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Shadow Nov 2019
I've lost myself.
what hope is there for this tortured soul,
for this toxic mind?
for this heart is as black as coal.

on this onyx coloured night
I lay in my  bed,
filled with fright.
and as the moon sits by my window
I weep, I weep, I weep...

What am I?
Compared to the grand scale of things,
What am I?
For Whom do I exist?

as the crows circle above,
as the flower sulks in gloom,
as sky turns gray,
and as my words begin to decay
I gaze into the abyss of my impending doom .
Shadow Nov 2019
I miss your laugh
I miss your glistening eyes under the summer sun
I miss your smell
I miss everything that we used to do
I miss your face
I miss planning our future together under the immense starry night

What happened to us?
Why did you change?
Why did you leave me, broken;
Shattered like a mirror glass?

— The End —