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85 · Jul 2021
Soul seek
If one could read all the many stories
The past has to tell about her,
About him,
About them,
About things.

She lost her life,
Redemption was brought to her,
She built a life and had a child,
She lost a baby
But life somehow brought it back,
Brought him back,
Brought her back...
In all your travels may you see
All the soul and souls you could love
And the things you couldn't take
But tried to accept,
See the value in it,
Get yourself out there where you belong.

There is no mistake greater than not SeeKing the path to Redemption of your own soul, love...
Even if hurtful, sometimes...
Without the sun in your eyes and the moon and the stars,
Without the people you can't enjoy...
Somehow making it for the better world
That has all the right to live well.

But I am looking for my soul,
I'm a wanderer, a seeker, a retriever,
A believer, someone who creates...
Someone who was suddenly there,
Being on the path, trying to make meaning of her life,
And I am there, where I can hear
The Rage,
The rage
Suffering united can produce!
All the Rage our suffering united can produce!

From that Rage: live!
Crush things down, they loved their lives, it's their lives!
Crush things down, they loved their lives,
But I don't want their lives to live, I want to build mine.
84 · May 2021
Origami Book
Tell me the story of that Page you treasured more,
In that book of your life that didn't mean but
A drop in the oceans of pages filled with words and tears,
Images to rest our souls with.

Tell me all that story of your youth, lost hours In words,
Feelings adorned with the explorations of shapes
Moving you on the abstract waves of games,
Thinking of that first Page in the origamy-heart-book you designed
To impress a sad Old child.
Origami book
84 · Nov 2020
Heavy Light
“Stuck in this sentence of two words you once spoke,
in a tongue I thought I should know
all secrets and meanings
then go...out there and explore
its factual beauties.
I struggle to become the whole I was shown
I can embrace and fight!...
~ I am having the beats of your light!
Now, while gathering the small bright particles of life,
I am making a promise to myself:
“I will keep this magic powder safe from the wrath
of the enemy inside!”
“-You go into fantasy! you go into that light!”
This reality’s darkness was making me mad!
You brought your love into this darkness of mine;
“I think I am the one who was right but felt wrong about it...
All ... this Time!”
A word of caution,
A spirit in need for a holy distraction.
I don’t want to pay attention to every detail of my feelings towards you,
Towards everything around
travelling with us while taking the opposite sense,
a different path to push us all
to the same old
dark grey
which cover and reveal a brilliance the gifted ones, bathe in”

“while playing on the beautiful
mysterious scene.”

From: Teodora Oniceanu. “Time Files”. PersonAll.
© All rights Reserved Theodora Oniceanu
83 · Jul 2021
May I never exist
For pooring you guys!

Are you playing?
Are you having your fun!
Lives all good!

Have a nice flight!

83 · Jul 2021
At least I was told the truth to my face,
I know how ugly, how pretty and why.
As if I was only clue less,
As if it will ever matter sometime

As if... MiracleS

83 · Jul 2021
And she closed her eyes
And never cared about anything and anyone else in the world.
82 · Jul 2021
Of concrete and Steel,
Walking-houses Machines,
Blocks of metal, Blocks of tales,
Broken pieces of Reflective tears.
82 · Jul 2021
The greatest proof of stupidity
Reality Tests
*And I found that I can be an arrogant fool as well.
81 · May 2021
With her
You're with her now,
Mocking me and my soul,
Inspiring my heart to grow
Feelings I never had before...

You're with her now,
Laughing at my heart and soul:
The fool I was. You're right...
Inspiring my heart grow
Which may count as dangerous.
The fool I was... Thinking....

                   One must do.
But you were undoable.
"Thanks Lord" You give praise.
You, with her, laughing, mocking,
Making my heart rise
Over centuries if pride.
                      With her.
With jealousy out of love, passionate hatret, no reasons, just fair a pack full of sentiment
81 · Jun 2021
As I walk through
As I walk through the tunnels you depicted
In a photograph a shade in plays speaking in tongues
Of hearts I wanted to believe in
But as I failed I remembered who I really am.
It's a place where we are one
And it can be beautiful
It can be troublesome
It can be craving for the better life.
80 · May 2021
It seems that I don't know
             How to be more grateful
                                        For what I've got.
"My warrior, don't leave me!
She said, her heart in tears,
Her eyes with shines of wonderful surprise
All wrapped in fright."

" Don't worry, my great love,
I Will be back sooner than you can spell
Ivory Tower. "

"Oh, but I want to move!"

"Please, dear! It's for the best. Do trust me!"

"Oh, but I refuse, solanellely!"

"Then I will have to leave with a heart too sorrowed..."

As Missy watched the film tare down
Her heart of plastic wrap
Hanging above the TV set ideas started float
Around her hearts all left to hang above
Without a hope.

A day in town, away from the crowd,
Paying a visit to an aunt.
Return back home after Tea...
A ladies beauty spa, a New Cafe and... one *** shop: she enters:
- Hello! Do you have any metal *******?
79 · Jul 2021
Like a poem
Like a poem, like a star,
Like the moon light,
Like the fall,
Like the love life you could have had,
Like the dangers _ for your good heart,
For your good heart you will fight.
Like the meaning into the skies,
Like the lives of gods and stars,
Like a scientists,
Like a ghost,
You will hunt and haunt
Or leave things alone.

Like a window,
Like a plane,
Like the Cloud Washing down with rain
Living poems...

Like a story that was told well,
Like the love life you couldn't tell,
Like the love life you wouldn't tell...
Like no other.

Like everything you ever wanted
To have,
Like those things  taken for granted,
Like all those things cherished,
Like the meaning,
Like the sounds,
Like, like, like the alike...
You aren't but a creature from a paradise lost...
What more to ask for?
But s

If I get it why I do and if I don't why...
I am tired of all the why's and things that wouldn't help! Solution, please?
The one you can accept and live with!
79 · Jun 2021
As if what....
Your Father did was not enough...
Now your Mother?

If only, one had the good common sense...
I used to have the good common sense...
But I lost it... Somehow... And that felt finally good.
79 · Jul 2021
Together we
Together we accomplish more,
Depending on what you want,
And what you want is fun,
As usual, why wouldn't you give it a try
And suffer quite less.

May I never have the good common sense to care about such wonderful friends.

You weren't there when I suffered,
You didn't give your helping hand
But your mockery,
May this mockery of mine
Help some good friends.

May this mockery and the cruelty of my soul
Be all in the name of Justice.

Be it all in the name of the worthy.
Gosh, I am not eggsagerating,
Am I not extremely bring right now?

If you don't want a miracle or that justice
Then that's that!
Find some friend.
Flashnews of "The Story"
79 · Jul 2021
Can't she just be happy
And leave me alone?

God, make her miracles happen
So I can find my piece of mind and peaceful wars I always loved
79 · Jan 2021
A Deco Pass Poem
I claim the invetion but it's interesting how many have done this for a long time now without seeing the poetry in it.

©All Rights Reserved
78 · May 2021
A need expressed
Would you beat the filth out of me?
If I asked you, please...
Would you make me worthy?

Could you Save me from myself and this sickening truth that's too ugly?

An invention, this dragon fighting me,
An invention the devil...  

   God likes us chopped by these chosen.
I Will turn into their nightmare and haunt them
As... they disturbed me.
        They chopped me.

I'll forgive them, if I can.
If not, I' ll have to chop them.
With what (soul) should I forgive
With which (heart) could I forget
78 · May 2021
Amoeba glow
Amoeba, dear, ameoba!
It't time for you to glow on the surfaces of lakes
For frogs to get exposed
Later on by humans
Loving lakes so clear
That fish and frogs can breathe
And swans and ducks can glide
On shiny surfaces.

Feels like a winter escape
On glowing matters of green shame
Tuned well
Turned into a yellowish glow
Light of our future hopes
All taken high, so high above
Shining like the sun over us.

Amoebae! Dear Amoebae! You glow!
You shine and glow!
And I fell helplessly in love!
It is better to be dead than a filthy pig
Of an insult to your prides
and someone
who cannot stand herself
And ruins the lives of everybody else
But, thank you for this gift!

Nobody would be too embarrassed to live like this!

*If the many can ruin even even even...
Have your perfect 'tever evens,
fevers, fevers
to burn all the bull_shit you all claim not being full of!
*"But what can you do with someone else's soul?
Oh, poor devils, what can you do?"
Belle bell,
There where your heart belongs,
Dear one
Who can't be but unhappy this way,
You must Have found some solution
But the world was against your ways.

Yes, people should be there where they belong,
And out of hell a hand should be given,
To the one who can't take it anymore,
Yes, a whole world against your ways;
For some it would be better if you weren't there,
Ignorance is bliss but not knowing must be even worse.

Yes, yes, a whole world against your ways.
Your ways weren't good enough...
As if you're smart you aren't...
If you're good you are,
If you...
May you be respected for what you've become.
77 · Apr 2021
It can only be heavens,
It can only be the knowledge of Hell.
Love, Share and Care.

It can only be fair,
Heavens versus Hell.
Then there's this Purgatory
An' a mind shell to fill with all our regrets
And medals.

It can only be fair... Heavens.
There's also a short version of this poem.
77 · Jun 2021
A family
Too proud for me...
                              She thinks she knows.

She must be greater...
                              And  I must be here...

A family

Is a family...
If you can accept... A family like that!
A good family like that...
Oh, what the honour,
What the Grace!
77 · Jul 2021
Why do you feed me?
Do you really enjoy making me

Why do you entertain me?

Why do you....
77 · Jun 2021
Become a character
One can't live without being a character!
More life,
                               life More.
76 · Jan 2021
Visions in a photograph
Blue moon melting misinterpretations
I made you cry so many times
For your knowledge of the right thing to do
For how I feel and what I want
I only wanted to make you happy
But not like this...
Not like that...
Blue moons melting misinterpretations
I made you cry so many times!
This knowledge of the right thing to do...
Amazing, perfect.
76 · May 2021
MNY, oy!
Maybe you don't need something nice in your life,
Something to brighten the days,
Make part of your life shine,
Lit a little light in your heart.
Maybe you're that ugly inside.
What can sometimes be brought to us by the good will and for tune of others. It's good to know where you stand and why you 'just have to be put to some place', say 'your place'.

It's wild the world where we fight for our money. So is the one for our souls and dreams, apparently.
When wasn't the world sold to the devil? When the need and strength of another fellow citizen didn't crush the flower thrown just under his (or her) feet?
For the duty you want to believe in.

                      May you believe
In your justice and help in times of need.
                     May you be helped.

A reason you'll find, perhaps...
The reason... Behind the curtain...
75 · Nov 2020
High Fidelity Feel
On the Alley of Sin, we spin,
Trying to get back to that Holy Being
we need!

“They are debating my soul”
“-You are losing your time with them”
“-Please, step into my world!”

He gives me a kiss...
I put the world into my pocket and walked away...
A kiss in the name of the Father.

You are drowning in acid tears for me
But I don’t seem to care,
You are diving into the bitter darkness; I’m seeing this in a past
cup of coffee...
You are drinking it!
I am smelling it!

You were drawing us to the forbidden land
But someone gave me a hand;
I’m suddenly crying for all that you lost,
my friend.
Taking a pause!
“- Resting your cause!”
I am going down with a high spirit and see
People walking in slow motion...
their steps are telling me
a story...
“Have patience, you’ll be...!”
Advice for the silent he gives.

Alone in this copper house,
I’m getting the bits of your shattered lights.
“I am not alone, and have never actually been!”
Love is in my mind now, and your mind in my heart,
My soul is somewhere in my memory...
and memory’s greatness shall hide in for me!
Then I will light a candle in the living memory of whom you ”

used to be.

“- Yes, my Holy Being! It is you my Pain Killer! I shall take you in!”

From: Teodora Oniceanu. “Time Files"PersonAll”.
© All rights Reserved Theodora Oniceanu
75 · Apr 2021
Cup of Heavenly Light
'Robbing you of all your wisdom and knowledge,
All shared for that cruel humanity
Never to come back.

Never to come back to a pain
In their perfect shapes...
We like you as you aren't.

We always try to mold you,
We always have ideas to share with you...
It's funny what we do...
Until we aren't what we really are.
The purity in envy breeds fires that create the perfect tools and weapons for beautiful crimes to happen. It is not a sin this Envy but out of it Sin can be known.
75 · Jun 2021
Does IT
.... matter...
                      ... A promise is a promise...
... and this...
                     ... is it...

What I was looking for...
                    ... Is in life,
in death...                                      ... It isn't
What you were looking for...
Is în life...
                   ... In death...

W.                 E.                 A               e
        A.                   S     s
                  V.                            V                 W
75 · Jul 2021
I can see you
Sweet child who believed
That the world can be a good place to live.
Well, the world can be a good place to live in.
You're still a good soul meaning only good
Which means being only too stupid.

Ask them, look into their eyes,
It's a business world out there
They are selling one another,
Forcing you into selling yourselves and your souls...
Forcing you into not selling but more.
How else can you survive...?
It isn't easy! It isn't easy at all!

The path? Do you remember Jesus?
Do you remember Christ?
Do you remember God?
A God would never accept nor like being mistreated.
A God would fight.

Learn the good path, take only the best...
Make it right!
Sweet child... Loved child!
Be Wise and strong.
*If there is a condition for you to make it the right way the condition should take you to your self-respect not to your self-demise and blame or shame.
75 · Jun 2021
Our Attempts of avoiding tragedies
Lead to harming the self
But the self can take it
It's the flesh that needs more strength.
You let your child starve to death,
You *****, you ****, you awful disease!
You *****, you left home for another ****,
You lousy Mother!
Why did you have to die?!

You helped them feel better about themselves,
You let them invade your home,
Mock you with the Presence of evil...
You helped me say when I could have walked away...
Would that have been better?

You left! You human, you soul...
You had to leave.
Why did you have to **** all my hopes?
You left for that better world,
You had to pass but your memory's still there,
In my heart, brought to my mind,
From time to time...
You had to go away...
And I had to learn how to say goodbye.
You! I hope you've got your passport!
75 · Jun 2021
Everything was...
Going well.
                        That's why...
You had to!
75 · Jul 2021
Why do I know my soul
This sad,
Broken with love and care  put down
And why is this calmness telling of the great fighter,
The warrior I've become!
Oh, the warrior I've become!

Oh, the worrier!

Can you help me calm down? Find the solution?
Find the solution.
Have faith,
They'll fight and ruin it,
Your soul.

Have mercy,
They will convince you that you're stupid.
You and your soul.

Be arrogant,
You'll find yourself nothing but a fool.
You selved soul!

Be faithful,
You'll be thrown out of the door,
You peaceful arogant fool!

Be hard like a stone.
74 · Jun 2021
I'm a disease
I will always find a reason
To come back
And do something
I see as good or useful or (absolutely) necessary.
As miracles have to be comatted and praised the disease.  🤩💦😑
74 · Jun 2021
An Old...
Dog Can't be taught new tricks.
Apparently nor can one teach news a bat.
74 · Jun 2021
To see...
What happens if you have the guts
And courage...
Now, why wouldn't I wish to become the cruellest winner?
74 · Jul 2021
Tales from within
I tell myself I think,
And I think only well,
I listen and I work,
I look for and I play,
I seek and hide.

I tell myself tales asking, asking for help,
I imagine to turn things that upset into a haven,
Heaven in my head, heaven in my head,
I should have remained depressed, died alone
For my family turned so embarrassed.
For my hurting soul to the extreme.
*Who wasn't after your good reason ing and brains and why?
Oh, why didn't eat some great brains!?

Left with a few character types arranged from the heart and soul that got to matter more,
Fixed a head to serve an interest,
Life of sweet turned to great wisdom.
73 · May 2021
A note on...
"Now why would ye like me ta be only a *****,
Ye need one that much? Is it the only way ye can make yerself shine?
Stand up prouder than anyone else?
Why would ye like me subjected a ****?
Dejection lost in tis world,
Any town would do... Any time would do...
Ye couldn't make anything and anyone better,
Yer pride was cruel.

Why would ye like me ta be hateful and 'wise',
Standing too proud in the crowd,
Thinking myself what I,'m not...
Standing too low, becoming the filth of your beloved
And loathed... Loathful... Lost, gladly, for the best...

Learning that I must be everything,
No matter what, no matter how I feel...
Why would yer pride be so great and let me lead myself out of Hell? "
Breaking like the lightning crossing the skies on a story night.
"Why would ye want me ta be a *****?
Only a ****** *****?
Ye need one so bad...
Is this the only way ye can feel important?
Why would ye want me ta be a *****?
Is this the only way ye can be better?
Ye want all my life to go wrong.
Maybe this will make ye greater... "
It's something like an Old story, an old song, an Old Verse to be reversed. Old poems, young and Old and wise...
And With those words a Charles Bukowski with an add of Scots inspired line. Enjoy.
It would still mean what it always meant.

And the meaning of sanctity means a lot of suffering,
Don't scream, just take it nicely
Or shout and scream and be hated by the world.

Or loved... Only that, perhaps means more suffering.

May we suffer like loved Children on the field?

Quite Yes was my answer!
So thanks!
To be mature
Was a gift
Only you wanted so much more
You wanted so much more than being the kid
Nobody cursed, nobody cursed.
73 · Nov 2020
Burning bright
Tears shining
From within

What have you done?
Picking up fun,
Enjoy your laughter.

Oh dearest
Why would you attack me?
Enjoying your sorrows?
You're probably not wrong.
Part of my "Natural" collection,  © All rights Reserved Theodora Oniceanu
Your sweet butterflies created in the perfect lab
Have visited me in a dream,
They told me so many things that my gut felt forced to train itself,
Stretch to sentence them to a higher flight
Where they could find everything they couldn't want but the way they loved: peaceful
Butterflies fluttering their wings, flying up, flying down,
Mesmerising my mind,
Where's the bee?
They bring pollen that took on their wings
But the bee,
The bee is bringing her honey and her poison and her humming,
Then a buzz,
Then a flight in the search of more flowers.

I ate three thousand butterflies and their queen
Had no problem.
72 · Apr 2021
The Vegan Style Pt. I
I couldn't hate this world of yours more,
What's there to learn that they are too ******* important!?
Oh, but I didn't know, I didn't know!

I tried to avoid it, 'ate all that I could,
Felt ill to the stomach!
Now time to fast and heal!

I even became a vegan,
Oh, well, that went' so well!
Only some birds here started being inviting, delicious food I reject
Like an idiot of a vegan.
Let's have a little fun... The stylish teen-age trend in progress, feeling too awesome to bother for anyone's mean or simply stupid attacks.

Never care too much for any "stupid neighbour". Just be yourself the one you need to be.
God can forgive a little mistake here and there. :-) If there's need of any forgiveness... for something... anything... hmmm....
"Maybe you had a good life but you had to ruin mine... and I had to say goodbye, still, you wouldn't let me...
You like seeing us hurt,
Broken, humiliated for all the strength we show,
For all the weakness we exposed...
For anything that is, that was...
Once yours
Oh, but for ten times much more!
You would
Humiliate us more
I know...
I had to flee
As you were too ugly to accept and let me be."

©Theodora Oniceanu
And I give praise to the Lord every day for not feeling, not caring... Not suffering anymore
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