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Dec 2020 · 165
Painful Void
SpecialK Dec 2020
I cant cope with this void in my soul
you know the one that I should control.
Its something I just cant seem to fix
does any know if that makes me sick.

There's nothing I can do to soothe this pain
keep feelin these feelings again and again.
I heard the fix comes from deep within
but its like a battle I just cant seem to win..

Docs just want to give you some pills
but the side effects they make you ill.
They just dont ease that mental pain
that keeps stabbing my heart again and again.

I battle with myself on a daily basis
please god take me to that oasis.
But the pain that my family will feel
I will cause them pain they cannot heal.

The guilt of the thoughts tear my heart in two
I can't find a way, don't know what to do.
Should I be selfish or should I be kind
I don't want to destroy those I leave behind.
Sep 2020 · 150
God chose you Caroline
SpecialK Sep 2020
When I look up to the heavens
My heart sits heavy in my chest
I know its where you have to be
Cos God chose you to finally rest

When I look up to the heavens
I wish I had one more day
Just one last conversation
But god said you had to go away

When Iook up to the havens
Its your face I see
I know youre watching over us
We're just not prepared for you to leave

When I look up to the heavens
I know thats where youll stay
But I know if given the chance
You'd come take this pain away

When I look up to the heavens
Its clear god only takes the best
I wish you were still here with us
But god chose you to finally rest
To my step mum forever in my heart
Oct 2018 · 388
21st Century Dating
SpecialK Oct 2018
So this dating game where do I start
It’s scary being out there offering my heart

My heart rules my head
My head answers back

If I fall for them will they be true
I am the last of the old generation

Online dating what happened to face to face
I cannot keep up with the swipes or the pace

What happened to good old fashion communication

Will I have to rely on technology and apps to find my man
May 2018 · 229
Ending this chapter
SpecialK May 2018
As I make I make my final steps of this chapter
I look forward to what is to come

I’ve been broken and bruised and back again
But I’m moving forward I’m my number one!

As I prepare for Malta I dream
Of Sunnier climates and family galore

Who needs a man for a happy ever after
My family is what my soul craves more

The unconditional love that knows no boundaries
No fake I loves just heart felt vibes

Once there was a time I had fallen but this
Is the time that I rise
Apr 2018 · 201
SpecialK Apr 2018
When you feel like your not enough for the world
But more importantly yourself

What route do you go what road do you take
How do you fill the void you feel within

How do you fill up the emptiness within your heart
Can you inject the filling to help me ease the pain

Is this a condition is there a cure
Does anyone know cos I have no clue

When you don’t know how to love yourself what are you to do
Feb 2018 · 659
SpecialK Feb 2018
Can you see me in the cold light of day,Do I look pretty
Can you see me in the cold light of day, Do I look look unhappy
Can you see me in the cold light of day, Do I look broken on the floor

Yes you can see me
I am beautiful
I am happy
I am repaired from your touch

You are lost
You are unhappy
You are broken

Reactions caused by your own actions

Learn from your regret and take time to reflect
Grow and develop be a better version of you

When you meet that special person give them them someone new and improved
Jan 2018 · 290
SpecialK Jan 2018
It dawned on me your getting old
What if my feelings were never told

What if we were both wrong and strong
What if I allowed this to carry on

My heart told me to reach out to you
To see if we could start a new

To rebuild new foundations
To build upon with new relations

So here we are a brand new chapter
Me and my dad may get the happy ever after

I cannot wait for the day
Cannot wait for 5th May

Me and my dad together again
Putting our feud to an end
Jan 2018 · 241
SpecialK Jan 2018
I write my own poetry
That’s one thing you don’t know about me

Helps me to express myself
To balance out my emotional health

To get out the things affecting me
Sometimes the feelings I won’t let you see

Those feelings deep within my soul
Ones deep beyond any control

I’m my own counsellor you see
Nobody else can help me but me

Pen to paper I start to express
Working towards my own happiness

Everyone needs their release
Balance themselves and find their peace
Jan 2018 · 195
SpecialK Jan 2018
Focusing on my goals and growth
2018 I made some oaths

To develop my self and push the lines
Leave the fear and blockers behind

To build my relations with my father
To try can achieve the happy ever after

To push my career take the next step
Too push myself to new depths

To take a plunge and make the leap
For I am strong I am not weak

Conquer my demons focusing head on
I’ll be a winner and and will say I have won

Here is to me and myself
Here is to success and emotional wealth
Jan 2018 · 241
Tales of a broken heart
SpecialK Jan 2018
My Daddy never put me first
It messed me up was just the worst

My Boyfriend put me 2nd best
It broke my heart I was just a mess

A host of heartache and pain
Let this **** happen again and again.

I made mistakes and didn’t put myself first
No return on emotional investment is just the worst

2017 you **** ***
2018 is approaching fast

This time though it’s all about me 
Both in tact, my heart and integrity 

The only person number 1 is me
Before you approach me you must agree

The emotional investment I make in you
Is reciprocated, I will never be made to feel blue

For now I’m good by myself 
Investing in me and my personal wealth

2018 is sure to be my year
My heart will sing and not shed a tear.
Jan 2018 · 233
The fling that went to far
SpecialK Jan 2018
Oh my gosh you drive me insane
How can I allow you to cause this pain

I wasn’t meant to get in your bed
You weren’t supposed to get in my head

This was not what I projected
to feel hurt and fully rejected

Let’s just be friends you said
Then your stupid actions mess with my head

I just need me to be strong
Just do me and carry on

To get you out of my heart and head
To think of positives instead

You will only break my heart
I will only go back to the start
Jan 2018 · 1.3k
Note to myself
SpecialK Jan 2018
When you look for love in all the wrong faces
It just leads you to end up in dark places

If you let someone control how you feel
How the hell are you meant to heal

Take some time out on concentrate on yourself
I keep telling you work on your emotional wealth

You need time to learn to love you
And feel positive about what you say and do

To look in the mirror and the reflection
And recognise your perfect imperfections
Jan 2018 · 214
Love Me
SpecialK Jan 2018
I’m beautiful kind funny and smart
If only I could mean it straight from my heart

Confidence and self esteem I lack
Which means the decisions I make are wack

I punish myself through my actions
Which means negativity then gains traction

Changing actions gets results
Will bring this negativity to a halt

It’s strength and focus that I need
In order for me to positively succeed

2017 is Now at the end
Hopefully heartbreak will be on the mend

Hopefully then I can work on myself
Building up my emotional wealth

Forget what I can’t change and focus on what I can.
Positivity and light will then go hand in hand

2018 I’m coming for you  
By the end the words I speak will be from the heart and true
Jan 2018 · 228
Repairing my broken heart
SpecialK Jan 2018
I find myself full of unrest
A heavy heart upon my chest

Trying to find a brand new path
And repair myself from the last

As I try to focus myself
To build upon my spiritual wealth

A little voice inside of me
Shouting, is this how it has to be

Wrestling with all my might
To make the decision that is right

To reward myself with happiness
And remove myself from all this stress.

I must dig deep within my soul
Accept the new and leave the old.

Putting myself as number 1
Means that the best is yet to come
Jan 2018 · 355
I need to love myself
SpecialK Jan 2018
She said love yourself but where do I start
I look deep down within my heart

Something is not there in my soul
Something that only I should behold

I look in the mirror all I see is sadness
This can’t continue this is madness

How can I expect love from someone else
First I must love and respect myself

To repair the damage That ive done
To love myself be my number 1

How do I do this I am unsure
Does anybody know the cure
Jan 2018 · 237
My Dad
SpecialK Jan 2018
you were supposed to show me the way in life,
to protect me
show me how I am supposed to be loved by a man correctly
to help me with my homework to make sure I reached my full potential.
you and mum then divorced
your actions then on in were only detrimental
to my future, messed with my emotions
When mum got really ill, I reached out to you
but you rejected me ,really disrespected me
Your daughter, flesh and blood once was the apple of your eye
Thought you would take care of me but all you did was make me cry
U turned you back on me
but im supposed to be your family
But wait you  met someone new.. she already  had 2 kids
ready made family for you
You let me go through the government system that they call foster care
You came and visited me through the holidays maybe here and there
You tell me you didnt have the money to take care of me
but wait
you had money to feed your other family
your blood does not run through their veins
You Mr Should be ashamed
****** , mental, physical abuse and foster care
where were u I needed you there
You left me to suffer but want me to call you dad
That is one thing I can say from the age of 8 I never really had.
We have now come to a cross road
I've adressed you about  your actions
was never expecting that explosion , your reactions
Grow up she says.
you dont know how hard it was you said.
Your mum made it difficult you said
Excuse excuse excuse.
The men that want to be a dad fight with every breath they have.
I gave you an opportunity to put things right
I thought we could have a relationship I thought it was in site.
You slammed the door in my face, rejecting me once again.
Now at the age of 30 all I have are memories, anger and pain
Jan 2018 · 320
Moving on
SpecialK Jan 2018
Ip dip me or her
How did I not know my worth

You found me at my lowest eb
Spun me lies and made a web

A period full of deceit
Made me cry made me weep

Now I am strong your egos bruised
I’m no longer here for you to use

I hear the sounds come out your lips
And it’s my *** you can kiss

I found my worth repaired my heart
Now it’s time for a brand new start

One without you involved
You narcacist are out in the cold

— The End —