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415 · Dec 2019
Coast of Cebu
The beautiful coast of Cebu,
What a view.
There comes an unexpected guests,
Dolphins following the waves of the sea.
It sure was beautiful scene.
Yet I wonder, this beautiful view reflected in memories of you.
This exotic beauty of nature will always reminds me of you.
this poem is dedicated to you Sneh.
248 · Jun 2019
Some Words
"Some words are only meant to say at that moment,
A feelings that carried away by aroma of sweetness
but when reality hits out soul,
Those words won't come out anymore,
It became frozen.
Only wishing those moments will come back again.
Those words that you have said,
Your plans for us,
Those might become a stone,
Will ended up into compromise.
A Fiction,
A Myth,
An Extinct.
And if that happens, I would love no more.
No more. No more."
This poem is meant for you Bunny, I hope you understand what I feel.
174 · Dec 2019
It's just a Dream
I dream about you last night,
For months I've wanted you to visit in my dreams but you never did.
When I dream about you,I felt really better.
A feeling that I never felt for long time.
I saw you, and you saw me and kept looking after me until you found me..
I wish it was never a dream
I wish I never wake up..
I wanna stay with you..
Right beside you..
This poem is dedicated to you, Sneh.

— The End —