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In a field of pure delight I watched the leaves ,
lifted by the wind ,
dance !
Like girls with daisies in their hair ,
held hands without due care ,
run around their play ground ,
laughing and shouting.
Faster they run ,
round and around ,
untill like leaves they fell to the ground .
As the wind died ,
then picked up again ,
the leaves took to flight and the girls danced again .
Untill scattered to all corners of a field ,
chased by boys ,
who stole their dolls away ,
like dogs in a field let off their leash ,
in the middle of the day .
Then  just like leaves ,
to the tolling of a bell ,
were swept inside ,
never ,
to be seen again .
On this  bed I lay ,
as my loved ones weep ,
I wait for what use is my body now for ,
God has my very soul .

Two doors await ,
one where Ivy creeps ,
and no handel can be found ,
the other warm and inviting and bells to charm the sound .

Yet here am I stripped of my soul ,
awaiting a body ,
or so I am told .

My soul wrenched as if it were Gods will ,
that I should wait in judgement as the sun burns still .

and the. Skies turn purple and yellow and gold ,
and slips silently beyond the earth or,
so I am told .

There are no fluffy clouds for me ,
no mystery of cosmic space ,
lost in reality ,

this is life ,
and death ensue ,
heaven and hell ,
the preacher stands ,
the fallen truth of modern man.

Earthly shadows wait  ,
for at last this world with all its jazz ,
falls silent as only it can ,
and God who sees the mortal soul stands before us one and all .

O the one they mock you say ,
In fairy stories on children’s knees ,
has a key ,
to all those who believe.

For that son now in glory found ,
with gates to heaven abound ,
and all that’s left is without Christ ,
no hope ,
or love ,
or sacrifice.
The moth without a sound ,
fell unmercifully to the ground ,
Slayed by giants his fate ,
for all he did was to irritate !

Like King Kong did he fall ,
looked upon by man who stood tall ,
the hand of. whome  like from helicopters bullets

did he fall ,
one of God’s finest creatures laid low ,
the eco systems weeps here below .

They looked at him an insect dead on the ground ,
Mocked and scorned ,
Swotted and death resound  ,
it never made it to a butterfly!
Alas it’s tiny wings will never fly ,
or polonate the flowers of earth ,
or eat the leaves ,
or rest in dark places no man could ever find ,
or dance before the light ,
the moths one and only pure delight .

Only thanks to man ,
who was so unkind .
So God realises the moth from his
earthly domain to replenish the earth again ,
all thanks  to man who smothered
the flame .
For death resides in freielty ,
a fallen world man bends the knee ,
In somber remedy cometh to thee .
Why do you love me?
My face isn't pretty.
I'm not even smart.
I'm just a fool with a funny
laugh and a fragile heart.
When I were Just a lad ,
my uncle used to say ,
as we all walked in the grounds of the gnoll ,
on any hot summers day .
“;there beyond the trees ,
above that starry mount ,
far above an ivy tower you must reach to find you’re love .”

So far that tower seems ,
even to this day ,
past a rabbits foot that lied alone our way ,
how steep was our climb to that tower far away ,

O ld ruins filled with moss and ivy where only
couples lay ,
where the moons and suns that lit up the night ,
seem so far away .

Where lovers lost and without due care find their abandonment ,
only there .
Where parties of guests once ate to great delight ,
In honour of their lords who summoned the night .

So as we approached so near was the sound ,
of people laughing all around ,
for what was once a burnt out shell ,
now found lights and happiness to dwell .
Where fine wine was drunk in copious amounts ,
and the ladies Flornted their wares to any passing gentleman around.

Yet as soon as the sun rose to touch those ivy hills ,
the lights grew dim ,
a morning chill snuffed out the lights ,
untill all was still .
The  people left without a sound ,
like a ghosts of love I find all around dim and distant ,
there is no doubt .
As I looked back amugst the braken and Brooke’s ,
to ruins above me ,
a woman waves to me with smiling cheeks ,
‘ goodbye ‘ said she ,” it’s been fun “
My uncle turned to and said , “ What were you looking at “ ?
“ Nothing said I for love is just for dreamers who just
happen to walk by “ .
Now amugst the crashing of the waves ,
and the calls of seagulls true and brave ,
Iying in the sea ,
about to take a nap ,
lies a sea turtle enjoying the tankards sailing by ,
as the afternoon sun rises to meet its cloudless blue ,

all of a sudden without due thought ,
or care ,
or a tidderly doo   ,
for if he had ,
would not have bothered you .
A brown ***** who had flown off course looked for direction,
from the shell of a sea turtles back .

.” Excuse me my friend I’m taking a nap ,
Please be so kind not to sit on my back “

The ***** bird said nothing in reply ,
not a swork ,
or an eek or a  “ soon ile be back “

For the rain forests are burning ,
and the skies are filled with smoke ,
and the seas are filled with plastic ,
and I’m ready to croak “
To be honest dear turtle I don’t give a dam ,
I’m looking for trees that form some dry land ,”
for all I can see ,
are tankards filled with oil ,
and cans and plastic in the sea  man can’t destroy “

Look said the turtle whom just wanted to rest ,
The Greta fleet are sailing to harbours to save ,
whist world leaders shut parliament,
ready to dig out our graves .
Oh look there goes a wet wipe ,
a can of empty coke ,  
takeaway cartons ,
an empty bottle with a note ,
* please if found return to shore ,
the ***** bird picked it up ,
then threw it back once more ,
said “ romance is dead “
for the little girl waiting won’t ever write back .

For at the end of the night  ,
when all have gone home in search of a better day ,
Fly tippers leave their waste on toxic land to decay ,
and we breath in their fumes as best we can .
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