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Above the keyboard are hands,
Working hands, trying to create something beautiful.
They can feel out the words,
But they cannot hear or see.

Above those hands are arms,
That can hold,
But they cannot see either.

Looking at you,
You are not just something beautiful.
You are beautiful, inside, outside,
Even if you can't see,
Even if you can't hear,
Or touch
Or smell
Or taste,
Your heart can.

And create something beautiful.
Inspired by the song "Something Beautiful" by Need to Breathe
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
I cry alone at night
Hugging my pillow tight
Thinking of our last fight
How everything that once felt right
Could fall apart so fast
I think about the past
Of a love that didn't last
How much I use to love you
And how you use to love me too
Then you left me cold and blue
I still wonder how I never knew
The real person inside you
That could be so cold and cruel
The one who played me for a fool
I was in love with a fake
A cold hearted manipulating snake
I lay in bed and replay what we use to be
And how you moved on without me
Our future looked so bright
I once thought you were Mr. Right
But here I lay hugging my pillow tight
Reminiscing of those brown eyes
The one's that held so many lies
I think about your kiss
Your arms around me I miss
Whispering a soft wish
To the heavens above
To bring back the Man I use to love
The Man I can't stop thinking of
The one behind those brown eyes
That are now so full of lies
But I still hug my pillow tight
Here I lay alone at night
Still thinking of our fight
Wishing somehow I could make everything alright.
March 2nd 2014
A Poem I Wrote for my 2nd Love :o(
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
A B Perales
Step out of the rain,
with a heavy cotton coat
still as dry as the dead fallen
leaves in October.

Come back from the fold,
back into this heavy
falling rain while still
as dry as the Cedar bark
that lights your cast iron
ovens flames.

Follow the other path,
let the spaces between guide
you through the rain.

Show the believers,
prove to the believers
that there are other
places than these.

Places without rain,
places within the
hard falling
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
Will Brown
Have you ever held your hand still
Just above a river’s passing water
Liquid rushing by reaching for your skin
Jumping up; eager to commune with you
Beckoning you to dip a finger in
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
Kav Birch
as decadent as it is sweet
he feeds her lies and she believes
she winks her eyes and he receives

she plays his game
ignore the tale of the ring
on his left hand

he thinks he's won
but a war has begun
at the place he once called home

now she feeds him lies
and as he winks his eyes
she pretends to blind

for now the tables turned
now his stomach churns
as his game now burns

when the candy once sweet
makes decadent his teeth
and leaves him
Written Dec. 16. 2003
The morning comes calling
Rise and shine
Moon has retired
Sun comes out glowing
Crimson red blush
Across the ****** sky
Paradise on Earth
Kissed passionately
By the horizon
Verdant valley
Shall wake up soon
Ready for morning visitor
Rays of hope
Shall cradle the soul
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