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Nov 2017 · 431
GREyAT Happy
Hunter hunt Nov 2017
Happy with a twist
whatever you make it
Sometimes there's just
a grey happy
When you try to be happy
put other people up
when inside your down
sinking lower
the more you help others be happy
sometimes we all feel this way
its a part of life
and when its happening
instead of helping others
take time
and help yourself
Nov 2017 · 290
The Poems I Write
Hunter hunt Nov 2017
People read my poems.
People sometimes like my poems.
People sometimes tell me they can relate.
People sometimes put my poems on there page.
But no matter what i write.
People never say.
I like your poems.
Nov 2017 · 207
I don't know
Hunter hunt Nov 2017
Emoticons don't describe
what my life was
the terror and destruction
in my soul
is not right
for my life...
I just wrote until i couldn't write anymore
Oct 2017 · 862
Invisible poems
Hunter hunt Oct 2017
Most people only look at the front page
they think this is the best
but they are wrong if they looked
they could find more
than a lore
most of the time the best poems
are the ones behind the front page
the shimmering ones that are covered in dust
the invisible ones.
Feb 2017 · 341
Wait,what is happening
Hunter hunt Feb 2017
I woke up with a shake
I couldn't think
I was buried in ash
I smelled smoke
I couldn't move
I was drowning
And then
I woke up
it was just a dream
but I still smelled smoke..
Feb 2017 · 715
By my bedside
Hunter hunt Feb 2017
At home I'm alone
In life its a lie
I have a shadow
but it taunts me
it laughs and punches me
but when I go to my bedside
in the dark I cant see it
I think its gone
like a shadow
but the next morning
it waits to start the day
and torture me some more
Its the tormentor and I'm its prey.
Jan 2017 · 3.5k
The society
Hunter hunt Jan 2017
I have never quite fit in
I have read and written
I have talked and listened,
but they just don't listen,
I ask and ask but I guess it is not for me
to fit in with society.
I remember when I was young how they shunned and shunned,
For all I had done
but what did I do I just don't know.
But I guess they must be right
So i'll continue to read and write.

— The End —