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Her beauty is profound
Leaving me blinded and tongue tied

Her grace is majestic
Inspiring me to learn her secret language

Her intelligence is a sacrament
Enticing me to be baptised and take off my disguise

Her gaze is soul searching
Precipitating my inevitable spiritual rebirthing

Her beauty is profound
Leaving me enraptured and spell bound
she had the kind of beauty that was simply profound
 Nov 2020 Shrika
Sidharth Suraj
Sitting below this dim lit sky,
walking on this wet field of trinket rain.
I enjoy these stars in my glass of toxins,
I enjoy these salt trail that my tears made.
The smell of animosity in you is making me suffocated, it's drowning my self hatred.
Now my melting emotions make your face blurry.
Now you are almost lost in the statics of my thoughts.
 Nov 2020 Shrika
Sidharth Suraj
 Nov 2020 Shrika
Sidharth Suraj
Death fears me
So it takes what I love instead,
and it had took so many,
the scars doesn't bother much
But the vacuum remains etched in me.
Loosing the ones that bloom with your warmth
 Nov 2020 Shrika
Richard Graydon
Ghost droplets, after storms you remain,
Why? I can’t explain.
Perhaps to remember those lost in vain.
Just one more time.
I thought of this a while back after a heavy shower storm. It stopped raining but you could feel tiny droplets so I called them ghost droplets.
 Nov 2020 Shrika
Richard Graydon
The sun rises on our lush land,
Where friends work, hand to hand.
Where family live, a pleasant place.
Where people learn, a Student race.

Our people, happy as can be,
No quarrels, help is always free.
Never scared, our light never fades.
Forever rich, with brothers we trade.

When the bell of war, chimes it song.
We turn from the light, fight the wrong.
But fear not my brothers, remember who you are,
Dacian, through and through, spre victorie
 Nov 2020 Shrika
Richard Graydon
My life is just the worst,
All my pains, I feel like I’ll burst!
I’m not the genius I once was,
And I’ve learned many flaws!
Doesn’t that sound awful.
It’s like I’ve ripped out my heart and offal!
Her, my crush doesn’t recognise my love.
The bread I had was taken by a dove!
Mom and Dad don’t love me,
And I’m not who I thought I’d be!

But in the end,
oh well,
C’est la vie!
This is my attempt at writing something satirical, and in particular it’s satire on my view of the world. I tend to see the most minor of inconveniences as huge problems and they tend to bring down the importance of other problems in my life, but then at the same time I brush them off by saying “C’est la vie”, “that’s life for ya”. So ultimately I don’t know what the poem is meant to be about.
 Nov 2020 Shrika
Richard Graydon
You are kind without reason,
Picture perfect person.
With you, is like a spring season.
I slowly worsen.
Idk. This was written about my current crush at like 2am. It shows probably the only real reason i like her, my delusion of her and how I can’t see past my frame of mind, and how my rather awkward and probably short lived “obsession” effects me. I rather like it.
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