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Victor D López Sep 2020
May they rest in peace,
Innocent victims of hate,
Bless their families.

Gone--not forgotten,
Echoes still reverberate,
Of their too-short lives.

Let's stay vigilant,
Reject those that would excuse,
Monstrous, insane acts.

Let us embrace all,
From all races/religions,
Who show compassion.

For all who were killed,
From all races/religions,
On this fateful day.

Hate the evil men,
Not their innocent neighbors,
Who were victims too.
Victor D López Apr 2019
We are born dying,
But can plant seeds that may bear,
Fruit once we are gone.
Victor D López Jan 2020
to disagree

to disagree
on how we view the world
is not a sin

a sin
is forcing
our views on others
Victor D López Dec 2022
The holidays approach with quiet grace,
Floating above the merchandising din,
Their spirit fills our hearts, their proper place,
Displacing hate, greed, envy, and all sin.

Whether you worship Jesus, as I do,
Allah, YHWH, or other Deity,
That teaches justice, honor, all things true,
We are family joined in piety.

Those who would divide us worship no god,
They worship power, seek not grace or truth,
They sow the seeds of hate on fertile sod,
The minds of fools and our innocent youth.

I bid you peace in all your holidays,
May God’s light burn true paths through evil’s haze.
Victor D López Feb 2019
Such artificial nonsense rhyme,
That can turn art into slime,
And make your thoughts not worth a dime,
And words a total waste of time.

Throw away the limiting forms,
Burn all the idiotic norms,
Old-fashioned rules apply to fools,
No one but me plays with my tools!

The new trinity is Me, Myself and I!
I set the rules for every game,
And follow none, just the same,
Anarchy rules all, and that's no lie!

Iambic pentameter? Pyrrhic substitutions?
Who the hell cares about those illusions!
Counting syllables and each line?
Grand, old, pompous idiocy most sublime!

Write a sonnet? I'd rather wear a pink bonnet!
But if I do 15 lines it will be
Why, 'cause I say so, doggone it!
And no idiot ABAB CDCD EFEF GG

I am GOD and rule it blasphemy,
To follow both hard and easy rules,
That can make heads hurt, you'll agree,
Or burn in eternal hell as reactionary fools.

There is more art in a cow's mighty ****,
Than in Milton, Shakespeare, Wordsworth and Pope,
If you can't beat them, marginalize them from the start,
Drag them through the mire to raise me up, that is my hope.

From now on all couplets shall triplets be, thus do I decree,
Come to me on bended knee and I will set you free,
Everyone's a poet, welcome to the new reality.
This was originally submitted to another poetry site a short time ago in response to a challenge to essentially write an anti-rhyme poem in rhyme. For anyone who takes this at face value and misses the point, I hear my shrink has some openings available this week. Glad to pass along her contact information . . . :)
Victor D López Dec 2018
In troubled times I've called your name,
My love, and clung to it as does a child,
To the belief in Santa,
Or the sightless, to the hope of light;

It is for me,
The visionary dream,
That drives perseverance,
And decries despair;

It is the hope of wretched souls,
In purgatory awaiting,
The seemingly forgotten promise,
Of their eventual release.

When my stale words confuse, confine,
Confound my mind, and images converge
Into the swirling blur of madness,
I call your name.

Then hopelessness recedes,
As does an incorporeal nightmare,
Slowly fading, leaving behind only sweat-soaked sheets,
Yielding to the purifying rays of the dawn’s rising sun.

A simple word, your name, but to me, a powerful amulet,
Which pierces the darkness and melts away,
The deformed forms that haunt and taunt my darkest days,
And fills them with all on earth that heals and renews.

A simple word which simply is my all, a synonym for sincere,
Unpretentious love that seldom asks yet freely gives,
That does not question, but simply knows,
That does not quickly burn, but always, and forever, warms.
from Of Pain and Ecstasy: Collected Poems (C) 2011, 2018
Victor D López Feb 2019
Through you my love,
I know there is a heaven.
Posted earlier today on AllPoetry in response to a 10-word love poem challenge.
Victor D López Feb 2019
En tiempos difíciles, he llamado tu nombre,
Mi amor, y me aferro a él como lo hace un niño,
A la creencia en Papá Noel,
O los ciegos, a la esperanza de la luz;

Es para mi,
El sueño visionario,
Que impulsa la perseverancia,
Y condena la desesperación;

Es la esperanza de las almas desdichadas,
En el purgatorio en espera,
A la promesa aparentemente olvidada,
De su eventual liberación.

Cuando mis palabras pasadas confunden, confinen,
Obstinan mi mente, y las imágenes convergen,
En el borroso remolino de la locura,
Digo tu nombre.

Entonces la desesperación retrocede,
Como una pesadilla incorpórea,
Desvaneciéndose lentamente, dejando solo sábanas empapadas de sudor,
Rindiéndose a los purificadores rayos del sol naciente del amanecer.

Una palabra simple, tu nombre, pero para mí, un amuleto poderoso,
Que traspasa la oscuridad y derrite,
Las formas deformadas que atormentan y provocan mis días más oscuros,
Y los llena con todo en la tierra que sana y renueva.

Una palabra simple que simplemente es mi todo, un sinónimo de sincero,
Amor sin pretensiones que rara vez pide y entrega libremente.
Un amor que no cuestiona, sino que simplemente sabe,
Que no se quema rápidamente, pero siempre, y para siempre, da calor.
Victor D López Apr 2019
Thank you, oh sweet Lord,
For your selfless sacrifice,
To expiate sin.

Unworthy we are,
Yet you love us still, each one,
Died that we may live.

You are risen, Lord,
That our souls might rise as well,
Beyond death's dark veil.
Victor D López Apr 2023
Thank you, oh sweet Lord,
For your selfless sacrifice,
To expiate sin.

Unworthy we are,
Yet you love us still, each one,
Died that we may live.

You are risen, Lord,
That our souls might rise as well,
Beyond death's dark veil.
Victor D López Dec 2021
When you find true love,
Seize it, no matter the source,
For love conquers all.
This is a lighthearted short story about a serious issue--the need of sentient species to find love wherever they can. I think (and hope) this to be the one constant in the universe that unites all intelligent life wherever it may exist. You can hear me read a long excerpt from this short story from my "Echoes of the Mind" collection at
Victor D López Jul 2019
If you find true love,
Grab it with both of your hands,
Never let it go.

It comes only once,
And that if you are lucky,
Never to return.

Do not question it,
Or **** it to dissect it,
Take it as it comes.

Whether in fair form,
Or worn and riddled with scars,
It will bring you bliss.

Look not with your eyes,
They will always deceive you,
See it with your heart.

Its beauty won't fade,
It will be forever new,
As long as you live.

However it comes,
No matter how strange its form,
Give it half a chance.

It will change your world,
Fill all the empty places,
In your dormant soul.

And it will ripple,
Throughout the known universe,
To outlast the stars.
Inspired by my new short story by the same title that deals with humor with a very serious subject--the ability of true love to fulfill empty lives across any gap among sentient, intelligent species.
Victor D López Apr 2019
Is life worth the pain?
It all depends on the day.
Wish it were not so.
Victor D López Dec 2019
Es difícil volar
Cuando las alas de uno están empapadas en lágrimas,
Pero esto también pasará.
Victor D López Dec 2019
Yo también he conocido la angustia,
Aunque pocos que me conocen lo saben,
He anhelado que terminara.

He oído la dulce llamada,
Susurrado en mi oído a veces,
De acabar con todo.

Pero siempre pasó,
Demasiados sueños incumplidos,
Que no podía dejar morir.

Aunque no soy una chica joven,
Todavía puedo relacionarme con un dolor,
Demasiado difícil de soportar.

Traen lágrimas de sangre,
Palabras de jóvenes colegas con el dolor,
Que ellos luchan por soportar.

Haciéndose daño,
Para escapar del dolor mayor,
En sus preciosas vidas.

Les ruego a cada uno, por favor,
bajen el cuchillo, la jeringa, la pipa,
No hay respuestas en ellos.

La respuesta está en ti,
En esa chispa oculta enterrada,
Debajo de todo el dolor.

¡Increíble tú!
Única, en el multiverso,
Ninguna otra como tú.

Nadie con tus habilidades,
Ninguna otra voz como la tuya,
Para cantarnos tu verdad.

Potencial ilimitado,
Todavía una pequeña semilla preciosa,
Esperando a echar raíces.

El estiércol fétido de la vida,
Con lágrimas de alegría y tristeza,
Te ayudarán a florecer.
La chispa en tu corazón,
Estallará en llamas con el tiempo,
A través de tu poesía.

Purificando todo,
Los espectros y sombras oscuras,
Que ahora atormentan tus noches.

Mira en el espejo,
Más allá de las cicatrices y las huellas de lágrimas,
Al resplandor de esa brasa.

Debes saber que florecerás,
Y tus poderosas ramas darán,
El fruto más dulce.
Como es habitual para mí, esta pieza fue escrita en una sola sesión y es en gran parte corriente de conciencia centrada en poemas que he leído recientemente por jóvenes poetas, en su mayoría mujeres jóvenes, sobre cortarse y otras formas de lastimarse a sí mismos en respuesta al dolor que no pueden soportar. Algunos son poemas hermosos y poderosos. Todos me rompen el corazón y me hacen sentir completamente impotente--aparte de hacer un comentario alentador que sé que significará muy poco. Siempre he lidiado con mi propio dolor a través de la música y la poesía. No sé cómo llegar. Las lágrimas no vistas no significan nada para los que sufren. Ojalá pudieran verse a sí mismos a través de los ojos de aquellos en sus vidas que pueden ver más profundo que el reflejo en sus espejos.

[This poem and my comment here is translated from the English origin al that appeared here:]
Victor D López Mar 2019
We must **** evil,
Not with the sword but the pen,
Truth it can't abide.
Victor D López Apr 2022
It's Poetry Month,
If poets wail in the woods,
Do they make a sound?

If what we write goes unread,
Why on earth do we persist?
It is madness, I insist,
No one can cure 'till we're dead.

Will we be silent, or discouraged? No!
Let our voices resonate with our truth,
Be it sweet as a ripe pomegranate,
Or sour as cheap wine left too long uncorked.

We sing as best we can in harmony,
Or screech like rusty nails caressing slate,
E pluribus unum - one family,
Embracing every country, every state.

Our voiced won't be silenced, nor our song,
For we were born to sing right notes and wrong.
Victor D López Apr 2020
In hour fifty-five,
"Houston, we have a problem",
200K miles.

No rescue to come,
So easy to accept fate,
Say their last good-byes.

But not for these men,
Surrender not an option,
Theirs is the right stuff.

Just work the problem,
MacGyver a solution,
Use what is at hand.

Squares fit into rounds?
No problems for NASA's best,
Duct tape and a sock.

Make spare scrubbers work,
Remove CO2 before,
Death comes to all three.

The workaround works,
Freezing heroes fly back home,
Glorious splash down.

And the hearts of true heroes,
Disasters avert.
Written for a poetry challenge on
Victor D López Dec 2019
He sembrado palabras en tierra fértil,
Los regué con sudor y lágrimas,
Fertilizados con sueños muertos,
Y crecieron, florecieron y prosperaron.

Una rica cosecha tengo ahora,
Cestas repletas de hojas muertas y prensadas,
Encuadernadas en coloridas cubiertas,
Que otros puedan repasar a voluntad.

Me brindan recompensas y algo de alegría,
Me sobrevivirán, aunque no mucho,
Y ayudaran a otros a aprender,
Y quizás a mejorar sus vidas.

Ojalá hubiera sembrado menos palabras,
Cosechado menos fanegas de hojas,
Y elegido sembrar otras semillas,
Que habrían florecido en almas.

En un instante intercambiaría
Celemines de bonitas hojas muertas,
Por una hija mía,
Amada mediante toda mi vida.

Lo hecho no se puede deshacer,
Aunque senderos no tomados me llamen todavía,
Al menos sé que cuándo me vaya,
Las hojas muertas nunca llorarán.
Translated from my poem, "As We Sow, Thus Do We Reap"
Victor D López May 2019
When assessing fault,
Find your eyes in a mirror,
Then say who's to blame.
Victor D López Nov 2019
Los recuerdos asaltan mi mente,
Y me hacen beber un trago de oscuridad muy propio,
Los rincones de mi mente una vez llenos están vacíos ahora,
Y aunque acompañado, estoy solo.

He dado todo lo que tenía para perseguir un sueño,
Que me atormentó durante demasiado tiempo,
Fragmentos de la realidad ahora cortan los estribillos vacíos de lo que pudo haber sido,
De verdades destrozadas y sueños que han salido mal.

Busco con el hambre de un alma moribunda,
Y soy recompensado por mi insensatez,
Con un vacío sin fin donde el único significado que puedo percibir,
Es la sombra proyectada por mi mente moribunda.

¿Qué hay de Don Quijote y su fiel Sancho Panza,
Cuando los dragones comienzan a tomar su verdadera forma y aparecen molinos de viento? Lucha para aferrarse al sueño y al no poder no hacerlo,
Muere por el peso aplastante de su realidad.

Cuando me despierte, voy a enrojecer profusamente,
Y deshacerme de mi lanza deshilachada,
Para tomar mi lugar legítimo,
Junto a los grandes idiotas de nuestro tiempo.

Sin embargo, todavía duermo, aunque conozco la inquietud de la vigilia incipiente,
Me aferro al sueño, conociéndolo un sueño,
Porque en su dulce promesa se encuentra la única verdad que puedo aceptar,
Mi única esperanza, el ensueño evanescente de una mente inmadura.
Spanish translation of my poem, "On Shattered Dreams"
Victor D López Nov 2019
¿Por qué me han dejado, dulces viejos sueños de mi juventud?
Me esforcé tanto por mantenerlos en mi corazón,
¿Dónde han huido, la fe, honestidad y verdad?
¿O eran sólo visiones desde el principio?

¿Escucho música en lo más profundo de mi alma?
¿O burlantes ecos de un tiempo pasado?
Las ascuas aún resplandecen, aunque estoy envejeciendo,
Pero se oscurecen y se enfrían, al igual que mi rima.

Cada momento que pasa desgasta mi esperanza,
Al igual que las arenas en el viento la piedra del desierto,
Sinfonías que se desvanecen a una sola nota,
Dejándome vacío, amargado y solo.

No me apena mi vida; Tengo más sentido común,
Lamento una pérdida mucho mayor, mi inocencia.
Translation of my sonnet "On Fading Dreams"
Victor D López Dec 2019
I’ve sown words on fertile ground,
Watered them with sweat and tears,
Fertilized them with dead dreams,
And they grew, flowered and thrived.

A rich harvest have I now,
Bushels full of dead, pressed leaves,
Bound in colorful covers,
That others may thumb at will.

They bring rewards and some joy,
Will survive me, if not long,
And help others still to learn,
And I hope help improve lives.

Wish though I’d sown fewer words,
Reaped fewer bushels of leaves,
Chosen to sow other seeds,
That would have bloomed into souls.

In a heartbeat I’d exchange,
Bushels of pretty dead leaves,
For a daughter of my own,
To have loved through all my years.

Choices cannot be undone,
Roads not taken beckon still,
At least I know when I’m gone,
Dead leaves will never cry tears.
Victor D López Mar 2019
Goddess of wisdom, justice, inspiration, law,
Warrior goddess that is nobly so much more,
Than in what ages past held the known world in awe,
As the patron goddess of all heroic lore.

You sprang from Zeus’s head in armor, fully formed,
Grew to be among the gods his favorite child,
A warrior who as patron the arts transformed,
Fiercest defender of truth, enemy of guile.

You live today in every woman’s heart who knows,
The road to freedom is not paved with words of air,
In the fertile ashes of battles freedom grows,
Those battles fought and won by women everywhere.

You, paragon among all heroes from the start,
Live on triumphantly in every woman’s heart.
First posted earlier today at
Victor D López Apr 2023
Pink blossoms raise hearts,
After long winter's slumber,
Bird songs herald dawn.
Victor D López Mar 2022
I do not care what others think,
I care somewhat what others say,
I care the most for what they do.

Thoughts in themselves won't hurt or ****,
Words do not heal or peace achieve,
Actions alone can change the world.

Fear not the man who likes you not,
Raise not a hand to answer words,
Fear those who smile with knives in hand.

Don't waste your time on pleasant dreams,
Don't write to those whose eyes are closed,
Actions, not thoughts or words, bear fruit.
Victor D López Apr 2019
Bad ideas don't die,
They thrive like mold in darkness,
Uproot them with light.
Victor D López Apr 2023
Beauty withers not,
Winter turns to verdant spring,
In hearts filled with love.
Victor D López Jan 2022
Frozen meat, knife slips,
Cuts ring finger to the bone,
Bleeding will not stop,

Late night ER trip,
Ahead of oncoming storm,
stitches or glue seal?

Tendon nearly missed,
Wound cleaned, sealed, and blood flow stopped,
Wound dressed and sent home.

Sleet and snow falling,
Got home, went back to cooking,
Unfinished main dish.

Washed my blood from plate,
$250 rice dish,
Completed at last.

Greedily consumed,
ER Fees won't ruin,
This cook's appetite.

Based on this week's latest ordeal. My carelessness had its price with a $250 ER visit despite my supposed "Cadillac" health plan. But there's no use crying over spilt blood--and I did pick up where I left off and enjoyed a tasty albeit now much more expensive dish. That's what I get for separating frozen chorizo with my favorite very sharp knife carelessly--even while knowing if I slipped I could get a nasty cut. As I've written elsewhere in one of my short stories, my wife is justified in calling me the smartest idiot she knows. *SIGH
Victor D López Dec 2019
El cursor parpadea en vano,
En espera de inspiración,
Riendo desde lejos.
Translation of my haiku "Writer's Block" originally posted in English on
Victor D López Feb 2019
Few words are needed,
To convey honest meaning,
That comes from the heart.
Victor D López Nov 2022
Broken hearts still beat
In the lengthening shadows
Of past once-bright suns
Victor D López Jun 2019
Por que buscamos
Verdad donde no vive

Debiendo saber
Que solo se encuentra
En el corazón

Vidas perdidas
En búsqueda de algo
Que ya se tiene

Nos damos cuenta
Cuando ya es muy tarde
De nuestro error

No busques verdad
Escrita en hojas muertas

Puedes leerla
En ojos de quien amas
Estúdiala bien
Comencé hoy un proyecto secundario para este verano de traducir los cuentos que publique en ingles en previos libros, incluyendo el ultimo, Mindscapes: Ten Science Fiction and Speculative Fiction Short Stories. El primer cuento ya esta disponible en Amazon y Smashwords desde hace unos minutos y este poema de haikus enlazados se relaciona al primer cuento, Búsqueda Eterna (Eternal Quest) que es uno de los primeros que escribí cuando estaba en la universidad en Queen College a los 18 o 19 anos. No se si es una tragedia o un dote, pero por bien o mal no a cambiado mucho mi opinión básica en relación a lo que verdaderamente importa en este mundo, y se hoy igual que aquel hombre muy joven para quien todo en la vida aun era posible que no hay peor tragedia que malgastar una vida persiguiendo ciegamente sabiduría o el tratar de descifrar el la razón de ser. Seres humanos mucho mas capaces que yo en la literatura y vida real han tropezado con esa piedra y malgastaron sus vidas en búsqueda de sabiduría o del sentido de la vida en todos los sitios que menos se encuentran, completamente ciegos que la respuesta estaba muy cerca de sus manos. Este corto poema que lleva el mismo nombre de ese cuento--aun mi preferido de todos los que escribí hasta el momento--toca el mismo tema en breve.
Victor D López Dec 2021
Busy bees fret not,
For their endless toil will yield,
Sweetest recompense.
Victor D López Dec 2019
Cambia la vida de una persona,
Para mejor a través de tus esfuerzos,
Y cambias el mundo.
Victor D López Jul 2020
Can't choose whom you love,
But can choose whom you marry,
Make sure you choose well.
Victor D López Jan 2022
Work is a true joy,
When it involves your passion,
Choose careers wisely.

Of your time on earth,
Much will be spent preparing,
For work and working.

Make your life's work count,
By choosing meaningful work,
Leave something behind.
Victor D López Dec 2018
Don't dwell on the past,
No force on earth can change it,
Work to shape today.
Victor D López Dec 2020
Celebrate Christmas
Not with presents under trees
But with grateful hearts

The birth of Jesus
The path to eternal life
This is our true gift

Gift most dearly bought
His life to redeem our sins
Let us not forget
Victor D López Dec 2018
Flowers bloom next to rusting Pepsi cans,
Watered by the spit of ******* dealers,
And the ***** and vaginal fluid,
Of hot lovers groping under blankets,
Under stars dimly blinking through thick smog.

Nightly haven for muggers, rapists, fiends,
Whose every breath profanes the species they,
So poorly represent, turning Plato’s,
Featherless bipeds, to dead plucked chickens,
Soul-less, pointless wastes of protoplasm.

Abomination-- not in itself but,
For the use it’s put to: a bone for dogs,
Who’ve never tasted steak, and are gleeful,
To feast upon the scraps of fetid meat,
Clinging to well-gnawed bones that they are fed.

Central Park, the bone we are to chew while,
Smiling complacently at skyscrapers,
Daily rising where wild flowers might have grown,
Our humanity proportionally,
Shrinking inversely to their daily rise.

If I seem narrow minded and unkind,
Or blind to the beauty of Central Park,
It is because I’ve stood on ****** ground,
In summer, fall, winter and early spring,
And cannot bring myself to love a *****.
From: Of Pain and Ecstasy: Collected Poems (C) 2011
You can hear all six of my Unsung Heroes poems read by me in my podcasts at (plus much more of my fiction, non-fiction and poetry in English and Spanish)
Victor D López Aug 2019
[To hear my reading of this poem, you can visit]

Flowers bloom next to rusting Pepsi cans,
Watered by the spit of ******* dealers,
And the ***** and vaginal fluid,
Of hot lovers groping under blankets,
Under stars faintly glowing through acrid smog.

After dark haven for muggers, rapists, other fiends,
Whose breath profanes the very species
They so poorly represent,
Degenerating Platonic men and women,
Into dead, plucked chickens.

Abomination. Horrid not in itself, but for the use it’s put to:
A bone thrown to dogs who’ve never tasted steak,
And are only too pleased to feast,
Upon the remnants of fetid meat,
Clinging to well-gnawed bones.

Central Park, the bone we are to chew,
While smiling complacently at skyscrapers,
Daily rising where flowers might have grown,
Our humanity sinking in proportion,
To the heights they reach.

If I seem narrow minded and unkind,
Or blind to the brighter side of Central Park,
It is because I’ve stood on ****** ground,
In summer, winter, fall and early spring,
And cannot bring myself to love a *****.
Victor D López Apr 2019
Change one person's life,
For the better through your works,
And you change the world.
Victor D López Apr 2019
If you have betrayed,
The one you pledged your life to,
Why would I trust you?
Victor D López Feb 2019
"The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall." --Che Guevara

Shake the tree as hard as need be,
To make the apple fall,
Be it green, or red or yellow,
Be it ripe or still too green,
Succulent or rotten to the core,
Shake the tree and make it fall.

If shaking the tree does not suffice,
Plant a worm most carefully,
Let it eat the apple's heart,
Break its spirit as it feeds,
Sap its strength most thoroughly,
then just wait until it falls.

But if that tactic also fails, don't lose heart,
Rip out the tree's protective bark,
Salt its roots,
Strike it with chains,
Until no beauty remains,
And await the apple's fall.

And should the ****** tree still stand,
And the apple cling to life,
Take an axe,
Sharpen it well,
Chop at the tree, bring it down,
Force the apple to the ground.

And should the apple still cling,
To a branch devoid of life,
Douse the shattered, useless tree
With gasoline, light a match,
And burn apple, branch and tree,
All to gloriously fine ash.

Do this always in my name,
For "If you tremble with indignation at every injustice,
Then you are a comrade of mine."
Wear my face with pride over your heart,
Shake raised fists in indignation, scatter the ashes to the wind,
What does it matter that ashes can't be eaten, so long as we win!
I am no fan of Marxists or Marxism as no philosophy has wreaked as much misery as Marxism in every country it has touched in the 20th and 21st centuries, in my view. Fascism and Marxism are two sides of the same totalitarian coin, and while we rightfully condemn fascists, somehow too many folks in the media and entertainment worlds continue to have a soft spot for Marxism and Marxists old and new. Here, I've taken two quotes attributed to Che Guevara who has become something of a cult hero with his iconic good looks and short life spent fighting to spread Marxist/Communist causes in Cuba and elsewhere in Latin America before being killed. His life has been romanticized in books and movies, including the popular Motorcycle Diaries, that focus on the young revolutionary in a positive light as a freedom fighter. The real revolutionary was quite different--a hardened, cold-blooded killer who executed countless "counterrevolutionaries" (read: non-Communist/Marxists) without mercy or regret. The end justified the means for him and for all Marxists--and their equally deranged polar opposites, fascists.
Victor D López Jan 2022
Wonder in all things,
Magic, trust, discovery,
Joy in simple play.
Victor D López Jan 2022
A child is transfixed,
By a rainbow in full bloom,
Adults curse the rain.
Victor D López Mar 2019
Children are watching,
Learning from your every deed,
Careful what you teach.
Victor D López May 2019
Evil seduces,
Good uplifts you to fly free,
Will you soar or fall?
Victor D López Dec 2019
Not about the tree,
Not about Santa or elves,
It's about His gift.
Victor D López Dec 2019
Christmas has now passed,
Yet its spirit lingers on,
In receptive hearts.
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