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 Oct 2021 Shrika
brow creases lightly
piano sings a soothing song -
fingers in their turf.
We prepare ourselves
  for blood and screams
  and smoke machines
  old men chasing dreams
  live beyond our means
  bursting at the seams
  float our money schemes
  nothing as it seems.
Scary. Boo!
night's darkened mantle
respendently adorned
in stellar sparkles

tis like looking at
encrusted diamond jewels
on pitch black velvet
 Oct 2021 Shrika
David R
tapping on the door
filtered into my dreams
deep into my core
where life's not all it seems

it called me down from heights
shouting from afar
held on to its rights
as uncouth, loud film-star

i scraped through layer'd consciousness
caught amongst the briars
where all of matters dissonant
lusts and strange desires
memories beyond cognisance
images, ideas,
assume most hostile stance
and lie as tripping-wires

till I tumbled into renaissance
as dream like match expired,
extricat'd from barb o' lance
disoriented, groggy, tired,
as roused from petit-mal,
as babe from birth-canal.
Stumbled across the floor,
There was no-one at my door
Now, stranded on seashore
i close my eyes once more
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
 Dec 2020 Shrika
 Dec 2020 Shrika
There are no true monsters
only people,
people that made
killers and thieves,
by showing them their shortcomings
instead of their capacity to be good.
 Dec 2020 Shrika
 Dec 2020 Shrika
To that little childlike romantic,

I pray that you never lose hope.
I pray that you always see the good in people.
I pray that you keep on loving.

You always have been a gentle soul,
you never lost your softness and light
even as the world caved in.

To be honest,
I kind of envied you
I envied you for how deeply you can trust
I envied you for how you could still love
I envied you for the hope you brightly carry
even after what we have been through.

I’m so sorry for making you cry
with all my fears,
and heartbreaks.
I’m sorry for making you suffer
from the consequences of my actions
And the backlashes of my brokenness.
I appreciate you for staying by me,
even as our thoughts spiralled at 2 am,
even as the world gave up on us.  

As I reach out to you with these words,
I hope that we can find balance,
for you are the goodness and
I am wickedness,
for a brighter future for the both of us.

And lastly,
I want you to remember that you’re good enough, and that you matter.

The devil at the other side of the mirror
This is self care, i guess
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