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724 · Oct 2024
Fresh from the vine
Theheartofman Oct 2024
Fresh grape, picked from the vine.
My chocolate haired beauty.
Will you be mine?
My chocolate haired beauty,
With lips of fine wine.
What is my resistance to undress you with my mind?
Shoulders barren,
gorgeous is she.
Which stirrs a great mystery within side of me.
Graceful, vibrant and youthful is she.
What are you trying to say to me?
I AM he, from the depths of my soul shall yee shall see.
With your youthfulness and sacred divinity.
My chocolate haired beauty,
set me free from my doubts, shame and fears.
All that separates me from thee.
379 · Oct 2024
Divine and sacred unity
Theheartofman Oct 2024
As I explore my anxiety.
Why am I so shy, with beauties such as thee?
My heart says, go talk to thee.
My mind says she may reject thee.
My soul says that she will set you free.
My mind says, your chocolate haired beauty, will despise thee.
My heart says you can play and be free. Frolic like in a meadow, like children are we.
My mind says you are too beautiful for me.
My soul says, as we connect, it will reveal a great mystery.
Set my mind free my chocolate haired beauty.
Let's dance and sing, as children, we would be.
Playful and inquisitive are we.
Doubt, shame and are no longer allowed to remain with inside of you, and within side of me.
Let's set our hearts, minds and souls free.
Discover, be free, to see each others,
divine, sacred and natural beauty!
307 · Sep 2017
The Journey Into my Heart
Theheartofman Sep 2017
Two separate Journey's,
two separate feet,
pounding and thumping with the same heart beat.
Your rythem is soft,
passionate and true.
My heart has a long awaited you.
My journey has led me on many mysterious paths,
my heart keeps telling me this one will last.
You are so elegant,
so fearless, so strong.
When I'm with you I feel as though I belong.
By;Bryan Oliver
210 · Sep 2017
The Heart of Man
Theheartofman Sep 2017
The heart of man
is desperate
and true
it's been broken
and hurt,
so no light can see through

The heart of man
is passionate
and strong
and resentments,
it seeps in all day long
it can longer sing it's lovely song

The heart of man
is soft and contrite
It tries to forgive,
has to protects it’s self
from the fight

The heart of man
is trusting and strong
gets rejected
and lied to all day long

The heart of man
is helpful and kind
although it
doesn't get nurtured
cared for all of the time

The heart of man
is sensitive and wise
we're told to toughen up,
there's no need to cry,
you won't win the prize

The heart of man
is so simple and true
we make love
so complicated
we don't know what to do

The heart of man
is such a beautiful thing
when it's open
it's able to do
amazing things

Let's make it our mission,
our passion,
our truth,
to care for each others hearts
it no longer has any use

get out of our heads
into our hearts

before we no longer
know how
to love each other,
before we
don't even know where to start

Let's take each other hand in hand
  we completely
reject each other and no longer can

Let's truly
love one another as we're taught
the enemy consumes
the whole lot

Let's love
and accept each other
for who we are
lest we all run away afar

Next time,
you pass a stranger
on the street,
greet them with a smile
and a nod
At first
they might find it little strange,
a little odd,
before long
it will reach
the whole pod

Next time
you meet your family
or a friend,
greet them with a kiss
and a shake of the hand

At first
they may reject it,
before long it will be a
By; Bryan Oliver
I'm open to any suggestions as to how I could structure this poem better.

A few years ago i was in a really deep meditation, a couple days after a workshop I went to, I was thinking and meditating about unconditional love. Then i started hearing the tune in my head. So i decided to write it down. I wrote it in about 2 or 3 hrs.... I only edited it when I joined this poetry group. I've discovered I enjoy writing poetry. I've never taken any poetry classes or anything. I wasn't very good in English class when in school
Theheartofman Jul 2020
Thank you Universe.
It really has been a difficult few years for me.
I've been battling deep loneliness, depression and severe panic attacks. There's been moments in these last few years I thought I was loosing my mind.
But, thankfully I've always known how to rely on and trust my heart.

[Finally, I feel like I'm almost ready to emerge as a Warrior, like a flower that has survived impossible conditions. Because of the unnatural conditions my roots have reached to the core of the earth, reaching for whatever nourishment I can get.
What I found there was WHO I AM.]

I AM unconditional love,
I AM the Universe.
I AM not separate from all that is good and pure.
I say this to you, because I see that you've have been to that same plain.

I AM the Universe,
the Universe is inside of me!
YOU ARE the Universe,
the Universe is inside of you!
That is where true power lies!❤️🕊️❤️

It's time to embrace WHO we are!❤️🕊️❤️
153 · Jul 2020
Fear vs Afraid
Theheartofman Jul 2020
To live in fear,
is to feel inferior!
To be afraid,
is to feel the realness of life"!
- Courageous Dove
151 · Feb 2023
Theheartofman Feb 2023

ReSource’s, reSource’s,
who are we?
everything I seek, everything I need.
Is all around and inside of me.

ReSource’s, reSource's, 
I need to hear, I need to know
Everything about your ebb and your flow.
what are your questions? What do you need to know?
Find a balance between my heart,
and what I need to know!

ReSource's, reSource’s,
fear, shame, misery.
Deaf, dumb and blind are we?
It exposes, our hurts, our pains, 
our vulnerabilities.

ReSource's, reSource’s
Earth, Fire, Wind and snow,
Fibonacci will let you know,
Within every frog or flake of snow
a sequence, a vibration, and a dance to show.
Sing your songs of love, joy and unity.

ReSource’s, ReSource’s
Show me your magic,
your mystery,
your creativity 
use every pain, every fire or catastrophe
as an opportunity to grow,
learn and vibrate at a higher frequency 
Lets put on our crowns and finally be free
Feeling and knowing, the entire Universe,
exists inside of you and inside me!

Sincerely, Courageous Dove
150 · Jul 2020
True power!
Theheartofman Jul 2020
the Universe,
the Universe is
inside of me!
the Universe,
the Universe is
inside of you!
That is where
True power lies!
141 · Jul 2020
Love or Fear
Theheartofman Jul 2020
It says " a double minded man is unstable in all of his ways"! So do you choose Love or Fear?
128 · Jul 2021
Theheartofman Jul 2021
Forgiveness is never about the other person. It's about finding peace within my soul. I've learned the value of forgiveness and remembering the truth and the lesson I needed to learn.

    I use to forgive and forget. But I kept repeating the same cycles. In order to break the cycle, I need to let go of what happened. But, also realize WHO I became in the process. By doing that I validate my experience and find value in WHO I AM! ❤️🕊️❤️

Sincerely, Courageous Dove ❤️🕊️❤️
117 · Jul 2021
Everything is energy!
Theheartofman Jul 2021
I've been doing a lot of meditation on death. I realized that as a society we are obsessed with the idea of death. The idea that when we pass, that's it, that's all folks.

But if you look at death through the vibration of life and love. Using the words of Tesla, "everything is energy". I realized that there is no death at all. At least the version of death that the world makes us believe. Yes we may die physically. However, our energy, WHO we are, our consciousness, still exists. Because energy never dies. We just change forms.

Yes, there are people who I've lost, that I miss dearly. But, I still believe they still exist in the spiritual realm. Because there's been situations that I've gotten through that I shouldn't have. I know with my heart that it was my loved ones who stepped in to help me.

Remember "WE ARE spiritual beings having a human experience. Not the other way around!" When we learn to accept and tap into our true and natural state of being (Love). We start seeing WHO we truly are. Then when we start connecting with the supernatural abilities of the Universe!

In that space there is infinite power, creation and endless possibilities.

Sincerely, Courageous Dove! ❤️🕊️❤️
104 · Jul 2020
Theheartofman Jul 2020
When you see something inside someone good or bad. Do you think you would see it if it didn't exist in you as well?
99 · Jul 2020
Who defines you?
Theheartofman Jul 2020
Does what you do define WHO you are?
Or, does WHO you are define and decide what to do?
Theheartofman Jul 2020
After years of meditation on the meaning of love and what is. I've realized everyone has their own vibration of love and it means something different to everyone! It's like having to learn a new language with everyone you meet. Because everyone has a different way of expressing, receiving and giving love!

So, what does love mean to you?❤️🕊️❤️
99 · Jul 2020
Theheartofman Jul 2020
I choose to speak my truth and be my authentic self. Because that is the most loving thing I can do for myself and everyone in my life. How can people help me and be apart of me if they don't know WHO I AM!❤️🕊️❤️
96 · Jul 2020
Positive thoughts!❤️
Theheartofman Jul 2020
I don't have mental problems, I have a thinking problem. If I change the way I think, I won't have any problems, only challenges I'm willing to face and rise above!
95 · Nov 2023
False illusions and fear
Theheartofman Nov 2023
We see through the lens that we conditioned to see through and believe....

Some people can only see darkness and fear.

That's why it's so important to stay strong, be authentic and speak our truth....

That's the only way to break false illusions and lies!


It's only when we let go of the illusions of our division that we can truly grow, heal and connect as a unified body of God.

~Courageous Dove ❤️🕊️❤️
Theheartofman Jul 2020
Yes, we are all individuals and we all have special qualities that make us all unique and special! But we are also one spirit and the body of God/ Universe!

It is only through love and acceptance of each other for exactly WHO we are. Nothing more, nothing less. That is when we can all truly be intimate and connect to each other!

❤️🕊️❤️I AM love, it is our natural state of being!❤️🕊️❤️

❤️🕊️❤️Namaste my friends ❤️🕊️❤️
Theheartofman Jul 2020
Your mind only knows the information you feed it. Your heart and soul is connected to the infinite wisdom and knowledge of the Universe!
86 · Jul 2020
Darkness while awakening
Theheartofman Jul 2020
Even when we are awakening, we all still have our periods of darkness, so we can grow stronger.

[Like a seed before it becomes a flower, it has to go into the dark, cold, soil and grow its roots. Before it has the strength to push it's head through the soil and become alive!]❤️🕊️❤️
Theheartofman Jul 2020
What is our measuring stick when we critize and pass judgment?

The laws are based on:

Good vs. evil
Right vs wrong
Black vs white  ( colours, not talking about skin colour)
Successful vs unsuccessful
"Normal" vs different
Rich vs poor

The idea of "perfectionism" that is rampant in our culture. Everyone must act, be and do what their told or else their cast out as an outcast, reject or unsuccessful. Doesn't give people room to be authentic and real. There's no room for patience, acceptance, compassion or even a desire to help, when someone does make a mistakes.

[Let's look at reality. When we go through life on lifes terms. Nothing is as straight forward as our laws and judgments. Just simply look at the birds outside. Do you think a mother bird kicks a new hatchling out of the nest, because it doesn't know how to fly? Or, does she have patience and understanding to teach her hatchling how to fly?]

I've yet to meet anyone who is perfect and doesn't make any mistakes. I know a lot of people have their masks on and like everyone to think they're perfect and flawless.

In my life I've fallen down more times than I can count. My failures and shortcomings have shown me that I need to be more patient and understanding with myself and others. That's how I've grown to be the strong person I AM. Thank God, I've never broken any legal laws. Who knows if I followed the wrong people or made the wrong decision, at the wrong moment, out of survival. Maybe I would have broken the law. So that's why I choose to stay humble. Because with my background, a very high percentage of people end up in jails, institutions or even die, just because they made one bad choice, at the wrong time.

I understand that we are all afraid and grieving for many different reasons. We are all living in a very confusing time. There's chaos, wars and many other heart wrenching things happening all over the world. That's why it's so important to treat eachother with kindness, compassion and empathy. This is not the time to criticize and judge each other.

Thank and I love you all my friends and family.❤️🕊️❤️

❤️🕊️❤️ Namaste ❤️🕊️❤️
85 · Jul 2020
Theheartofman Jul 2020
What is your true value and worth? Is it eternal and divine? Or, is it based upon your earthly possessions and accomplishments?
83 · Jul 2020
Unique and special!
Theheartofman Jul 2020
We all grow differently because we are all unique and special.

[Do you think an Oak tree judges the tulip, for being so much smaller and weaker? Or, does he marvel and appreciate her for her beauty?] ❤️🕊️❤️
80 · Jul 2020
Life without limitations!
Theheartofman Jul 2020
I AM learning WHO I AM! I choose to own and accept my power and strength, without allowing other people's limitations and negativity to control me! I AM a child of light and love. If I'm too bright and loud for you. You better put some headphones and sunglasses on!😎🤖 Because I am not changing WHO I AM for anybody!

79 · Jul 2020
Fear is my battle field!
Theheartofman Jul 2020
"Fear is my battle field, Love is WHO I AM! I choose my love to enrapture me and protect me, as I stare my fears in the face!"
Theheartofman Jul 2020
Whether you believe in creation or evolution. I think the point is, our physical lives, aren't even blip on the radar, through the lens of eternity! I think that's the beautiful part of being human is we have the opportunity to see the purpose and meaning, every moment of every day. Perhaps that was our weakness in our God/Goddess forms? Perhaps finding the purpose and meaning in every minut details will help us create bigger, greater solar systems and better world's? ❤️🕊️❤️
77 · Jul 2020
What is love?
Theheartofman Jul 2020
Love to fear or fear to love? It is only the love of fear that gives fear power and strength!
74 · Jul 2020
My vibration of Love
Theheartofman Jul 2020
My vibration of Love and what it means to me:

I've always had the natural ability to really accept people for who they are and see the good in everyone. I've always believed in order to get to know someone, you have to look below the surface. Because, everyone has their masks on, it also takes a lot of courage and vulnerability to show our true and authentic self. So I've always had a deep fascination and curiosity about who people really are. Because of this, I've always seen the good qualities and the beauty in everyone I've met, internally and externally. Even my love relationships, that was the part of them I fell in love with.

Unfortunately, I've had the rude awakening, several times. You can't show people what they don't want to see. Because some people just don't see their true beauty and value. So, they gravitate towards a lower vibration of themselves. But I continuously try to remind and show the people in my life, how they are valuable and beautiful. Hopefully, so they can see and embrace that part of themselves that is perfect and divine for themselves.

These past few months I've had a real lesson in learning to love and accept myself. Self-love is how I pulled myself out of my depression this past winter. Ironically the good and beauty that I was trying to show in other people also existed in me. Just like everyone else, I was blinded from seeing my own good and unable to reach for it. I've really learned the lesson " you can't truly love anyone, until you love yourself". With this being a new lesson for me, I'm still very much at the juvenile stage. But, I learning to turn that patience, acceptance and understanding towards myself.

I'm learning to accept in this process of loving, accepting and understanding myself. I'm going to make a lot of mistakes. But, I just remind myself I'm not perfect and I'm not trying to be perfect. I'm just trying to be the best version of myself. It's been a few years since I've taken HAI level 2 "Loving yourself". I guess I'm just a slow learner. For the first time in my life, I'm patient enough with myself to be okay with that. I am hopeful as I keep going forward on this path of self discovery, I'll attract the perfect person for my life. Rather than feeling like I have to prove myself and impress everyone. Now I'm really learning to have healthy boundaries with people. The biggest one being, "if people can't accept me for who I am. Then their not meant to be apart of my life".
73 · Jul 2020
Theheartofman Jul 2020
I've learned that one the hard way to find out WHO I AM! But for the first time I'm really learning how to love myself and have real boundaries. The biggest one " if people don't accept me for WHO I AM, then their not meant to be part of my life."❤️🕊️❤️

My new attitude is, if I'm too bright and loud for you. You better put some headphones and sunglasses on because I'm tired of dimming my light. I am a child of light and love and I deserve to be seen!❤️🕊️❤️
Theheartofman Jul 2020
Healing yourself,
you are never actually by yourself. You are connected to the Universe.
So the healing you do in you,
becomes my healing.
The healing that I do within me, becomes your healing.
We are all fragments of the Universe/ God and interconnected beings.
When we realize that, we realize I AM is never about self as an individual, but as oneness with eachother,
that's when the real healing starts!
73 · Jul 2020
Lesson in humility
Theheartofman Jul 2020
Remember always be humble and kind. You never know how your light is healing and helping the people around you!❤️🕊️❤️
71 · Jul 2020
Theheartofman Jul 2020

I will always learn and grow, no matter what life throws at me. Because I AM a powerful mf, WHO doesn't know the meaning of giving up! I may fail and fall short sometimes. I always find a way to pick myself self up, dust myself off and try again. Sometimes, that just means I need to try it a different way! In the end I'll become a perfect version of myself and be WHO I AM meant to be!❤️🕊️❤️
Theheartofman Jul 2020
Every Warrior has their teachers, lessons and a path they have to walk. To learn the skills, to become the Warrior! Until, that moment they realize they have the strength and courage, to turn around and face their weaknesses and the things that scare them. Then, they start picking the battles worth fighting for!❤️🕊️❤️

At that point the student of life and love, becomes the teacher of life and love!
The best teachers are always humble and teachable themselves!❤️🕊️❤️

❤️🕊️ Aka "Courageous Dove"🕊️❤️
70 · Jul 2020
Learning the lessons
Theheartofman Jul 2020
I choose to learn the lessons rather then live in the insanity of (continuously doing the same thing expecting different results). I choose to learn, grow and become WHO I AM!❤️🕊️❤️
Theheartofman Jul 2020
If you are different and don't fit anyone's mold. That means your unique and special. It's never been someone who thought and acted like everyone else, WHO changed the world!

It's time to embrace, accept and appreciate WHO we really are! Then, just trust the Universe to take care of the rest! Rather than feeling like we need to fit into everyone little box and pretend we're something that we're not!

" I choose to be the change I want to see in the world."

It's not up to me to make everybody agree or except me. It's up to me to find the people who align with me that will love me!! ❤️🕊️❤️
Theheartofman Jul 2020
It's been a long road to help me realize what is important to me, who loves me and who I love. Because of my humble beginnings, I honestly didn't know what a family was or even what it means to love and be loved. My whole idea of love was based on what I did or how I acted. As a young adult, I realized my childhood, I was nothing more than a paycheck. No wonder it's taken me so long to understand what love really is. Trust me when I say I've hit a lot of bumps along the way, to figure that out. Realizing I AM love is reuniting being with the people who I love and love me the most.❤️🕊️❤️
65 · Oct 2024
Undress you with my mind!
Theheartofman Oct 2024
As I secretly admire your radiance and beauty.
With your perfect lips,
dark chocolate hair.
My desire to coress you,
to show you how much I care,
is too much for me to bare.
I feel a resistance within my mind.
How your shirt is draped over your shoulders.
You are truly divine!
As my mind wonders into sensuality!
As your radiance and grace, corrects me.
With your heart and soul barren!
As I admire you from afar.
You beauty exceeds what it would take me make a connection with you.
So I truly know the depth of your divine beauty and far it goes!
65 · Jul 2020
Living free by my heart!
Theheartofman Jul 2020
I have the choice do I want to listen to my heart, live wild, open and free? Or, be imprisoned by the negativity of my mind?
64 · Jul 2020
Theheartofman Jul 2020
It's important to me to give the people in my life the space, WHO chose the choices that define them and I choose to accept who they are!
Theheartofman Jul 2020
When I'm okay with being out of my comfort zone,
is when I'm
time I've fallen down
and gotten back up.
from my lesson,
from my mistakes,
62 · Jul 2020
How to choose
Theheartofman Jul 2020
"Usually the thing I find the hardest to do, is usually the thing I'm supposed to do!"
60 · Jul 2020
We are Love
Theheartofman Jul 2020
We are Love it is who we are! Everyone deserves to have their voices heard, in the spirit of acceptance and understanding. Regardless of what we've done or said. We are all imperfect beings trying to live this life the best we can. We all fall down and make mistakes, but we all need the space to forgive and be forgiven! In that space we can always come back to Love!❤️🕊️❤️

I love you all, my friends and family!

❤️🕊️❤️ Namaste ❤️🕊️❤️
58 · Oct 2024
Start a sacred fire
Theheartofman Oct 2024
I AM she, she is me.
Our division is only surface level to thee.
Your eternal grace and beauty exists within side of me.
Pleasure and desire has been so foreign to me.
Even the first word,
seems like an impossibility.
My chocolate haired beauty,
Your radiance and beauty,
Is so intimidating to me.
Speak to my heart and soul.
All the mysteries you want to learn and know. As a flame of passion, as we will remain.
A twin flame of the heart and soul,
we will remain in twain.
My chocolate haired beauty,
as we explore each others souls.
Connection, passion and love is all that we will know.
So let's fan each others fire,
as we are one.
My twin flame and bless'ed one!
#sacreddivinity #sacredfire #twinflame #connection #passion #love #chocolate #graceful #radiance #intimidating #heart #soul#explore ##blessed #mysteries #IAM #eachother
41 · Oct 2024
Chocolate haired beauty
Theheartofman Oct 2024
My chocolate haired beauty,
let's explore our doubts, shame an fears.
With love, compassion and sensitivity.
My chocolate haired beauty,
shoulders barren.
You've captivated my heart and soul.
My chocolate haired beauty.
My heart is open with a great curiosity.
As I undress you with my heart.
Gratitude and passion will be our spark.
It shall be divine, you and I in twain!

— The End —