that I saw you
I knew I must steal your heart
I hope that it's mine for ever
And that we never do part

You are the one I love the most
And to this here fact I propose a toast;
May we grow old and still have fun
Because I love you and my heart you've won
970 · Feb 2015
Tyrell Jenkins Feb 2015
Amazing and beautiful
not a flower or a tree
Much prettier than that
and only I can see

Loving and caring
right down to the core
Filling me with happiness
and so much more

Eyes are so stunning
cannot look away
Gorgeous and shining
all throughout the day

Here in your arms
is where I belong
The beating of your heart
is like a beautiful song
780 · Feb 2015
Where does the Road End
Tyrell Jenkins Feb 2015
They say that no two snowflakes are alike.
Yet, in theory, they are the same.
So many different types of people today
Yet we are all created equally.
White bullets piercing black skin
Black hands abusing white men
Small as a peanut, Big as a giant,
We're all the same size
If you're looking down at us from the sky
Red black or orange, Yellow or white
We all look the same When we turn off the light.
So maybe the way To make everything right
Is for God to just reach out, And turn off the light!
Atheist hate Christians, yet all love football
Such commonality yet they continue to fight
The rich are so poor, with all the luxuries of life
The poor are so rich in hatred and strife
Democrats want control, republicans want them to go
if all says yes, who will stand up to say no
Muslims have their ways,  but their religion doesn't make them vain
Christians aren't any better, for both make mistakes day by day.
Some things in this world might not make sense
like people on welfare getting money from taxes and the rich
What people fail to realize is that we all have a purpose
we all depend on someone, thought they aren't the same as us.
Business people need someone to flip their burgers
Police wouldn't have a job without a law breaker
We all are created bleeding the same blood
The world would be a lot better...were it filled with more Love

645 · Feb 2015
Can't get over you
Tyrell Jenkins Feb 2015
When I met you, my life changed
Don't know when this feeling came
I got out of bed one morning
Shocked about this feeling

It's not right to love you, I know
But I can't force myself to forget you
You gave color to my life
Though I know the time is not right

I told myself to stay away from you
But I can't teach my heart not to love you
This feeling I had for you keeps growing
A reason for me to be afraid of what this could bring

My mind always telling me to let you go
But my heart is always saying "I Love You"
This heart really rules my mind
And that is why I can't stop this feeling inside

Asking God to help me to decide
Which one will I follow Heart or Mind?
God has purpose to what I feel
For He only knows about what is real

One thing in common between my heart and mind
Is that they're both saying what is right
My mind is right and so with my heart
But one thing is for sure, You are a part of my life
This is one of my favorites

— The End —