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 Nov 2014 Marie
I'm sorry for being me
when you needed someone else.
To many people, and to myself.
 Sep 2014 Marie
Andrew Wooldridge
I have been broken.
Left in despair,
thrown out on the curb for all to see.
I have been beaten.
By the lies society
for so long told me were acceptable.
I have been humiliated.
By the ghosts of my past,
the ghosts I loved and cherished.
But you,
you were different.
You encouraged change,
in fact demanded it.
You made those ghost disappear
and brought new life in their places.
You are humble,
you are sovereign.
You've picked me up from the muck and filth of this world
and given me a life worth meaning.
And for that I am forever grateful,
I am forever yours.
I am broken still,
beaten still,
humiliated still,
and yet you accept me.
Still you love,
you love me with all my countless blemishes.
Perhaps, I'll never know.
But what I do know,
is that through it all
I am faithful.
 Sep 2014 Marie
I love you
 Sep 2014 Marie
I freaking love you

that doesnt make any sense
I met her a couple weeks ago we arent even dating....How can i love her?(NOT A RETORICAL QUESTION)
I wish you’d kiss away my tears
Wish you’d open my lips
The way you have
Every intricate part of me
And steal your name
Right off my lips
Right out of my mouth
Until all thats left of me
Is this drunken desire
To drink to forget
"Pick me. Choose me. Love me."

— The End —