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  Nov 2019 Fearless
They say our lives
Are made of choices
Many turns and
Many voices...

Forks in paths
Right or left?
We're on the cusp
We're at a cleft
We're in the clover
Or bereft!

At times the choice
Cannot come slow
But we can't choose
Which way to go!!
Of the outcome
We can't know
It's the high road
Or the low...

Should we climb
A path that's narrow?
Or the broad road
With our fellows?
Or bushwhack through
Straight as an arrow?

Brave the thorny way.
The briars.
The broad road
Full of thieves & liars
Or find the path
That takes us higher...

I suggest
You take THAT WAY!!
I hope so more
More than I can say!
Accept Jesus Christ today!

For the way is narrow
The gate is strait
But a fulfilled life
Will be your fate!

You must choose.
At LAST... be FREE!
Be with the Lord


Catherine Jarvis
(C) 11/29/2019
Fearless Nov 2019
Of brokenness and longing love
looking for the one that fits like a glove
of shattered hearts and tears that fall
wondering if they can take it all
of wanderers, so many lost
what more to give to pay the cost
of all the wrongs and past regret
knowing they're not healed just yet
can't move on and can't let go
they all just struggle and want to know
what will cause this pain to cease
looking for some sweet release
the poetry today has a dark tone
everybody feeling lost and alone
you're not alone, you just don't know
but I will tell you where to go
the love you need comes from within
you have to give up all your sin
do not hold on to past mistakes
forgiveness is the price it takes
there was nothing you could do
there was nothing wrong with you
you are loved you are enough
the other person knows this stuff
the struggle you have, they do too
they feel exactly like you do
two people who are filled with pain
have a hard time loving anyone again
they need healing just like you
so heal yourself, and they will too
you are never alone my friend
Jesus is with you till the end
Fearless Nov 2019
swooping down to save the day
he's made of iron not of clay
he's a wealthy, smart, sarcastic guy
not humble about his ability to fly

her speed and agility matched by none
she's got great aim with any gun
her demeanor snarky with seriousness
from Captain American she once stole a kiss

he's fast with arms so big and strong
he always does what's right not wrong
he flings around his shiny shield
and always prefers to fight out in the field

firing arrows with perfect precision
he's got much better than 20/20 vision
he's the quiet one that's got your back
and he rarely wears anything else but black

always angry and sometimes he's green
watch out for him when he gets mean
he and Thor have had a little tiff
to control his emotions he can be a bit stiff

he's big and beautiful, brawn and gold
watching those abs never seems to get old
with lightning that causes quite a clamor
best to stay on the right side of his hammer

there's others with mixes of talent and power
that make their enemies scream and cower
the earth they have saved over and over again
it's great when the heroes always win
How strange a tide… apathetic to its core.
Novichok in the system — we’ve already hit the floor.
Not without warning for the interested few.
Sure, indigo on the spectrum, but black in our view.
Our prophets are wary, lamenting for the lot.
The glass thicker than ever: they’re forced to watch them rot.
Let’s not dilute it over biscuits and tea.
We’re addicted to passion; it drains both you and me.
Quit cold turkey; we’ll wither and die within the week.
We blew past the sabbath; so muddle on and be meek.
Telephone the skies, but the network is full:
We put off the harvest — our calls all but null.
“Don’t think just breathe and wait for the pull of the plug.”
There’s a way, truth, and life; but deafness is the most popular drug.
Our water is muddy; the dolls’ overjoyed.
Reject all the falsehoods; their eyes shimmer from the void.
I’m here to remind you there’s more than you think.
Dead end paths are common; they want you to sink.
Exist behind ego and you’ll miss the horizon.
Perspective’s a gift if you’re looking to wisen.
Races aren’t games for an aspiring professional.
Throw out your excuses you don’t need a confessional.
There’s anguish in the conviction; you’ll be forced to commit.
But sleep-walking is pervasive; few actually submit.
Fearless Nov 2019
I'm thankful for the trash I see
because I have my sight
I'm thankful for all the injustice
it gives me something to fight
I'm thankful for that annoying noise
and for my capable ears
I'm thankful for things that scare me
so I can learn to defeat my fears
I'm thankful for stress with family
it means I have family around
I'm thankful for wandering lost
and so happy now to be found
I'm thankful for being on crutches
I appreciate the gift of walking
I'm thankful for dumb arguments
because at least it means we are talking
I'm thankful for all of my failures
at least I know that I tried
I'm thankful that I was rejected
so I could learn to let go of my pride
I'm thankful when people use me
so that I have a chance to forgive
I'm thankful that Jesus died
so that I could have life to live
I'm thankful for when I was lonely
so I could learn to appreciate friends
I'm thankful that you read this poem
and this is where my story ends
Fearless Nov 2019
There has never been a moment in your life
where God has forgotten about you
He has not abandoned you whatever you do
He is there, and He cares

Listen to His voice, calling your name
He isn't playing a hide and seek game
He's there if you call
He's there through it all

Just believe you are not alone
stop giving up, keep asking till it's done
ask Him for comfort
ask Him for shade
ask Him until you can feel you're remade!

It's not done
until you've won
God's just begun
rely on His Son

You never know what you can do till you
rely on His strength
He answers at length
every good thing that you ask Him for
He'll give you that and more
so keep asking!
Keep believing,
keep receiving
the devil gonna try to be deceiving
but God is there for relieving
so cast your cares on Him today!
RIGHT NOW! Get on your knees and PRAY!
Fearless Nov 2019
through long green fingers, the sun glints
a single dew drop waiting to fall from morning
light and dark contrast different hues of brilliant green
zebra shadows crisscross my window
musty earthy humidity tinges the air with scents of life
the cool pool beyond sits in glassy stillness
morning is here, and the Day of Rest awaits
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