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 Sep 2016 Tori Jones
Red Bergan
The time of peace,
Is a time of war.
With those of pain.

No trust.
No gain.
Why is it that the saddest people are always the first to smile?
You are my ocean,
Full of life and patience,
From all the fishes in the sea,
You are the one that feeds me.

You are my mountain,
Sturdier than any craven,
From above you watched over me,
Keeping me safe from my killing spree.

You are my sky,
Your vast kindness covers the azure high,
Soaring through the air with your white wings,
Healing and nurturing every of my being.

You are my inferno,
Your voice gives me courage for the morrow,
Burning passion fills your eyes,
Chasing after your dreams for miles.

You are my friend,
Always by my side till the end,
I won't like to see you alone,
So lets bump fists our friendship do regrow.
A poem dedicated to whom I admire.
She was a Black Rose.
A beautiful rarity,
and the essence of despair,
all at once.

She liked to wear loose blouses so
******* might be seen

She used to laugh aloud with the
About it


She was very curious but
She wasn't a fool


If you really liked her you respected that


I remember her

She wrote across my life

From ages eleven to 17

I liked the way she uncovered her *******

I liked the way she covered them again

She was might fine !

The lone wolf was gliding across the snow

He was going to join  his pack

Such awesome footsteps !

Knowing where he was going

And knowing why

One act of utmost courage

And decency


Her WHOLE life !


            All her lovers dance to the peace song

                                  ( In the temple before dawn  )

We gather

And stay

All is well

It happened

And was known


We love


All the children

Have a home

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