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 May 2014 Teemers
JJ Hutton
Poured into the tight pants,
the grey ones with the zipper
that's afraid of heights, and
guess what? They're really
wrinkled or very wrinkled
or **** wrinkled--but they're
the tight grey ones, assumed
the thighs and calves would
handle the ironing.
Ten minutes late,
usually more. The clock
in the car, the red beat-up
'02 Cavalier, is not behind
or ahead an hour, no it's
set to some vague time
because lateness has
replaced time so why
even worry. Blood pressure, etc.
Spray on the cologne kept
in the car. Could look
up ingredients in cologne
to describe the smell
but that would take
away a little something.
So say: it smells really good
or very good or **** good--
and move on.
Walk inside, unbathed and
sun burnt--well not completely
unbathed. Washed the hair
because it's a puffy, erratic
downer otherwise.
It's all about appearance,
the bosslady said when
she made the hire.
Slipped a little.
Big woop.
Cold called the Southside
Veterinary Clinic.
They'll allow a visit.
Pack it all in the bag,
the mouse pads,
the koozies, the actual
thing to be sold:
really heavy or very heavy
or **** heavy duty
coat treatment for canines.
The first one is on me, is said
as the package is handed over.
The vet wouldn't buy. Not then.
Probably not ever.
Ate an eighty-calorie bag of cookies.
Drank some coffee.
Stopped at the gas station, the
Conoco on 15th and Kelly,
and couldn't decide between
the fun size or the party size.
This is called the spectrum of grief.
Bought a pack of cigarettes.
Smoked three really quick
or very quick or **** quick,
like Mom might show up any
second and then tossed the pack
and the lighter.
Done with those. Forever.
This time. Or that time.
There was $20.89 in the
checking account and
a fresh girlfriend reminding
that today is one month.
Dinner. Dinner and wine.
You can sell only if you believe in the product.
Be really blunt or very blunt or **** blunt.
Stress is an art.
Create FUD (Fear, uncertainty and doubt).
It’s all about the presentation.

She's fresh and funny and so
self-conscious when she eats
spaghetti. Can't get
by with spaghetti
for the one-month.
No. No. No.
Be on fire and inspiring.
If you don’t know the answer, ask a question.
Answer inquiries concisely and loudly.
Humor is ****.
You can always be better. You can never be worse.

Call Mom, donate plasma or take the Xbox back.
Is this one forever?
Does forever mean dinner and wine
are necessary?
Or does forever mean that
the spectacle is frivolous?
In the cabinet at work
someone left blueberry bagels.
There's a microwave and a tub
of margarine that only
recently expired.
 May 2014 Teemers
Shayda H
Am I happy?
I don't know.
I haven't been for the longest time.
But I think I feel fine.
I feel great!
I don't hate.
The sun is out, and I'm about.
I'm not mentally rushing my day, just so I can go home.
I roam around now because I'm not missing out on something.
The days do feel longer, but I'm enjoying them.
I don't ask myself when I can leave.
I don't greive.
I like seeing my friends, and the joy wont end.
I am happy.
Very, very happy.
 May 2014 Teemers
Gina Hany
I told you I'm different, you didn't believe
You broke me in pieces,  but I didn't leave
I feel no peace. I feel no breeze
I feel like falling down on my knees
How could you not know me after all these years ?
I'm hurt. I'm lost.
I'm weak like your trust
But all I could do is treasure you
And hope you'd love me the way I love you

                                                         - Gina Hany
 May 2014 Teemers
Babu kandula
I can see eclipse in my life
Hope it was a while in my life
My shadow is leaving me
My smile is filled with tears
I can feel the loneliness
Even I am around hundreds of people
I call my yesterday happy day
Now I can call it is a dark day
I became helpless
And hopeless
What can I do today
Just remembering all my good
 May 2014 Teemers
Something must make you happy;
something must make you sad.
Humans cannot simply be.
Events construct emotions.
Something must be wrong with her-
An extra something, making her disturbed.
Removing that will fix her, yes?
An extra foot of hair- watch it fall from silver sheers;
an extra twenty pounds- watch as each disappears;
an extra pint of blood- feel it evaporate with old fears.
With everything wrong now gone there is no sorrow.

Sadness is not replaced with joy,
it's not replaced at all.
The hollow void must be filled somehow.
Something must be wrong with her-
A missing something, making her incomplete.
Adding that will fix her up, yes?
One more earring- a small silver pin;
One more scar- a memory on her skin;
One more boy- feel him feel her in sin.

Addition and subtraction won't make a person whole,
but it's too late now for her to walk away.
She's started a complex equation
and will never see the solution defined.
An explanation for the way I (used to) look.
 May 2014 Teemers
Komara Wyss
I hate your smell that lingers in my nose.
I hate the feeling of your skin on mine.
I hate my ears and how they're filled with your voice.

I hate my mind for replaying our perfect memories.
And I hate my eyes for watching.
I hate my tongue and how your name rolls right off it.
And I hate my mouth for refusing to catch the sound.

I hate my fingers for remembering the contours of your face.
I hate my feet for walking your way.
I hate my bed for being so big.
I hate this town for being so small.

I hate every book, t.v. show, movie, and song for reminding me of you.
I hate my heart for hurting so much.
I hate my soul for breaking in two.

if that stunning smile shall grace your perfect face, if joy will fill your eyes, if your laugh will carry through the air and capture someones attention, and if LOVE will lead you to someone else to find your happily ever after...

**Then I'm happy to say I'll love my hell and all it's warm weather.
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