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Elena Taylor Mar 2018
In a field of flowers, you look for the prettiest to pick. In a forest of trees, you go to the biggest and strongest tree for shelter, because the biggest are the oldest and the wisest, the ones you can count on the most.
You, my dear, are a pretty flower and a wise old tree all wrapped up into one very cute little human package.
Out of all the flowers and tree's I’d pick you first because your beauty comes from within and you’re wisdom has come with age.
Elena Taylor Mar 2018
She had eyes the color of stone.
Her hair reflected the sun.
All the warmth in the world, it couldn’t keep her warm.
She had kissed the devil himself.
She held the liquor on the top shelf,
So she’d have something to work for before she drank herself to death.
It’s girls like her, who beg on the inside.
Their cries are loud, just not quite loud enough.
They surround themselves with darkness and despair.
They have no one to hold up their hair in the dark of the night.
So they cry alone, alone after midnight.
Elena Taylor Mar 2018
I’m trying so hard to fight it.
Fight off the darkness I’ve battled with all my life.
The loneliness I was born in to, and the sadness I have become accustomed to.
I’m trying so hard to fight it.
I’ve gotten to such a good place in my life and now I’m struggling to move forward.
The past is calling to me, telling me to come back.
The future whispers in my ear delightful promises that seem so unobtainable.
I’m trying so hard to fight it.
The battle within me. The battle my mind is fighting against my heart.
My emotions driving, logic and reasoning sitting in the passenger seat.
How did I start to spin out of control yet again?
It’s hard to move forward when you were born into rejection.
See once you’re rejected once, you fear it the rest of your life.
It’s crippling, it keeps you from chasing your dreams and taking risks.
I’ve done such a good job of pushing myself to do both those things. Speaking my mind freely and doing as I please.
But the darkness is back, it seems to be erasing all my years of hard work.
Elena Taylor Mar 2018
I've been holding on to what I thought was a piece of you, now I realize it’s just a piece of me that died when I was with you.
Elena Taylor Mar 2018
She died for you. It’s no secret. She would have done anything for you, and her all just wasn’t enough for you. She died silently in her room, gasping for air in between hot tears falling backward up her face. clutching sheets of paper that only mean something to her, wondering what she did wrong, what more could she have done.
She is the kind of girl who puts her all into something and neglects herself. She’s the kind of girl who needs a guy who does the same. The kind of relationship where if they both aren’t looking out for one another they will just wither away.
She died for you, you killed her.
Her eyes hold the worlds triumphs and failures within them. She was born into a selfish world, and yet she made you her world. You took her for granted and because of that, she wilted, like a lonely flower in the desert sun.
Now she walks around, a lifeless vessel. Her beauty attracting the breathing, her smiles so deceiving. Her stench so intoxicating, who knew the scent of a broken heart could be so appealing? Drawing the boys in with her all-knowing eyes, not knowing she walks around with just an empty space her heart should fill.
She died for you. She gave you her all for nothing in return. Someone who gives all of themselves away at once soon has nothing left to give.
Elena Taylor Mar 2018
I came into this world void. I was so empty, so vulnerable. Just an uninhabited vessel that was dropped into some woman’s womb, I guess the feeling of emptiness was too much for her. Even the blood of my blood was turned off. Discarded like a used bottle, tossed into the sand, waiting to be carried away by the waves. The waves carried me; they carried me far away from the birthplace of this lonely vessel. As I grew up I found things to fill me up, but eventually, they dissolve. They disintegrate. Something turns to nothing, and I’m left with the crumbs of what could have been. Crumbs that fall through my hands and onto the floor, crushing them into dust that’s swept away by the wind. Who loves the broken? The worn down? Who wants a container that leaks out emotions uncontrollably, begging for anyone to listen? The embellishments and improvements I made failed to distract. Failed to distract from the overwhelming sadness and emptiness that radiates off of me.
Elena Taylor Mar 2018
They say if you pray enough for a blessing, and if you aren’t messing around, it’ll come your way. I’ve been praying all night long, I’ve been trying to get the words to say. But I’m tired of trying to contact the one above. No disrespect but I’m losing all faith in love. How can someone love a heart as broken as mine? How can someone want to hold a cold hand like mine? Maybe it’s not faith in love I’m losing after all. Maybe its faith in myself, and the fear of letting down everyone. I’m afraid of taking chances because many time they’ve been dead ends. I’ve lost my friends along the way.
But the girl who sitting in my soul seems she’s decided to stay. It’s all tear stains from now, no more smiles, yet no more tears. I’ve cried all the ones I’ve kept bottled up for all these years. Life can be so unfair, yet so can the rules of love.
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